1 |
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05/25/2011 |
"BAMBOOZLE THEM" where teacher evaluation is the key to reform (View How Many People Read This) 8  |
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10/04/2011 |
Learning not Teacher evaluation should be the emphasis of media (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
3 |
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02/17/2013 |
Social Security? call it what it is: Our Earned Retirement Income. (View How Many People Read This) 8  |
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03/06/2013 |
Of Flies and Philosophers: Wittgenstein and Philosophy by Michael Lynch posted by (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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04/02/2015 |
The Lost Purpose of School Reform: by Diane Ravitch: The NY Review of Books (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/14/2015 |
TEACHER TENURE: L.A. TIMES "REPORTER" BLUME CONTINUES TO MANIPULATE HIS READERS ; by Lenny Isenberg at Perdaily.com (View How Many People Read This) 8  |
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04/19/2015 |
Bloodbath - Living in Dialogue; by Anthony Cody. (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
8 |
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04/23/2015 |
Russ on Reading: Beware the Roadbuilders: Literature as Resistance;Russ Walsh (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/23/2015 |
NY Leaders of Opt Out Movement Issue Their Demands; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/27/2015 |
Exclusive: Uncommon costs; by Claude Solnik, LIBN (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/03/2015 |
Editorial: Time to Hit Reset Button on Teacher Evaluation in New York; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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05/06/2015 |
Higher-Ed Hustle; by BY MICHAEL VASQUEZ (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/06/2015 |
PRESS RELEASE: Network for Public Education Response to The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Statement on (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/06/2015 |
American students face a ridiculous amount of testing: John Oliver (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/11/2015 |
NOAA Warns Record High Levels of CO2 in the Atmosphere (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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05/14/2015 |
What Is the Progressive Agenda in Education?; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/01/2015 |
CURMUDGUCATION: Defending the USED; by Peter Greene (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/13/2015 |
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06/25/2015 |
As the School Year Ends, the Future of Public Education Is in Jeopardy; by Ruth confine (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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06/25/2015 |
Stephen Dyer: Ohio Establishes Dictatorship to "Reform" Youngstown Schools; by Diane ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/03/2015 |
A MODEST PROPOSAL ON EDUCATION with acknowledgement to Jonathan Swift: by Lenoard Isenberg (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/04/2015 |
CURMUDGUCATION: The Hard Way: by Peter Greene (View How Many People Read This) |
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07/09/2015 |
Screen Addiction Is Taking a Toll on Children (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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07/19/2015 |
GOP Voted Against 7 Bills to Help Veterans;BY War on Error-DAILY KOS (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/20/2015 |
John Oliver Is Horrified; by Ed Mazza, The Huffington Post (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/20/2015 |
CURMUDGUCATION: Bottom 5%;by Peter Greene (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/06/2015 |
Cathy Sproul Sells Livewire, the Ultimate Teacher Accountability Tool; BY DIANE RAVITCH (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/06/2015 |
Koch Political Machine Focuses on "Freedom" to Pollute and Pay Less Taxes; by Lee Fang (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/09/2015 |
Charles Koch Admits He Needs More Power To Control The Government (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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08/11/2015 |
Two Views: Why Is There a Teacher Shortage? (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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08/28/2015 |
LEARN WHAT IS A CURRICULUM, even AS NY Times Opinion Piece Lauds Common Core (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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08/30/2015 |
Get a Free Copy of "Defies Measurement" and Show It to Friends and Neighbors (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/31/2015 |
CURMUDGUCATION: Report on Systematic Crushing of Local Control; by Peter Green (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/01/2015 |
Petition drive: A Manifesto for a Revolution in Public Education (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/01/2015 |
Did Your Superintendent Send Out a Letter Like This?;By Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/08/2015 |
John Thompson: Shame on the "Liberals" and Democrats Who Stand Against Unions;by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 5  |
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09/16/2015 |
These clean energy investments could save the world's cities trillions of dollars - The Washington Post (View How Many People Read This) |
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09/16/2015 |
CURMUDGUCATION: Implementationism and Barber (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/18/2015 |
Seth Sandronsky Reviews Mercedes Schneider's "Common Core Dilemma" (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/18/2015 |
Out of Control: The Systematic Disenfranchisement of African-American and Latino Communities Through School Takeovers. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/25/2015 |
The latest undemocratic effort to dismantle public education (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/29/2015 |
Private Equity Asset-Stripping Strategy Meets Charter Schools to Produce Even Better Looting (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/29/2015 |
CURMUDGUCATION: USED: Accountability for Public Schools Only (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/30/2015 |
