Broadcast 7/31/2014 at 10:33 PM EDT (62 Listens, 66 Downloads, 2235 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Robert David Steele is a former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer, former Marine,CIA case officer, and US co-founder of the US Marine Corps intelligence activity,
He's the author of Open Source Everything, and numerous other books and is Amazon's number one non-fiction reviewer.
His website is
from his linkedin page:
Seeking collaborators and sponsors to create the World Brain Institute and a comprehensive architecture for migrating from a 20th Century model focused on war, the one billion rich, and corrupt capitalism, to a 21st Century model focus on peace, the five billion poor, and the creation of infinite wealth for all -- a prosperous world at peace.
Rough Interview Notes:
Quote you finish the book with "Connected, we are One."
Topics I'm interested in:
Bottom-up and Top-down, and related topics-- hierarchy, horizontalism, centralization, decentralization, diversity, monoculture, domination, civilization, indigenous culture, Ed Snowden, Dan Ellsberg, Thomas Drake, William Binney and other whistleblowers, the commons, Psychopaths, sociopaths and predators, the police state, trust, truth, transparency, impeachment, Republicans and Democrats, wealth inequality, the 99% and debillionairization of the planet.
we're returning to the era of indigenous wisdom prior to 1491
They understood that the earth was a closed system, sharing
Voltaire's bastard
Hierarchical industrial model, based on Top down, because I said so model
Traditional communitarian, bottom-up structure works better because in BU everyone is involved. Rules are by consensus.
The Open Source everything Manifesto
Open source ecology. Open meme
Open source is a value system.
open source culture
Open source does not mean free.
secrecy is poison--
Secrecy and lies are bad for the public because"
Buckminster Fuller-- ephemeralism-- doing more with less
Open source ecology requires open source hardware, software, cloud, data"
True Cost economics pioneered by Herman Daley
Open source meme-- clarity, diversity, integrity and sustainability
OSINT as compared to HumInt and SigInt
Open Source Intelligence:
Jim Clapper and Mike Vickers leading an extraordinarily corrupt intelligence community-- over $80 billion spent on secret intelligence collection.
No intelligence produced by US intelligence-- doesn't provide decision report for policy, don't support agriculture, energy, health, acquisition, tactical operations
OSINT public intelligence for the public interest--
Intelligence is decision support--
We still don't do geospatially supported intelligence across all topics.
You referred to the Two party tyranny.
Grand Illusion book by Theresa Amato
Congress has power to mandate that all states must include all parties on ballots.
Ran for president in 2012--
8 accredited political parties in the US:
Rep, Dem, Green, Libertarian, Constitution, Natural Law, Reform Party, Socialist Party
What kind of election reforms would you like to see.
1- electoral reform-- Getting everybody's voice and vote to count again--
2- president should not be allowed to reach election day without having nominated cabinet and presented a balanced budget
3- full employment, and
4- no taxes, replaces by APT tax automated
widens the tax base tie to include tax and currency transaction .006 on every transaction.
APT tax rate is set by the public.
Rob: How do you get full employment?
Bill gates lies when he says he needs H1-B visas because there aren't Americans to do the jobs.
We have to govern ourselves. We can allow corrupt mandarins in Washington"
Go to fully green economy.
Corporations need to be required to take back the waste.
We are on the verge of a design revolution-- forcing this on corporations will lead to products that become a mix of biodegradable and re-purposable
Rob: India to become the first open source nation?
Minister mmmmmm lee quan yu demography, not democracy is going to define the future
Educated demography using open source principals is going to define the future
Richard Stallman--
Rob: I'm going throw some terms you use in your book at you.
localized bottom-up resilience networks.
Almost every industrial system is 45-50% waste
Mega ag-- 50% lost
centralized energy 50% lost
Health system 50% waste
12 core policies listed at earth-intelligence
Localized bottom-up resilience should make up its own rules.
Local communities have to start taking the power back-- for example, communities in NY have regulating against fracking-- Fracking is a crime against humanity-- it poisons aquifers
Rob: another example
Monsanto should be sued for trespassing by every farmer whose fields have been contaminated by Monsanto seeds.
You've said that the US supports 42 out of 44 dictators in the world.
Breaking the Real Axis of Evil-- Mark Palmer
No-one mentions USS Vincennes shooting down iranian airliner
rob: Panarchy?
Informed, direct democracy-- everyone has all the facts, no secrets"
Anarchy is don't tell me what to do, panarchy is we'll all decide together.
Daily Bell: Robert Steele
Libertarianism and anarchy are routed in individual selfishness.
A good third of our livelihood depends on our community.
I personally am beginning to doubt that private property is a good thing.
Absentee landlords, as far as I am concerned are
Rob: Gift Societies
Wages strip you down to a tiny percentage of what work actually delivers
Stop Thief-- about fencing of the commons and criminalization of things that used to be part of the deal.
