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Podcast    H4'ed 11/20/14

Katie Singer: Electronic Silent Spring

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Rob Kall
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Broadcast 11/20/2014 at 9:41 PM EST (32 Listens, 30 Downloads, 1810 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast

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Katie Singer works on public policy with the Electromagnetic Radiation Policy Institute. A medical journalist, her books include The Garden of Fertility; Honoring Our Cycles, and An Electronic Silent Spring: Facing the Dangers and Creating Safe Limits.

Her websites include:

Katiesinger.com and electronicsilentspring.com

Series: Electronic Silent Spring-- Katie Singer

Very Rough Interview Notes (incomplete, dangling, meant to inspire you to LISTEN to the podcast.)

Rob: You talk about how early in the earth's formation, electricity played a role in formation of life. Can you talk about that?

1844 electromagnet was invented.

Delivery of electricity started being delivered in last 150 years. Living in an electrosmog is new for living creatures.

How are we affected biologically? How do our cells respond, how do our organs respond, how does wildlife respond?

Most of us have been born assuming we will have electricity, now people are born assuming they will have computers, cell phones, WIFI"

We know that lightning and the electric chair can harm and kill. What happens when we are exposed to lower levels of electrical energy-- radios, TVs, WIFI"?

What does happen if a child is exposed in utero-- from birth to starting school.

What happens to people who are exposed to multiple sources of electromagnetic energy.

Rob: What do you mean by a smart electronic utility meter?

is a wireless, digital transmitting utility meter, can be used for gas, water, electric-- can transmit info about your utility use wirelessly. Some can transmit for half a mile or more. Can send data every 15 seconds or once a month. They're deployed around the country. In CA they have over 10,000 complaints about health effects-- like cardiac pacemakers shut off after installation.

Woman had ligament in leg twitching every 20 seconds. Then it started with husband. Ended up meter was sending every 20 seconds.

Smart grid does not need wireless.

Rob: So the meters are for the smart grid, are they also so that the utilities don't have to send out meter readers?

Yes-- You can opt out at no cost and then you don't have to have the transmitting meter on your house. Some states require $250 fee up front.

Rob: How many people are on your bandwagon? Where do people go to get involved with this?

2% of population identify of having hyper electrosensitivity.

I'm interested in how children are affected, the ten percent of the population who have electronic implants--- (for EKG, for Parkinsons)

here's what's possible in terms of electronic interference:

Prius-- when it breaks to stop-- computers emit Electromagnetic radiation-- neural implant for parkinsons shuts off.

Rob: Since I drive a Prius, I better not get an electronic implant.

Rob: How does it affect me when I step on the brakes. How is it affecting my brain, my nervous system?

FCC said, in 1933, create electronics, as long as it doesn't affect TV or radio-- but biological harm is not included.

Rob: So there's no obligation to test a new device to see if it produces adverse affects on humans.

1996-- put a cell phone near a dummy head filled with water and took temperature-- and decided that since the temperature did not go up two degrees, they determined the safety of wireless technology in the US. The questions of non-thermal effects-- that is what a lot of scientists are asking.

bioinitiative.org about 1800 studies

Rob: are there better laws in other countries that address safety of electronic devices

in US, phone companies won't give usage data to epidemiologists. They do give in countries with socialized medicine.

France advanced legislation that discourages WIFI in classrooms until proven safe.

Israel has limited use of WIFI in classes of kids before first grade.

We have epidemiological studies, from Sweden, Turkey, France-- about the relationship between glioblastoma (brain tumor) and cell phone use. We do have studies coming out of europe that are looking at that.

Rob: It's kind of like in the gun industry they don't allow epidemiological studies to be done.

Rob: You've discussed studies, but are there any laws anywhere that make people safer

telecommunications act-- no health or environmental concern may interfere with the placement of equipment-- most companies have similar laws. We also have FCC guidelines about emissions. How much radiation may a cell tower emit? We also have regulations on how much an individual device can transmit. Basically-- in the last couple of years, companies have been allowed to make devices that transmit much more electromagnetic energy (EME) into your brain.

In 2013 FCC changes definition of outer part of ears-- as extremities-- are allowed exposure to more radiation.

A device can emit more radiation because of this.

Rob: So basically, they're making things worth and taking away protections by redefining things.