Exclusive: Bankruptcy Is a "Huge Opportunity" to Privatize Schools Says EdBuild (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/06/2015 |
New Analysis Ranks Presidential Candidates (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/07/2015 |
Trevor Noah Points Out Huge Republican Hypocrisy (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/15/2015 |
The Drone Papers (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/20/2015 |
Should Teachers Work for Free? (View How Many People Read This) 8  |
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10/20/2015 |
Warming Oceans May Threaten Krill, a Cornerstone of the Antarctic Ecosystem (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/23/2015 |
Advice from a Billionaire: Forget Charity, Do Good While Making a Profit (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/24/2015 |
The Educational Industrial Complex (View How Many People Read This) 10  |
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10/25/2015 |
Bernie Sanders calls out 'coward' Republicans for voter suppression efforts in Alabama and beyond (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/26/2015 |
The Concealed-Carry Fantasy - (View How Many People Read This) 11  |
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10/27/2015 |
This Bill Might Be The Most Creative Attempt Yet To Kill The Clean Power Plan (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
55 |
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10/30/2015 |
CURMUDGUCATION: The Correct Number of Standardized Tests (View How Many People Read This) 18  |
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10/31/2015 |
Consumers Union Advocacy - Support HANG UP Act to repeal robocalls to cell phones! (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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11/04/2015 |
Five Platitudes from Bill Gates to Mark His 60th Birthday (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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11/10/2015 |
The Risks of Assisting Evolution (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/13/2015 |
Who They Gonna Call? Bias at the New York Times on Education Reform; by Susan Ohanian (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/15/2015 |
The astonishing amount of data being collected about your children, By Valerie Strauss (View How Many People Read This) |
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11/18/2015 |
How to Talk to Children About Terrorism - The New York Times (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/30/2015 |
=UNACCOUNTABLE: The Pentagon's bad bookkeeping-- $8.5 Trillion is Missing From the Pentagon's Budge (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/01/2015 |
Bernie Sanders' High School Yearbook Photo with OEN Member Susan Schwartz (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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12/06/2015 |
95,000 Words, Many of Them Ominous, From Donald Trump's Tongue - The New York Times (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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12/07/2015 |
Born to Be Conned - By MARIA KONNIKOVA (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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12/07/2015 |
Memes, Dreams and Themes - By COLIN MCGINN, (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
67 |
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12/18/2015 |
WOULD MAINSTREAM REPORTERS LIKE TO BE MY DEEP THROAT? - Perdaily.com (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/22/2015 |
'Animated Life: The Living Fossil Fish' - (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/24/2015 |
Bernie Sanders Uses His Record Setting Fundraising To Aggressively Expand In Nevada (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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12/25/2015 |
'Twas the Night Before Xmas (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/26/2015 |
U.S. Foreign Arms Deals Increased Nearly $10 Billion in 2014 (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/27/2015 |
Stunning maps showing how much you need to earn in each state to afford a two-bedroom rental unit (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/28/2015 |
The Ongoing Environmental Disaster Currently Not Making The Headlines (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/29/2015 |
Bernie Sanders counters Andrea Mitchell's shallow interview (View How Many People Read This) |
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12/30/2015 |
Countries Rush for Upper Hand in Antarctica - The New York Times (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/31/2015 |
The Biggest Scandal in US History That We're Still Not Talking About (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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12/31/2015 |
Cartoon: Senior citizens of Counter-Earth, in 'Kick-Butt' gear, by Reuben Bolling (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/02/2016 |
A Smarter Plan to Make Retirement Savings Last - (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/14/2016 |
Swarm Of 100 Drones Dance To Beethoven's 'Symphony No. 5' In The Night Sky (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/20/2016 |
Join UFT Solidarity in Albany to Lobby for Workplace Bullying Bill -- UFT Solidarity (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/22/2016 |
The Anxieties of Impotence - (View How Many People Read This) |
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01/22/2016 |
A Drug to Cure Fear - (View How Many People Read This) |
83 |
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02/01/2016 |
Will Virginia Eviscerate Local Control of Schools? (View How Many People Read This) 7  |
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02/02/2016 |
CURMUDGUCATION: NPE: National Public Ed Report Card (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/11/2016 |
Are you smArt this February? (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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02/23/2016 |
Wendy Lecker: Removing humans from education - StamfordAdvocate (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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02/26/2016 |
Obama Administration Set to Expand Sharing of Data That N.S.A. Intercepts - (View How Many People Read This) |
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02/29/2016 |
