After the "shocking" dismissal of Barnett vs Obama - which was shocking only if you hadn't been paying attention, or were a Birther, or both (which often goes without saying) -- Orly Taitz and her flying monkeys have been making a lot of noise, as you might well expect. Judge Carter has been vilified. Obama has been promised more lawsuits. Everyone, everywhere is going to get taken to jail for treason. La la la la.
One interesting voice in all this has been silent thus far, at least on this matter. Alan Keyes, who had Orly representing him in this matter, has yet to weigh in on the matter on his blog. Instead he's gone on about the "New Totalitarians" at Whirled Nut Daily, and talked about Dede Scozzafava's leaving the race in NY's 23rd Congressional District. No word yet about how he got conned by Orly's incompetence. Accountability, much, Alan?
Speaking of WND, Terry Krepel has another piece at Huffington Post looking into how that august, dependable media body has failed to have any sense of journalistic integrity when covering her.
Why would WND do this? Because it has a lot invested -- the reputations of the website and its employees, from Joseph Farah on down, not to mention a money-generating side business -- in the birther conspiracy, and in Taitz. If Taitz is discredited, the birther conspiracy is too ... and so are Farah and WND.
Therefore, WND must hide the truth about Taitz from its readers. They can't know the increasingly shaky foundations upon which its signature conspiracy rests.
h/t to Oh For Goodness Sake
And finally, Doc Conspiracy over at Obama Conspiracy Theories has an admittedly speculative piece up, wondering if maybe, just maybe, Orly is more victim than victimizer in all this.
So yes, Orly Taitz is batshirt crazy, but I am not ready to call her evil. I see her as a victim of unscrupulous characters, her repressive upbringing in the Soviet Union, the anti-Obama smear campaign from the 2008 election, her anti-Muslim prejudice, her own obsessive character, and the seductive nature of fame itself. Once she loses her license to practice law, the fame of the crusading lawyer dries up. She will go back to being a nobody. That could be a crushing blow. I see Orly Taitz, "queen bee of the birthers as an essentially tragic figure in the making.
And I'd send you over to AXJ's forum for more post-Carter yuks and schadenfreude, but as of this writing it's been down for three days. Cruel humor on the behalf of us "forgers" will have to be found elsewhere.