Since elections of 2014, there are reports that we ain't seen nothing yet, that there will be more deregulation of telecommunications-- Green sustainable land use codes-- ordinances passed around the country-- if you have an existing tower and if it is at least 30 feet tall, and if a company want to extend by 20 feet, horizontally or vertically, no permit is needed to extend it.

Rob: Let's talk about WIFI_- that's something that has become ubiquitous, at least here in the US. Tell us about it. Start with Autism

CDC reported in 2014 that one in 42 boys have autism That's up by a third since 2012

Study by Dr Toril Jelter

Turn off wifi at the router for at least 12 hours. Turn off corded phone. Don't use cordless. Turn electricity off to child's bedroom, using breaker. If you can get cabled internet. Get corded phones.

Don't use cell phone in a moving vehicle or train-- phone connects to a new base station every mile-- and goes to maximum power. Signals have to work harder to get through metal box

Rob: Does it help if you use ear buds or a blue tooth device

Rob: Is a blue tooth device equally problematic as a cell phone itself.

smart phones have two or three antennas-- one for reception, one for blue tooth and one for wifi.

If you go to safelivingtechnologies.co they have meters and videos where you hear the sound of different devices...

Rob: what about using a timer for wifi.

How about getting in the habit of turning off the router when you are not using it.

Rob: that doesn't work for phones.

to my knowledge there is no way to use wireless safely

Rob: Are there places to go where people can get involved in advocating for regulation?

EMR policy institute


EMF safety net

Cforst.ca canadians for safe technology

Take back your power-- documentary about smart meters

babysafeproject.org seven minute video warning pregnant women


Your book is an encyclopedic treasure of resources and suggestions for legislation, research, etc.

Rob: Talk about wildlife-- bees come to mind

Bee colony collapse. Bees have cryptochromes-- magnetically sensitive genes in their eyes. Radio frequency signals can disrupt crypto chrome navigation. Bees abandon hives after cell towers go live. Birds also have crypto chromes.

Rob: What advice would you give to people personally to make their lives safer

turn wifi off, when not in use

don't use a mobile device in a moving vehicle

if you have children, do what you can to keep your child from getting an iPad or being in a school with wifi.

limit screen time for teenagers for under 12"

Rob: What can people do to get legislation and getting questions asked that are either not being asked or being blocked.

emrpolicy.org get on mailing list

pay attention what's going on in your municipality.

Rob: Anything you want to wrap up with now?

check out the electronic silent spring.com

Rob: are there any top-down or bottom-up aspects to what you're working on

they are everywhere. There are laws that protect telecoms and tech companies.

There is no dealing with addiction to technology-- municipalities are starting to issue iPads to children as early as age five.

We need massive awareness and sacrifice-- people who become aware of health problems may say-- but I can't live without this device- People are going to have to quit things to reduce the electro smog around us.

Rob: they could do things that would drastically reduce effects, like making phones so they don't work if they are next to your head, or wifi that only goes on when there's a call for it from a device.

Katie: but what about people with implants, what about wild life?

Rob: Is there any recourse that a person with an implant has if they have a neighbor with wifi affecting them?

Size: 29,403,552 -- 1 hrs, 1 min, 14 sec


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Rob Kall is an award winning journalist, inventor, software architect, connector and visionary. His work and his writing have been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, ABC, the HuffingtonPost, Success, Discover and other media.

Check out his platform at RobKall.com

He is the author of The Bottom-up Revolution; Mastering the Emerging World of Connectivity

He's given talks and workshops to Fortune 500 execs and national medical and psychological organizations, and pioneered first-of-their-kind conferences in Positive Psychology, Brain Science and Story. He hosts some of the world's smartest, most interesting and powerful people on his Bottom Up Radio Show, and founded and publishes one of the top Google- ranked progressive news and opinion sites, OpEdNews.com

more detailed bio:

Rob Kall has spent his adult life as an awakener and empowerer-- first in the field of biofeedback, inventing products, developing software and a music recording label, MuPsych, within the company he founded in 1978-- Futurehealth, and founding, organizing and running 3 conferences: Winter Brain, on Neurofeedback and consciousness, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology (a pioneer in the field of Positive Psychology, first presenting workshops on it in 1985) and Storycon Summit Meeting on the Art Science and Application of Story-- each the first of their kind. Then, when he found the process of raising people's consciousness (more...)

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