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Diary    H3'ed 1/9/10

The Jihad Against India: the True Holy War of Islam

christopher diamant
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Now is the Veil of ISIS to fall forever

Because the Mission of Islam was to convert India and their failure in overcoming the Cow of Hathor which still walks freely over the ground of India sit blindly watching this beast which rules over them in their affliction by which Isis has ruled this earth through them she exacts her toll on to this day and this hour: but which is now at it's end.

The Time has come when I must now unmask Isis and her beast by which the great beast of Megatherion which is that Mind that is "a beast with a hand" that is it's trunk or "mental grasp" by which the Mystery of the Great Whore sits Unseen on as the Seat of Hell on Earth by which Death sits and rules in the darkness that is the Light of India projected to this Day and Hour.

It is the story of Blind Men and the Elephant which is the transmitted tale of the Sufis by which they have sent the real context and problem that enlightened men must now know to understand the failed Mission of Islam to convert India which the formal religionists took from the Guidance of the Sufis and tried to do without them; thus appearing as "blind men" because they lacked the special qualities of the Sufis in seeing the true causes and barriers which converting India from it's ancient blindness would have to be corrected at the essential root causes which reached back to the Fall of man and the advent of the fallen angels themselves.

India has now reached it's Apotheosis

It is time to break the Staff of Mammon that is the Caste System of Oppression that India still upholds in the name of the Oppressor who is lucifer; the King of Babylon; and Babylon means the "gate of the gods"; that Abyss opened between the winged legs of every Hindu by which Isis opens her wings and lets the fallen angels bring forth their dark smoke of fallen angelic lust which every Hindu women serve Ganesh as the hideous familial god of hearth and home by which Isis entertains her countless Kama Sutric lovers as of the daughters of men with their fallen angelic consorts to this day and hour: for the End hath come; it is Over.

In breaking the backbone of Satan the Devil which stands and denies 300,000,000 Untouchables any rights or dignity or freedom. It is this unveiling which signals the end of this refuge of the "sanctuary of lies" which the "hail" of Truth sweeps away.

And no one in Western Society gives a Damn; but I do: and I am Done: I have had it: Enough is Enough: the End for India this day and hour has Come: I declare war on Isis and her Sacred Cow of Hathor; I call for every Cow in India to be slaughtered and their flesh to be given to the Untouchables for their divinity to be restored that was stolen from them: the Aryan race itself which is that of the Asuras; the angels who are demonized as devils in a society in which men starving must die while the Cow of Isis walks past and steps over their dying bodies.

Now is Come the final Hour of this Oppression by the King of Babylon; and the End of the Exactress who Babylon the Great is who makes men serve a beast that is held above them: when men are more than beasts: and far more than Hathor; the Sacred beast of ISIS; MYSTERY herself; hidden before the eyes of the world until now.

In bringing this Jihad of the True Holy war against India I call for no physical arms; for that is the false Jihad; I fight the True Jihad; the internal one of the mind and the heart by which the soul that lives in the body of Man can overcome the metal shackles of the Great Beast; Mega Therion; the Elephant of India that is the "Beast with a Hand" that the Elephant with it's Trunk symbolizes of old.

That this beast supports the false pantheon of the gods on this earth to this day must now be laid bare; and Justice enacted to free the Shadow of America and it's 300 Million Citizens that the 300 Million Untouchables in India live in and as today: this muct now end; the hail that sweeps away the sanctuary of lies that hides in the breat of India as of the folds of ISIS and her skirts of injustice and crual despair which are the daily bread of India's enslaved shadows of humanity deprived of all hope or equality: NO MORE; I say:



The Unicorn of the Crown of Glory

For those who must now take the Final Jihad I must now announce the End of the System of things which India represents as the stronghold of the gods; the last outpost of the gods of Olympus who rule the darkness that is so great in the soul of India and the death which must now come to that unholy beast of ISIS;

The End of that fallen MYSTERY herself; hidden before the eyes of the world.

In looking at the "True Jihad" we must listen to the testimony of Muhammed when he and his men came back from a bloody battle where not a few men had been wounded and a few killed; for he then said to his astonished men these words:

"Let us go and now fight the Jihad." ( Holy War )

Muhammed's men said to him; "Fight the Jihad? What are you speaking of? We have just fought all day and we are wounded sore and some have even died? What "Jihad" is this you speak of?"

Muhammed looked at them and simply said:

"The True Holy War is against the Self"

It is this to which King David referred when he said these compelling words;

"Better is he who ruleth his own spirit than he who taketh a City".

Whether it is Zion or Mecca both Muhammed and David knew the true battle of the Holy War is against the false sense of identity by which the old serpent stands revealed as the Old Ego itself; whose internal vanquishing is the only liberation there can be to those who seek the external one; for first the inside of the cup must be cleansed before the outer one can really be attended to; as the Word of Allah known as Isa in the Holy Qur'an so wisely said.

In now bringing this Jihad of the True Holy War against India I call for no physical arms; for that is the false Jihad; I fight the True Jihad; the internal one of the mind and the heart by which the soul that lives in the body of Man can overcome the mental shackles of the Great Beast; Mega Therion; the Elephant of India that is the "Beast with a Hand" that the Elephant with it's Trunk symbolizes of old; but now this ancient oppression must end and end forever; and the children of light trapped in it's darkness come to ISVARA:

THE LORD who returns upon:


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My writing career began when I had a number of visions and experiences in a continuing epiphany that has never really ended; and this is due to the fact that I had an angel appear to me in the guestroom at my grandmother Ruth Witt-Diamant's (more...)

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