Many people believe that leadership can only be practiced in the workforce by senior management. According to a recent World Leadership Survey, people all over the world believe the best way to learn about good leadership is to examine the relationships between successful leaders and their followers. If that were the case, and leaders were appointed only from above, then the "leaders" as we know them now would still be sitting in their mediocre jobs waiting to be called.
I am a big supporter of leadership development in the workplace. All employees at 5WPR are encouraged to show leadership towards their accounts, supervisors and everything that they do. Leadership is a personal choice. The closest leader to examine is the leader in you, and you can be one no matter what title you have in any workforce. As Robin Sharma states in his coaching books, "If you can breathe, you can lead."
Workplaces today have become much more dynamic, providing employees with the choice of where to take their position and how high to set their performance marker. The world is wide open and, with all of the uncertainty that exists, a vacuum has developed from the businesses that slowed their hiring or promotions. With leadership comes initiative, and in today's fast-paced world, there is little to no time for reactions; it is a game of proactive winners and leaders.
To become one of the leaders in your teams, companies, or industries, you must first view yourself as one. Leaders are always striving to improve, raising the bar on how well they can perform and how quickly they can move.
Here are a few tips to arriving at leadership:
1. Express your best: Don't sit back and wait for things to happen or wait to be instructed. Initiate, innovate, and improve current practices. Go all-out on in your duties to develop mastery and perfection, even if you think you are in charge of something banal.
2. Inspire others: You are a part of something whether it is a team, a company or a practice. Try to influence others by example. It could be your clients or your colleagues, as all relationships can deepen and turn to a strong basis for your leadership. Make sure to pay attention to clients, listen to their needs, and stay on top of global and local trends.
3. Drive change in negative environments: A positive state of mind is a win-win tool I use extensively in all that I do. Mingle with others, know the different parts of your organization and the people who work there, and have fun which will set the greatest example for others.
4. Respect others and appreciate their work: Whether it's your family, friends or co-workers, be the source of appreciation and helpfulness. Be ethical. You will find practicing leadership a healthy, motivating, and successful formula that attracts more and more leadership opportunities and roles. Don't wait to be appointed; act today and see the leader in yourself. You will find your lifestyle elevated and your responsibilities going upward.