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Small is Better than Big; small acts, world, economics, lifestyles, solutions, activism

Series Created By Rob Kall (24 articles.) (View How Many People Read This)

Pete Seeger, From ImagesAttr
Pete Seeger
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Donna Lou Morgan, U.S. Navy, Author: Donna Lou Morgan, U.S. Navy)
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We live in a world where too big has become dangerous. This article series explores SMALL acts, economics, ways of doing business, lifestyles, etc. and discusses the problems with BIG

Related Topic(s): Big Business; Chain Stores; Digitization; Giant Box Retail Stores; Joom Just On Order Making; Small Race; Sprint


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# Type Date Content
1 Article 07/10/2006 Hummer-- the Big Car for Big Losers (View How Many People Read This) 17 17 Comment Count
2 Article 07/07/2007 Dismantling the Corporate Behemoths and Leviathans (View How Many People Read This) 17 17 Comment Count
3 Article 04/17/2010 Time To Declare War on BIG; America Needs Giant Killers (View How Many People Read This) 78 78 Comment Count
4 Podcast 06/29/2011 John Jackson; co-author SMALL ACTS OF RESISTANCE--An Incredible Book of Stories of Courage and Resistance (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
5 Article 08/02/2011 Time to Turn the American Economic Model Upside Down? Consider alternatives to consumption and growth (View How Many People Read This) 38 38 Comment Count
6 Article 08/04/2011 The Space Race then, The "Small Race" Now (View How Many People Read This) 13 13 Comment Count
7 Article 11/04/2012 Marginalized Progressives, Small Acts and Making a Difference (View How Many People Read This) 9 9 Comment Count
8 Article 01/08/2013 Sometimes Monsters Look Pretty, and Sometimes Monster Killers are Very Small (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
9 Article 01/09/2013 "Too Big" Is Hollowing the Middle Class, Killing the American Dream (View How Many People Read This) 8 8 Comment Count
10 Article 04/05/2013 How To Make Too-Big-To-Fail Businesses Obsolete (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
11 Article 04/14/2013 Small Acts, Without 50% + 1 DO Change the World (View How Many People Read This) 24 24 Comment Count
12 Podcast 06/28/2013 Nicco Mele:The End of Big-- How the internet Makes David the New Goliath (View How Many People Read This)
13 Article 09/29/2013 A Simple Low Aisles, Low Word Count Diet (View How Many People Read This) 28 28 Comment Count
14 Article 01/25/2014 Needed: A Science, Economics and Lifestyle of SMALL-- It's Time to Face Reality-- Too BIG is Too Dangerous-- (View How Many People Read This) 83 83 Comment Count
15 Article 01/28/2014 Thanks, Pete Seeger For Your Small Idea (View How Many People Read This) 12 12 Comment Count
16 Article 02/09/2014 Monuments Men, Gestapo Generals and Billionaires (View How Many People Read This) 67 67 Comment Count
17 Article 06/29/2014 Do Something Small Today-- Recollections of a Conversation With Howard Zinn (View How Many People Read This) 16 16 Comment Count
18 Article 08/30/2014 More versus Enough-- time to re-set our values (View How Many People Read This) 53 53 Comment Count
19 Article 04/03/2015 A Weird, Crazy Idea: Make Extreme Wealth an International Crime (View How Many People Read This) 132 132 Comment Count
20 Podcast 05/07/2015 The Mind Boggling Implications of the 3D Printing Bottom-up Revolution: Intvw w. Dr. Future-- Paul Tinari (View How Many People Read This) 11 11 Comment Count
21 Article 05/13/2015 What Are the Biggest Lies and Delusions That Keep People Voting Against Their Own Best Interests? (View How Many People Read This) 125 125 Comment Count
22 Article 10/23/2016 Busting Big and Billionaires-- ATT's merger, Adelson's Endorsement Via Bought Newspaper (View How Many People Read This) 12 12 Comment Count
23 Article 04/30/2018 Sprint-T-Mobile Merger is Bad. Bigger is Bad (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
24 Article 08/05/2018 Apple's Value Tops $Trillion: Why It's Bad (View How Many People Read This) 10 10 Comment Count

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