Trump's Il Duce Routine - The New York Times (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/02/2016 |
"Trumped" Starring Matthew Broderick & Nathan Lane - YouTube (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/03/2016 |
Video: Ride the Profitship Charter Chain to Success! (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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03/07/2016 |
Democrats and Republicans Are Quietly Planning a Corporate Giveaway -- to the Tune of $400 Billion - BillMoyers.com (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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03/07/2016 |
LAUSD "TEACHER SHORTAGE"...is an Attack On 'Expensive' SENIOR Teachers. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/18/2016 |
No, Not Trump, Not Ever by David Brooks (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/21/2016 |
Wendy Lecker: Connecticut Leaders Should Be Ashamed (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/22/2016 |
ALEC Relentlessly Cashes in on Kids and their Public Schools (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/22/2016 |
Learning Lessons From Outrage (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/25/2016 |
Teachers Are Warned About Criticizing New York State Tests (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/29/2016 |
Is a New Informal Constitution Being Written in Washington? - BillMoyers (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/31/2016 |
The Republican Gun-Free Zone - by Gail Collins (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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04/04/2016 |
The Ultimate Guide to Corporate Reform and the Buying of the Media: Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/08/2016 |
The revolution America desperately needs: Why Bernie must start running on public education (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/10/2016 |
Climate-Related Death of Coral Around World Alarms Scientists - (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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04/25/2016 |
Capitalism or Socialism? There's an Even Better Option by David Korten (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/26/2016 |
Mercedes Schneider Untangles a Nest of Reform Money and Connections by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/27/2016 |
CURMUDGUCATION: NPE: Teacher Voices on Teacher Evaluation by Peter Greene (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/28/2016 |
Dark Money Group Spends $58,000 Attacking Consumer Financial Protection Bureau BY Libby Watson (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/29/2016 |
Dark Money and an I.R.S. Blindfold (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/30/2016 |
The School Spending Debate: What Difference Does A Dollar Make? : NPR Ed (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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05/14/2016 |
The Vultures' Vultures: How A New Hedge-Fund Strategy Is Corrupting Washington (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/22/2016 |
a Letter to the Libertarian Who Praises Teachers While Undermining Their Profession and Their Pay (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/24/2016 |
Beware: The Education Reform Industry Is Watching You! by Johnatan Pelto (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/28/2016 |
Behind the Scenes, Billionaires' Growing Control of News - (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/07/2016 |
Power Loves the Dark: Police Nationwide Are Secretly Exploiting Intrusive Technologies With the Feds' Complicity (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/08/2016 |
F.B.I. Steps Up Use of Stings in ISIS Cases (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/09/2016 |
The Senate's Confirmation Shutdown - NY Times editorial (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/11/2016 |
Lord of the Lies - by Timothy Egan (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/12/2016 |
The End of Reflection By Teddy Wayne (View How Many People Read This) |
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06/13/2016 |
Paul Tough Grapples with Real Challenges Faced by Low Income Students - (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/15/2016 |
We Can Recover From The School Choice Movement (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/20/2016 |
Joe Biden Urges People To Watch How Their Senators Vote On Gun Bills (View How Many People Read This) |
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06/21/2016 |
The Violence of Forgetting - The New York Times (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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06/22/2016 |
Another Age of Discovery by Thomas Friedman (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/25/2016 |
The NY Times on the Dangers of Privatizing Public Services (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/25/2016 |
What kind of Capitalist Democracy do you want to live in? by Lloyd Lofthouse (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/26/2016 |
When You Dial 911 and Wall Street Answers (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/27/2016 |
Deborah Meier: The Value of Tenure and Seniority by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/04/2016 |
What the Fourth of July Means to Me by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/05/2016 |
How to punish and bully children into hating education and books by Lloyd Lofthouse (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/07/2016 |
Chinese Investors Finance Low-Quality Charter School in North Carolina by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/13/2016 |
Trump, His Virus and the Dark Age of Unreason - Bill Moyers/Michael Winship (View How Many People Read This) |
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07/15/2016 |
The Progressive Platform Gains Are Significant - But The Political Revolution Isn't Stopping There (View How Many People Read This) |
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07/17/2016 |
Team USA has won the 2016 International Mathematics Olympiad held in Hong Kong (View How Many People Read This) 11  |
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07/18/2016 |
In the Age of ISIS, Who's a Terrorist, and Who's Simply Deranged? (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/31/2016 |
The Next President Will Likely Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/01/2016 |
Donald Trump's ABC interview may be his best/worst yet (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/04/2016 |
