Broadcast 2/23/2013 at 3:30 PM EST (137 Listens, 95 Downloads, 1268 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Darren Schreiber Neuropolitics
How did the brain evolve for politics when people lived in tribes, sitting around fires.
Have you looked at it from an anthropological point of view?
So, you're saying the brain functions that are tied to political functioning evolved and are present in mammals and maybe birds.
So you're talking about the kind of politics like whose turn it is to do the dishes or whose turn it is to hunt for the mastodon.
Sports and politics--
have a brain built for politics.
dealing with the complications that come from entangling alliances and competing concerns.
Aristotle's (1996) claim, originally made circa 350 B.c., that "man is by nature a political animal"
What do you mean by coalition? You're using that term a lot in your model.
You talk about how racism is more about stereotyping than racism.
Rob Cursans? University of PA
Kind of the Hoodie response.
Doesn't the amygdala kick and respond before your thinking brain.
matt lieberman
ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
Frontal cortex is newer than amygdala, so it makes sense that the frontal cortex over-rides the amygdala response.
You talk about the plasticity of the brain, how there is massive redundancy.
Phineas Gage-- after the railroad rod went through his brain-- he changed, went from being an administrator to being a nasty, foul-mouthed person.
Stephen Pinker's book-- the Better Angels"
Bottom up and top down brain functioning.
fMRI blood flow.
Red Brain, Blue Brain: Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans
Amygdala activations, associated with externally directed reactions to risk, are stronger in Republicans, while insula activations, associated with internally directed reactions to affective perceptions, are stronger in Democrats. These results suggest an internal vs. external difference in evaluative process that
Study differentiated Democrats and Republicans.
You can't tell whether a person is a republican or a democrat based on gambling behavior.
Big differences in how they viewed risk.
What is the insula? Where is it and what is its function
Insula is involved in interception. Involved in feeling the feelings of others.
Is that connected to mirror neurons?
Egalitarian behavior Robinhood effect-- tied to insula.
Tell me what you can extrapolate from this.
Riato conai and colin firth
Interior cingulate and right amygdala.
Conservatives have more intense reactions to disgusting stimuli.
Stronger your galvanic skin response, heart rate or breathing-- the more likely you are to be conservative.
With biofeedback you can modulate responses" but stronger responses suggest brittleness.
"We're hardwired not to be hardwired."
You say understanding the function of the brain provides fascinating new insights into the effects of engagement with national politics, the formation of our political attitudes, the dexterity of our racial attitudes, and the flexibility of our moral judgments. Flexibility of our moral judgments. How's the brain tie to moral judgments?
Are there are different parts of the brain associated with the different approaches--
Medial pre-frontal cortex
Utilitarian calculation
Categorical moral imperative
Is there a difference in Democrats and republicans on how they define us and them?
Did you look at people who were not registered in parties?
I'm a former Democrat because they've been looking more and more the same.
"Democrats and Republicans are more different than ever"
Keith Poole and Howard Rosenthal
George Lakoff"
Study shows the difference between people who are members of parties and people who aren't.
"we identify the neural differences that distinguish members of the two main parties, from non- partisans."
Steven Poole
The dazzling real achievements of brain research are routinely pressed into service for questions they were never designed to answer. This is the plague of neuroscientism -- aka neurobabble, neurobollocks, or neurotrash -- and it's everywhere. BY STEVEN POOLE PUBLISHED 06 SEPTEMBER 2012
What's your response to that?
You say, "Even on the playground, we see remarkably sophisticated political machination.
our most essential political education occurs in environments like the playground"
We will see evidence of practice resulting in large-scale coherence throughout the book.
Practice thinking about politics helps"
political partisans react to the world in divergent ways.
brain's tendency to think in coalitions
us vs not us is also tied to experience of god.
brain is capable of rapidly overriding these stereotypes when relevant information is available.
Part of the brain that is involved in religious experience is also associated with us vs them. It is quieted.
Have you looked brain and different religions?
called neurotheology.
social lens-- how about stories?
Size: 30,986,400 -- 1 hrs, 4 min, 33 sec