Book: Nobodies-- about slavery in America
Rob: Can you talk about The commons-- The commons is a concept that has to come to cyberspace.
Take back land and spectrum
Credit to David Weinberger--
Mexicans-- getting acknowledgement that airwaves can't be owned by national telecoms"
Next big revolution of information technology is Dark Fiber which cuts out criminally incompetent service providers and locally funded free WIFI.
Rob: What is Dark Fiber?
infrastructure service that has been sold to carriers who then dilute it impossibly inefficient performance and highly inflated fees. Dark Fiber should be a public service.
Rob: More on the commons and where we are and where we should be.
We don't have a commons
All federal land should be reverted to the states, subject to some common understanding on retaining natural.
Rob: That's a scary thought with the governors of NJ and TX in power.
predictors of revolution-- masters degree in predicting revolution
waiting for a precipitant
I believe in truth and reconciliation rather than vindictive justice.
No good can come from attempting to take away wealth
Barry Carter Infinite wealth,
Yochai Benkler Wealth of Networks
Everyone should have food, energy, housing, education
False digital wealth of the one percent
False wealth--
All money should be local, would recommend not allowing extraction of wealth from communities.
Public Banking?
Revolution: Fastest way to get everybody on the street is to shut down the internet.
Real problem of NSA is it appears to be blackmailing members of congress and engaging in insider trading to create a black budget.
Rob: Can you talk about how you know that and what evidence you have
I am speculating based on my experience. Congress should be investigating this but"
Believing that Snowden is 90% authentic
Believe he was groomed by CIA went up from 10% to 30%
Snowden is an absolute good. I believe NSA should be put out of business. CIA should get back into business instead of using drones.
Book: Mica Sifry-- Big Disconnect--
Google scratches the surfaces of the deep web-- does 2% of the
Google destroyed anonymity
Arab spring demonstrated that when you shut down the internet you drive people into the street"
Wants: Internet that is completely autonomous that cannot be censored, monitored or shut down--
Rob: How does that happen
we build it ourselves open source routers let you create open source local internet
We need an intern that's a public
Rob: You said "Until we can get to one man one bullet for the top six thousand""
substituted technology for thinking, substituted ". for specificity
Drone usage-- criminally insane
One of first CIA case officers to chase terrorists in the 1980s
able to do that with Pablo Escobar. Reality is, today, we're not interested in Law enforcement. FBI will go after child porn but won't go after the elites in washington who have child sex slaves.
I get the impression with your open source model you would oppose all secret organizations.
Absolute evils-- We are going to need to operate in secrecy to penetrate absolute evils and take it down.
In the USA secrecy has become a pork pie, unaccountable"
Lionel Tiger-- Manufacture of Evil
Cites Ellsberg-- real treason is standing by and not speaking up"
Industrial era broke the connection of kinship and trust.
Rob: You say "the one percent has to want to labor with us to create a world that works for all. Only public intelligence in the public interest can create such a compelling force for the common good as to succeed in the face of heretofore entreated and powerful opposition and dominance.
nightmare of 1% is the public will start shooting down Lear Jets
Conference by Rothschilds on Inclusive Capitalism-- wealthy realize they have killed the golden goose. extraordinarily malformed but well intentioned.
Most philanthropy is a joke, a tax dodge
What about dynasties-- estate tax?
Individuals inheriting wealth are inheriting an infrastructure that is out of reality-- making decisions that are uninformed and immoral.
Estate tax should be put on the ballot.
1. The country has been run into the ground--the bottom 98% have had their seed corn stolen and eaten by the top 2%. There is no going back, neither revenge nor expropriation will do. What has been done is done, get over it.
2. There isn't a leader or leadership team or party or "elite" network on the planet that can put the USA back together again [except perhaps We the People Reform Coalition].
3. HOWEVER, "bottom up" collective intelligence is agile, intuitive, ethical in the aggregate, and so on. This is REALLY SIMPLE: restore the integrity of the electoral system (local to national) and get out of the way. This is called Epoch B Leadership. It is also the root "good" of Advanced Information Operations You start by empowering your own public and not lying to them.
Rob: You said "need to start blogging retroactive impeachments. "
no-one is holding members of congress accountable-- a way to hold current people honest
Gnomedex-- technogeek hackers conference
Problem with internet today is it lacks structure and lacks authenticity
There is no future for the two party tyranny in the United States of America. It is like the syphilitic grandfather that just needs to die and be buried.
I hope your listeners will be inspired to go beyond the crap that is being given to them by the government, such as the unemployment rate.
the government lies and what we need to do now is get a public that can detect lies and discern the truth and share the truth and that's something I'm not sure we can get to in the near future.
Size: 40,066,992 -- 1 hrs, 23 min, 27 sec