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My writing career began when I had a number of visions and experiences in a continuing epiphany that has never really ended; and this is due to the fact that I had an angel appear to me in the guestroom at my grandmother Ruth Witt-Diamant's house in San Francisco in 1986: and it was then and there I was given my mission, after I made my vow of eternal chastity.
I was never going to be a writer, having been born in Nuremberg in 1955 on April 18th in a US Army hospital, but I am an American citizen, and was brought back to SF to begin what has now turned into a life beyond mortal ken
As a musician growing up in the tumultuous 60's in the City of St. Francis I was on the golden road to Fame and Fortune; before I discovered that Fame and Fortune are the Name and Number of the Beast. Those who achieved stardom did so incidentally; it was the Message which moved them, wealth and notoriety meant nothing to the True Musicians.
It was in 1967 that I first I stood on Haight Street at the age of 12, watching in amazement the River of Fire as our own Jordan of Love surged around me, and that day in Golden Gate Park I was again inspired,as those musicians of the Seed of David sang of that God who is Love...
Such were my beginnings....
I came to New Hope, PA, in 1987, and wrote my book, which took 21 years. Monkfish Book Publications, Agent Gerard Jones
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, July 11, 2011 The Prophetic Redoubt and Prescience of Theodore Roszak
A look at the writing of Theodore Roszak and his prescient foresight in describing the present situation here in the American political process now unfolding before our eyes.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 3, 2009 The Coming Death of Rev. Moon on January 13th, 2013?
It now seems that this gold statue of Mr. Sun and Mrs. Moon will be the legacy Rev. Moon will leave for his son and others to worship that shall be his only remnant on earth after his planned death on Jan. 13th 2013? This is the date according to those close to the Founder and soon-to-be-dead Messiah of the Unification Church.
SHARE Sunday, June 28, 2009 A Review of Justin E. Griffin's book "The Grail Procession"
It is here that I review this remarkable book which traces the actual life of Pelagius as being the personage on whom Kind Pelles of the Grail Legend is based; and it is his documentation of how Pelagius was excommunicated that is the basis of much that follows in the history of the Grail.
(19 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 23, 2009 Kabbani and Armageddon: Iran as "Magog" for Israel?
Here we have Hisham Kabbani in a wide ranging article which includes Ahmadinejad's ties with Ronald Wilson Reagan: remember him?
He is Reagan's "present" to the West
SHARE Sunday, May 17, 2009 The "Snare" of Judging Rev. Moon; and the Last Judgement
Just a few words about Rev. Moon; and the "mark" of the beast which is "hypocrisy". As Rev. Moon judged John the Baptist I now reveal he IS John the Baptist: thus having judged himsef. Share not in his fate, for judging others is hypocrisy for christians; thus this is the "snare" warned of that is the "test" of the "Day" in which the Son of Man is Revealed: the Child who comes in the Name of "Christ Jesus": "Day Light" itself