The Results Of Earth's 'Annual Physical' Are A Scary Dose Of Deja Vu (View How Many People Read This) |
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08/05/2016 |
Revealed: AARP Is Funding ALEC (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/08/2016 |
D.C. Think Tanks: Independent Researchers or Corporate Allies? by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/08/2016 |
Trial by Jury, a Hallowed American Right, Is Vanishing (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/08/2016 |
Protect the West From a Black-Gold Rush; by Mark Udall (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/09/2016 |
Teacher: What It's Like to Teach at a Charter Middle School in Detroit; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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08/10/2016 |
Massachusetts: Charter Advocates Kick Off Campaign with Deceptive Advertising; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/16/2016 |
Massachusetts: Who Paid for the Deceptive Ad During the Olympics? (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/23/2016 |
The Damage Done: How Can America Recover From Donald Trump? (View How Many People Read This) 16  |
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08/24/2016 |
Donald Trump and the Escalation of Hate - BillMoyers (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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08/24/2016 |
The Age of Post-Truth Politics (View How Many People Read This) 10  |
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08/25/2016 |
Inside Facebook's (Totally Insane, Unintentionally Gigantic, Hyperpartisan) Political-Media Machine (View How Many People Read This) 11  |
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08/28/2016 |
How the charter school lobby is changing the Democratic Party (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/29/2016 |
A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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08/30/2016 |
Not a Drill: SETI Is Investigating a Possible ET Signal From Space (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/20/2016 |
Timidity on Trump's Lies (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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09/23/2016 |
If You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You (View How Many People Read This) 8  |
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09/23/2016 |
The Lying Game - by Paul Krugman (View How Many People Read This) 11  |
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09/24/2016 |
What Parents Need to Know About Google Apps for Education; Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) |
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09/24/2016 |
How the Media Overthrew Party Politics; BY NEAL GABLER (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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10/01/2016 |
A Message to Unemployed & Underemployed College Graduates; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/03/2016 |
Scholars Review the Funding of the Common Core, by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/03/2016 |
John Oliver Whacks Sean Hannity Over His Attachment to Non-Scientific Pro-Trump Polls (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/03/2016 |
When Billionaires Become Educational Experts: $ is for $chools (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/05/2016 |
Watch: Trump Discusses Anal Sex, Princess Di, and more" (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/05/2016 |
Climate scientist James Hansen: We aren't doing nearly enough to slow climate change (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/05/2016 |
How Billionaires Are Successfully Fooling Us Into Destroying Public Education-by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 5  |
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10/06/2016 |
'The Atlantic' Editors Endorse Hillary Clinton for President ' (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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10/07/2016 |
These Might Be Donald Trump's Most Disgusting Comments Yet About Women (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/11/2016 |
At Second Presidential Debate, A Monster Calls; by Michael Wineship (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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10/13/2016 |
Can the Democrats Resurrect the Middle Class? by Thomas B. Edsall (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/16/2016 |
How Dictatorships Are Born - by Roger Cohen (View How Many People Read This) 7  |
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10/16/2016 |
Burning Down the House by Timothy Egan (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/17/2016 |
Our Feuding Founding Father- BY Alan Taylor (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/18/2016 |
Lost in Storyland (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/19/2016 |
Trump oblivious to Russia's actions in Syria (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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10/19/2016 |
Social Security at Stake on Nov. 8 - (View How Many People Read This) |
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10/24/2016 |
When the Election Is Over, It Will Not Be Done-by Bill Berkowitz (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/29/2016 |
"Backpack Full of Cash," a Film That Exposes Corporate Reform, Needs YOUR Help; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) |
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10/30/2016 |
President Obama Gets Real, Not Revenge, On Republicans (View How Many People Read This) |
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11/02/2016 |
The Network for Public Education Action 2016 Endorsements- by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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11/09/2016 |
How Could This Happen: The five crucial factors by Susan Lee Schwartz (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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11/14/2016 |
California: History Teacher Suspended for Comparing Rise of Trump to Rise of Hitler (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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11/24/2016 |
15 things that happened in the second week Trump was president-elect (View How Many People Read This) |
