Broadcast 6/28/2013 at 3:02 PM EDT (19 Listens, 23 Downloads, 726 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Nicco Mele is the author of The End of Big-- How the internet Makes David the New Goliath
He's on faculty at Harvard Kennedy School, webmaster for the Howard Dean campaign-- the first to use the web for politics, and founder of
Interview Notes (mostly my questions)
What is the overall message of your book?
They're even using 3-D printers to print organs.
Are there small, radical connection approaches to journalism that are supplanting and replacing the big journalism of newspapers and networks.
Digital commons and "Even Bigger" platforms.
Consent of the Networked-- Rebecca McKinnon.
You also say that there's an uncertain future for tech giants like Facebook and google.
Do you think there's a philosophy that goes with your model?
You wrote about how the 60s shaped the current technologies. (quote on page 6)
You write about how the old computer world was hierarchical and conservative.
Talk about radical connectivity-- a term you use throughout the book.
In 2010, Facebook passed google on some metrics.
What do you mean a "flattened connectedness?"
The nature of authority has changed-- that's another kind of big.
ref: David Weinberger book Too Big to Know
Why will your students wikipedia account be a better credentialer than their harvard degree.
What's the course that you teach at Harvard?
Your experience with Dean campaign, running the Dean website.
I think the MSM killed the Dean campaign and his yelp, and handed it to Kerry.
Have things changed since then?
Your chapter on the Big Opportunities cites Barbara Tuchman's description of a collection of monarchs coming together. Can you describe your thinking about the sunset of monarchies.
Metaphor of mammals and dinosaurs.
And the vestiges of top down, big, are going to fight like hell to hold on to their power and wealth.
DO you have a kind of philosophy or way of looking or thinking that you impart to your students?
Do you apply the values of the founders as the values that drive this model.
There are big risks of losing important things that come with big.
YOu say "institutions are designed to subvert people." What's that about?
You say, The end of big in business represents one of the greatest hopes for saving our civilization from the environmental dangers that threaten to sink it.
You talk about community and how that's an important thing.
current effect of the web on politics?
You mention how the end of big is making it harder for incumbents. Can you talk about how this trend is affecting politics today?
if this book is wildly successful, how will change the world?
We need a new architecture of participation. The old ones are failing.
Size: 28,515,840 -- 0 hrs, 59 min, 24 sec