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At Second Presidential Debate, A Monster Calls; by Michael Wineship

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Susan Lee Schwartz
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"The GOP brought this on yourselves! You have placed party, power and privilege above patriotism and country, feeding hatred and bigotry to advance your own agenda. And so, there he was on the debate stage Sunday night, fresh from his crude and nasty press event with the women accusers, lurking and hulking across the stage like some Presbyterian golem, slinging mud, flagrant falsehoods and invective like so much gorilla dust . But Sunday will go down as the night he  announced that if elected, he would throw her in jail, like the tin-horn wannabe despot he is. When this whole sorry mess is – hopefully – settled on Election Night, we will need to conduct some serious inventory, take a long hard look at ourselves and why this has happened, initiating a national dialogue and putting in place every step necessary to rebuild and save the nation from its near-death experience."

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I began teaching in 1963,; Ba and BS in Education -Brooklyn College. I have the equivalent of 2 additional Master's, mainly in Literacy Studies and Graphic Design. I was the only seventh grade teacher of English from 1990 -1999 at East Side (more...)

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