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12/02/2016 |
Betsy DeVos and the end of public education (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/02/2016 |
Trevor Noah's interview with Tomi Lahren is critical in today's political climate (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/02/2016 |
What the Alt-Right Really Means - (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/03/2016 |
Charles Blow: Why We Must Not 'Get Along' With Donald Trump - The New York Times (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/04/2016 |
The post-truth world of the Trump administration is scarier than you think - The Washington Post (View How Many People Read This) 8  |
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12/05/2016 |
All the Fake News That Was Fit to Print - Kenan Malik (View How Many People Read This) |
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12/05/2016 |
Trump's Threat to the Constitution -by evan McMullin (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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12/05/2016 |
Privacy experts fear Donald Trump running global surveillance network, by Spencer Ackerman & Ewen MacAskil -The Guardian (View How Many People Read This) |
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12/05/2016 |
Edd Doerr: The Great School Voucher Fraud- review by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/07/2016 |
Automation, Climate Change and Donald Trump: What Kind of Future Are We In For? - BillMoyers.com (View How Many People Read This) |
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12/07/2016 |
Hillary Clinton's Inaugural Address - By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship (View How Many People Read This) |
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12/27/2016 |
'How Propaganda Works' Is a Timely Reminder for a Post-Truth Age (View How Many People Read This) 8  |
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12/30/2016 |
The specter of war on civil society, by Mike Klonsky (View How Many People Read This) |
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12/30/2016 |
House Republicans will ring in the new year with a plan to permanently cripple government (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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12/31/2016 |
The Times' Charles Blow Tells Donald Trump To F*ck Off, In No Uncertain Terms. (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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12/31/2016 |
The Coming Assault on Social Security byDave Lindorff (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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01/02/2017 |
America Becomes a Stan - Paul Krugman (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/03/2017 |
a very simple point: organizing versus posturing; By kid oakland (View How Many People Read This) 10  |
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01/03/2017 |
With No Warning, House Republicans Vote to Gut Independent Ethics Office -ByEric Lipton (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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01/04/2017 |
A Threat to U.S. Democracy: Political Dysfunction - by Eduardo Porter (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/04/2017 |
House Fires at Ethics and Shoots Self - The New York Times editorial board (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/05/2017 |
Top Climate Stories to Watch in 2017 - BY MIKE GAWORECKI (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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01/07/2017 |
STOP: Our Government Wants to Create a National Database about Everyone, Including YOUR Children by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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01/15/2017 |
A Poem By John Pavlovitz, in the Style of Dr. Seuss "For President-Elect Trump; " at the Diane Ravitch blog. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/16/2017 |
The Assault on Health and Safety Begins (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/17/2017 |
Will States Take Up the Mantle of Worker Protection? - The Atlantic (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/17/2017 |
House Arms Itself for Witch Hunts - NY Times editorial (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/18/2017 |
Trump will Make America Great Again by Aaron Rupar (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/18/2017 |
Retweeting Donald Trump - by Paul Krugman (View How Many People Read This) |
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01/18/2017 |
Ignorance and Arrogance -- the Defining Characteristics of Betsy DeVos Hearing:your nominee for Secretary of Education, (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/19/2017 |
America's Great Working-Class Colleges - by David Leonhardt (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/19/2017 |
Bernie Sanders' Revealing Exchange With Trump's Health Care Appointee Tom Price - BillMoyers.com (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/20/2017 |
The Internal Invasion - by David Brooks (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/21/2017 |
Bald Piano Guy Explains the DeVos Agenda; posted by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/21/2017 |
American Fascistby Peter Dreier (View How Many People Read This) |
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01/21/2017 |
Minutes after Trump becomes president, White House website deletes all mention of climate change (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/22/2017 |
See 'SNL' Parody Trump Adviser Kellyanne Conway With Musical Sketch - Rolling Stone (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/22/2017 |
Why I Cannot Fall in Line Behind Trump - by Peter Wehner (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/22/2017 |
Pages on climate change and LGBT rights among topics scrubbed from the White House's website (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/24/2017 |
The Banal Belligerence of Donald Trump - Roger Cohen (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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01/25/2017 |
Help us, GOP. You're our only hope. By Garrison Keillor (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/25/2017 |
Trump's mentally ill says Paul Krugman this morning (View How Many People Read This) 24  |
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01/26/2017 |
Scahill: Blackwater Founder Erik Prince, the Brother of Betsy DeVos, Is Secretly Advising Trump (View How Many People Read This) 15  |
