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J. Edward Tremlett is a lot of things, currently. He's back in the states after a seven-year stint in Dubai, UAE. He's been published in such diverse places as The American Partisan, the International American, The End is Nigh, Pyramid Magazine and Worlds of Cthulhu.
He's proudly in the thrall of the evil people who make bad things happen all around the world. He gets paid to shill for them on sites just like this, and is well-paid to do so. He also stole your car, ate your lunch, and had an amazing time with your lover while you were at work. But don't tell anyone. The machine is listening, always.
Please be aware that numerous things that are said are not to meant be taken seriously. Please be aware that serious things that are said are meant to be taken numerous ways. Please be seriously numerous with those things that are meant but not said, rather than said but not meant. Please be. : )
Monday, January 8, 2018 (4 comments) SHARE The Wolff in the Fold
If you want a snapshot of just how badly-run the Trumpf White House is, you need only consider their foolish ignorance of the threat Michael Wolff presented to their already-questionable image.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017 (35 comments) SHARE A Victory for a Night, a Loss for the Future
Doug Jones' win over the odious Roy Moore is good news, yes, but the particulars of the race bode ill for the health of our two-party system.
Monday, January 9, 2017 (1 comments) SHARE Goodnight Birthers -- Everywhere
Goodnight to the birthers. And good morning to something a lot less pleasant.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016 (9 comments) SHARE Fear and Consequences
The Fear has Hit the Fan, and now we all gotta duck. Get your autopsy while it's hot and relevant. And then decide which fear you'll embrace.
Friday, May 30, 2014 (9 comments) SHARE Dinesh D'Felon
It looks like Dinesh D'Souza has just destroyed his career as a conservative scold. Or is this all part of the plan...? Let's engage in some irresponsible speculation to try and find the truth!
Saturday, January 25, 2014 (9 comments) SHARE Dinesh D'Loser
Disingenuous Dinesh D'Souza shows us all how conservative intellectuals roll -- into and out of Federal Court, at any rate
Friday, December 13, 2013 (2 comments) SHARE GodZimmerman Strikes!
He stomps! He stares! He shoots! No army can stop him! No courts can prosecute him! Large and untouchable, he rampages! Can anyone end his reign of terror... or does anyone care to?
Monday, December 17, 2012 (1 comments) SHARE The Post-Connecticut Violent Media Bait and Switch
Should we talk about gun control after yet another school shooting? No. Conservative media would rather talk about violent video games and movies, instead. And, sadly, they're not the only ones.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012 (10 comments) SHARE To My Conservative Friends and Family
A gentle plea for civility and cooperation rather than divisiveness and anger, as America moves forward to new challenges. Can we work ALONGSIDE the President, rather than AGAINST him?
Sunday, September 2, 2012 (6 comments) SHARE Mitt Romney -- the Accidental and Reluctant Candidate
Are you worried that Mitt Romney will be the next President of the United States? So is he, apparently. But why is Mitt Romney NOT committed to the campaign he's just truly embarked upon? It's a four-part lesson in art, history, strategy, and unintended consequences.
Friday, March 11, 2011 (10 comments) SHARE WND's Joseph Farah Finally Admits he's a Birther
After several months of insisting that, in spite of helping create and popularize the greatest non-issue of the Obama Administration, he was not, himself, a Birther, Joseph Farah has finally slipped up and admitted that he is, though he may not be entirely aware of his mistake (yet).
Monday, December 20, 2010 (5 comments) SHARE A Challenge to Birthers - Pay Lakin Back
Terry Lakin is in jail, tonight. The Birthers helped put him in there. They are morally obligated to make certain he and his family are provided for once he leaves prison. The question is, will they?
Monday, November 22, 2010 (3 comments) SHARE Saul Anuzis' Racist Friend
The former head of Michigan's GOP wants Michael Steele's job, but he has one massive skeleton rattling in his political closet. What's his connection to the notorious Kyle Bristow?
Monday, October 18, 2010 (33 comments) SHARE Democrats vs. Republicans / Disappointment vs. Disaster
Once again, some of the rightfully angry would prefer we break our toys and go home, rather than play the game with its currently crooked rules and skewed outcomes. But if we do that, we risk our nation sliding back into a replay of the Bush II years. Do we really want to live through another disaster rather than risk disappointment?
Sunday, September 19, 2010 (4 comments) SHARE Disingenous Dinesh Rides Again
Dinesh D'Souza thinks he has President Obama all figured out. But is his new political book just as much of an intentional stinker as his previous one? If the facts in it are as shoddy as his Forbes cover story on how Obama thinks, I'd have to say "yes."
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 (6 comments) SHARE Anti-Muslim Mania - Come on Babe, Don't Light that Fire
You know that I would be fool - You know that I would be a schmuck - If I was to burn the Noble Koran just to make some kind of point that I don't seem capable of understanding anyway because alien insect people took away my ability to make good decisions - and I know that none of that rhymed, anyway.
Sunday, August 15, 2010 (10 comments) SHARE Obama's Mosque Stance Reveals President We Never Had
The good news is that Barack Obama is a passionate defender of others' rights. The bad news is that he's not very passionate about other things - especially a truly progressive agenda. It's time to realize who we've got in the Oval Office, and get to work on getting HIM to work - for us.
Friday, May 21, 2010 (1 comments) SHARE Birther LTC Lakin's Lawyer's Lies
I sure hope LTC Lakin wasn't hoping his appearance on Anderson Cooper was going to HELP his case. If anything, it shot the boat out from under him. How much lawyerese can you handle?
Monday, April 26, 2010 (12 comments) SHARE Why LTC Lakin's Birther Quest Is Doomed
It's a sad thing to see an intelligent, well-spoken person committing career suicide for such a poor reason. It's sadder still to know, even from the sidelines, that he doesn't have a chance in Hades of accomplishing his goal - unless that goal was to be punished for insubordination.