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Tom Dennen
Message Tom Dennen

In the Kingdom of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is King.


Tom Dennen


It seems to me that most of the 'conspiracy theorists' are regurgitators (no offense it’s a progression of insight) so there's a lot of repetition and craziness that comes from an inability to properly analyze murky situations without the help of the investigative journalists (eighty percent of which have been fired – see JF Kennedy Jr. on the failings of the Mainstream Media) to connect the dots.

So they are all trying to connect the dots without any training and so possibly sound a tad demented because, of course, they are angry.

All very well.

Here are two dots that can easily be connected:

1. The disappearance of the ubiquitous electric tramcars in the United States – An historian named Christopher Snell nicely points out that GM bought them up, turned off the electricity and changed them into consumers of automotive products and,

2. Prohibition - an Amendment primarily used to prevent American farmers from producing cheap, efficient, clean-burning alcohol fuel (lots of data on that.)

Qui Bonum?

Big Oil.

Run down who owns Big Oil and you can rub out the rough edges of at least one conspiracy theory.

I'm just slowly working a huge pile of conflicting stuff to perhaps reach some clarity in the situation.


Here’s a short, clear summary from Global research by Professor John McMurtry:


“The most instructive moments in America's history have been forgotten - for example, the 1776 American Revolution itself which Benjamin Franklin said was most of all to wrest back control over the issuing of money from the private Bank of England; Abraham Lincoln's issue of “greenbacks” to go over the head of the New York bankers' demand of 17% compound interest to fund the war for the Union; and FDR's historic New Deal which guaranteed minimum economic security and put people back to work in rebuilding the real economy. Yet not even the Depression has demanded the economic reset now required to resolve the coinciding energy, environmental, employment and financial crises confronting America and the world.” **

Back to conspiracies:

Watch just one the very specific videos of the 'squib' shots firing from the WTC buildings (while listening to one of the many demolition experts online), forget the 'official' version of events (holes like Swiss cheese anyway if you actually read it, like the Warren Commission’s crazy bullet theory) and try to work it out for yourself.


It gets crazy if you’re not used to it and if you start talking about it; you sound crazy because you have been prejudicially grouped into a club already defined as crazy - I know.

It may be a funny world but we’re running out of time on it.


So where did it all begin and is there some kind of Unified Theory of History that at least tries to unravel the tangle of what are obviously quite ‘necessary’ (to the authors) conspiracies loose on the world? *


If I were one of the first cavemen to become aware of my difference from other animals, my I-amness, I would notice that many other cave men around me had not discovered this self-awareness, yet were communicating and functioning as groups.


What would I do?


With awareness comes questioning and learning. Would I attempt to teach them? How? How did I become self-aware beyond what I thought was awareness?


To survive, I would have to share my knowledge – fire, weapon techniques and technology, herding animals for food, where the best fruit was and when it was there and I could probably do that.


But I would Know. The others would be simply following.


 I would need some kind of community to help me develop and control this knowledge of awareness and I would look for others like myself.


I’m told in ‘Esoteric Agenda’ that the Bush family has direct line to one of the original One-eyed families.




How would you deal with group-functioning but blind cavemen?


They are obviously not aware entities of the same mold as you because they can’t offer you any indication of the existence of secondary self-awareness.


Perhaps you’d see them as just very bright animals, with you as one step away from their intellect, the no longer just cagey animal but a new human being with insight, perception and accumulating knowledge, leading these bright beasts, training them to keep the fire going, so to speak.


And the seasons pass and you try to figure out the Moon and the Stars..


And you meet with others of your kind, those who have woken to the new light, who have experienced the transition first from animal to human, and then from semi-aware neurolinguistically-programmed-aware human to the human being who has known the spiritual death and rebirth, the ‘enlightenment’ of the twice born human, which all religions point to as their goal in the knowledge of God, leading the still blind humans who perceive themselves as aware, yet have not experienced the mini death, the Existential Moment, the rebirth, the enlightenment.


And you band together.


And you keep the Families intact: No strays; you do not interbreed.


You amass and keep all the treasure you can.


You know what treasure is – you define it.


And, over the huge history of Man, you lead and control through the ownership of that treasure, you, the One-Eyed Men, lead the rest of course by manipulation viewed as ‘conspiracies’!


And so you realize that power does corrupt.


The whole world is operating on the cumulative thinking of mostly dead men, some right some proved misled.


And the thinking that came from the cauldron of their historical contemporaries building on the dead mens’ intellectual discoveries - philosophic; religious, political, the Laws of Physics and economics and others that accumulated over the centuries, brought us to where we are today..


But because not enough of that thinking could see far enough into the future (the Mayan Indians’ Calendar et al notwithstanding), the past has finally caught up to us with the (in hindsight) fairly predictable, mundane and mechanical situation we now find ourselves in particularly in the Capitalist western world where, quite simply, legal theft through usury is coming to an end.


But, as traditional Islam would have it, “write it off.”


Or as Christians would have it, “forgive us our sins.”




It is our time to be alive: We are not yet dead men.


And we are all of us alive at this moment in history with a huge opportunity to reinvent the meaning and functioning of our collective existence.


This time, the time of our collective existence on this planet is also the only time we have to totally reinvent ourselves as human beings or pass the baton and I’d rather not do that.


It is more than obvious today that the basic teachings underpinning all religions need to be reexamined by all their practitioners and brought back into the one concept that they all agree on:


Love one another.


Not exactly unfamiliar is it?


It’s just that none of us practice it.


Why not?


Short term sociologically blinkered benefits, usually, driven by selfishness, greed and a loss of respect for Nature.


Isn’t it time to learn from history?


Or are we bent on our own destruction because we cannot see – or look – further than the ‘instant gratification’ of our own skin-cocooned egos?


Or is the destruction of the cocooned ego a natural step to our becoming metaphysical butterflies?


Destructive as we are, everything we do is part of ‘nature’.


** John McMurtry is Professor Emeritus, University of Guelph, Canada, Author and Editor of Philosophy and World Problems, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), UNESCO. Paris. He is the author of  Value Wars: The Global Market versus the Life Economy (London:2002), The Cancer Stage of Capitalism (London and Tokyo: 1999, 2002), Unequal Freedoms: The Global Market As An Ethical System (Toronto and Bloomfield Ct: 1998, 2000)


”We already know that Moses (Akhenaten) plagiarized much of the old testament from earlier sources, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh. (As a side note it must be remembered that what we consider theft of ideas today was considered perfectly acceptable literary behavior in that age. It was the labor-intensive book which was considered the thing of value, rather than the stories it contained.)

“Based on recent archaeological evidence, it appears that the story of the Exodus from Egypt actually came from the history of the Hyksos, rather than the Hebrews. But it makes for a good tale and Moses copied it along with his other "research."

“Religious documents are just that. They are documents about stories and beliefs; told around campfires by primitive people who really did not know how the world worked or the universe came into being and so they just made it all up as entertainment. Where possible they fitted in other stories they heard from before, some true, some fictional, and blended it together into a hodgepodge of folklore.

“But it is not history. And it is not science. And killing other people over it all is just plain stupid.” – whatreallyhappened.com


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Tom is a contributor to public debate on issues affecting our survival; works with a London and a South African think tank, is a working journalist and author.
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