Poll What, Are They Sh*tting Us? SARS-CoV-2(Image by Wikipedia (commons.wikimedia.org), Author: Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAM) Details Source DMCA Nobody in the MSM seems to be addressing the obvious question regarding the sudden and 'miraculous' outpouring of vaccines for Covid-19 in the months following Trump's dismissal from office. Let's recall for a moment that when the Idiot President announced in May 2020 that his FDA had a plan for the pandemic called Operation Warp Speed that would see a vaccine made available by as soon as October 2020 (the October Surprise season in presidential politics) he was universally hooted at and laughed down by the MSM, including by the New York Times, which went out of it way, in at least two pieces, to note that, in one piece, "the fastest a new vaccine has been developed and distributed is four years and most have taken considerably longer." The other piece, an interactive graphical number, allowed the reader with data points and draw a grim conclusion. To date, as far as I know, there's been no real MSM focus on this anomaly. No, they've reported everything they know.Giuliani told Tatar that the Chinese intentionally spread a pandemic to get in her pants.Of course they know more and aren't fessin up; but they always hide stuff for our safety.Get away conspiracy theorist. Haven't we got enough problems? 15 votes View Results and Comments Invite Your Friend(s) to Vote: Share This Poll You can publish this poll on your blog or website. To embed a poll, just copy the code from this "Embed" box. Once you've copied the code, just paste it into your website or blog to embed it. Embed: See What It Will Look Like <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.opednews.com/populum/poll_api.php?pid=727&layout=default"></script>