Image taken from page 9 of 'Verses for Grannie. Suggested by the children ... Illustrated by D. A. H. Drew'
(Image by The British Library) Details DMCA
"Codified by state law, and enforced by a bureaucracy utterly consumed by compliance, tens of thousands of educators across the state are suffocating, desperate to be exhumed. Consequently, this suffocation is stifling the young, inquisitive minds of children from all backgrounds and colors, " says Tom Scarice, superintendent of schools in Madison, Conn. and a well-informed critic of what is deceptively called "education reform" He says that it is time for an education revolution in Connecticut."We are the state left on the dance floor with tired policies, while other states are running away. We are overdue for a bold statewide vision that matches the uncertain and ever-changing world our students will enter when they graduate. But who will lead?We are educating our children for the wrong era.What changes are needed? Read on. Tom explains.