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Daily Live Blessings By Mother Meera

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Al Hirschfield
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Starts Tuesday, November 30, 2021 at 8:00 AM for 45 minutes


Location: Worldwide

Mother Meera will be offering blessings, live, every day, at 1:00 PM EST, from now, until the end of the pandemic. (Please disregard the "2021" date above.) Mother Meera says that they are no different in power and potency from blessings received by individuals who see Her in person.

To obtain these blessings, go to estream.com/accounts/5660265, any day of the week, at 1:00 PM EST.

Mother Meera is a spiritual personality, who is not a teacher in the conventional sense. She is an embodiment of the Divine Feminine, the Divine Mother on earth. She is not a Guru who takes disciples.

No religion, no organization

In fact there is no organization around her anyone could join. She is simply a Divine Mother for everyone who turns to Her. Everyone can pray to whichever form of the Divine, or Avatar, that inspires their faith. Mother Meera has no interest in conversion or in changing anyone's faith or creed. This is simply irrelevant for her. Prayers should come from one's soul and heart and all sincere prayers to the Divine reach to Her as well this is her affirmation to us. The soul's sincere cry is heard and answered; all pure inner openings to God are also openings to Her and Her Light.

Mother's work for the world

Mother was born in 1960, in the present state of Telangana, southern India. Today, she lives in a small village in the German countryside. Here, and during her travels around the globe, she gives her unique blessing of Darshan. The free transmission of Light, Love and Grace is Mother's gift to the world.

Mother came to prepare and cleanse world consciousness and make it ready for transformation to a higher level of evolution. To ensure this development She calls down the Light of the Supreme consciousness. In her work of Darshan she prepares humanity to become open to the Light, so that the Divine Life and Will can become manifested on earth.

Mother's work is for the whole world, for all faiths and all people, regardless of social status or ethnic origin, not for a small band of disciples. She is the Mother of us all, and we may all live in peace in the light of her all-encompassing love.

The whole purpose of my work is in the calling down of the Paramatman Light and in helping people. For this I came - to open your hearts to the Light. ~

From Meera Foundation Webpage:"The Divine Mother has always been worshipped as the sustaining soul and force of the universe. Although some of the faces that she wears are well known Kali, the Virgin Mary, Isis, for example many of her embodied forms have chosen to work quietly in the world. In turbulent times such as these, several incarnations of the Divine Mother move among us, each with her particular task of healing, or protection, or transformation.
One of the most widely revered and loved of these Avatars of the Divine Mother is Mother Meera, a young Indian woman who was born on December 26, 1960, in the village of Chandepalle in southern India.

Although she has not sought publicity, thousands of people from all over the world come to receive her darshan, her silent bestowal of grace and light through her gaze and touch.

As an incarnation of the Divine Mother, Mother Meera stands above all dogmas and hierarchies. She asks no special allegiance, and offers her transformative power to all, no matter what their path or religion."

Answers Part 1, a book of interviews with Mother Meera and an account of the Divine Mother working in the world.Please enjoy this video of Mother in Mother Meera answering questions in Freiburg, Germany: "Pray, Relax, Accept"

From Wikipedia:

Born in Chandepally a small village in the Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district of Telangana, India, she allegedly had her first samādhi, a state of complete spiritual absorption, at the age of six, which lasted for a whole day.[2] When she was 12 her uncle Bulgur Venkat Reddy met her for the first time, and was convinced that the girl had already appeared to him in the form of visions. He came to believe that she is the Divine Mother and started to take care of her, allowing her to unfold her inner experiences. Her parents Antamma and Veera Reddy live in Madanapalle, Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh.[3]

In 1974, Reddy brought Mother Meera to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Puducherry, India, of which he was a member.[4]There she first met Westerners and started to give Darshan. She is however not associated with the Sri Aurobindo Ashram today. In 1979 she was invited by her first devotees to Canada, where she went several times. Meanwhile, Reddy's health started to deteriorate.

In 1981 she made her first trip to West Germany, where she, together with Reddy and her close companion Adilakshmi, settled down a year later. She married a German in 1982. Reddy died in 1985 and was buried in the local cemetery in Dornburg-Thalheim, Hesse.[5] For some years now, she has been giving Darshan (literally seeing, primarily in a spiritual context) at Schloss Schaumburg in Balduinstein, a small town in Germany. Previously, in the early 1990s, she gave Darshan in a house in the town of Thalheim, some 5 km northwest of Hadamar in Germany. She also visits the United States on a regular basis (see links below).


Mother Meera receives thousands of visitors of all religions for darshan which she conducts in total silence. Her darshan consists of a ritual, where she will touch a person's head, and then look into their eyes. During this process, she reportedly 'unties knots' in the person's subtle system and permeates them with light.[6] She doesn't charge any money for doing so and she will not give lectures. Mother Meera's reported task on Earth was in calling down a dynamic light-force from the Supreme (Paramatman the supreme Self) in collaboration with other saints and divine beings, as she says, making spiritual progress on earth easier.[7] About this light she says:

Like electricity, the Light is everywhere, but one must know how to activate it. I have come for that.[8]

Through Japa, the mental remembrance of any Divine Name or Mantra, which may be done informally, and whenever convenient, people could open themselves up to this Light.[9]She does not claim to be a guru or have followers. To be connected to her work, people do not have to recognise her. Her teaching is mainly related to Bhakti, that is devotion to God, and in that she accepts all denominations.

Mother Meera does not belong to any particular tradition, except for a certain closeness to the work of Sri Aurobindoand the Mother,[10] whom she was reported to have met in their subtle bodies, when she was a child, visiting their Cenotaph (grave).[11] She teaches the unity of all religions. Everyone can go their own ways. It is only important to be connected with the light (the personal spiritual role model) every day by praying, reading or meditating.

Mother Meera 8.
Mother Meera 8.
(Image by Wikipedia (commons.wikimedia.org), Author: Author Not Given)
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Organization: Mother Meera Foundation


Contact Info: Mother Meera Foundation (MotherMeeraFoundation@gmail.com) 303-923-5703.

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A rapidly aging boy from NJ, with a somewhat radical political bent, who, after quite some time, seems to finally (in the truest sense of the word) be getting it together... Om Sai Ram

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