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01/27/2017 |
Thanks to Trump, the Doomsday Clock Advances Toward Midnight - (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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01/27/2017 |
The Politics of Cowardice - David Brooks (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/27/2017 |
What taxpayers should know about the cost of school choice - By Valerie Strauss (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/01/2017 |
"Sweet Betsy De Vos" a little, ditty and enjoyable musical satire by Wally Glickman (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/10/2017 |
Separation of Powers, Explained (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/06/2017 |
John Kuhn: Vouchers Serve Adults at Children's Expense - Living in Dialogue (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/06/2017 |
Under Trump, regulatory leashes are coming off (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/06/2017 |
Comey Asks Justice Dept. to Reject Trump's Wiretapping Claim - (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/07/2017 |
Russ Walsh: Vouchers Are for the Rich, the Racists, and the Religious Right;by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/08/2017 |
Unpacking the Lies Behind the "Failing Schools" Narrative; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) |
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03/09/2017 |
A Great Danger to Our Country,; by Todd Gitlin (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/09/2017 |
Making Sense of the News: Distinguishing News from Sponsored Content - By Michael Spikes (View How Many People Read This) |
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03/09/2017 |
How Pharma Companies Uses 'Citizen Petitions' to Keep Drug Prices High - (View How Many People Read This) |
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03/10/2017 |
Vouchers Are the Civil Wrongs Movement of Our Time, Hurting the Children They Pretend to Help;by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/12/2017 |
Former Koch Agents, Staffing Trump's Federal Agencies (View How Many People Read This) |
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03/19/2017 |
Randy Rainbow: The Terrifying, Tolerance-Promoting 'Beauty and the Beast' (View How Many People Read This) |
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03/21/2017 |
'There's a Smell of Treason in the Air' - Michael Winesap (View How Many People Read This) 53  |
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03/26/2017 |
Jeff Bryant: The Big Lie Behind Trump's Budget Proposals for Education;by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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03/28/2017 |
Dan Rather: Trump Has Had The 'Worst Start' Of Any U.S. President Ever (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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03/29/2017 |
Ralph Ratto: Today I Am Ashamed to Be a Teacher; Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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03/31/2017 |
Forget Fascism. It's Anarchy We Have to Worry About - Neal Gabler (View How Many People Read This) 9  |
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04/01/2017 |
"Yertle the Trumpster: The Faking of the President 2016" by Fred Smith (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/01/2017 |
Don't Be April Fooled: Public is Better; by Arthur Camins (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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04/03/2017 |
ALERT! Beware the SAT and ACT: They Sell Confidential Student Data; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) |
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04/03/2017 |
While Trump promotes coal, other countries are turning to cheap solar power (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/03/2017 |
Our Dishonest President; Part 1 (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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04/04/2017 |
Why Trump Lies Series; Part 2 - editorial (View How Many People Read This) 10  |
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04/05/2017 |
Trump's Authoritarian Vision - Series, Part 3 (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/22/2017 |
Trumpcare Toolkit (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/23/2017 |
(4) RUSSIA TIES: A Randy Rainbow Song Parody (from GREASE!)🎶 - YouTube (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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06/23/2017 |
First Degree: Here's A Moving Program about the Saving Power of Higher Education (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/25/2017 |
Here's an Idea: Guarantee Every Child an Excellent Education (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/25/2017 |
How the Cutthroat Walmart Business Model Is Reshaping American Public Education (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/01/2017 |
Is the U.S. Education System Producing a Society of Smart Fools - Scientific American (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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07/02/2017 |
Our Broken Constitution by Jeffrey Toobin (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/03/2017 |
The Hijacked American Presidency (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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07/05/2017 |
Mistakes in the News Are Not Fake News, by Todd Gitlan (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/05/2017 |
NRA Issues Call for White Supremacy and Armed Insurrection, by Michael Winesap & Bill Moyers (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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07/07/2017 |
Environmentalists Win a Victory Against Scott Pruitt by John Light (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/12/2017 |
Era of 'Biological Annihilation' Is Underway, Scientists Warn (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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07/19/2017 |
Rising From The Ashes, a Buffalo Suburb Ends Its Dependence On Coal (View How Many People Read This) |
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07/19/2017 |
The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan to Hijack American Democracy (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/20/2017 |
Sneaky Paul Ryan Stayed Up Last Night And Did Trump A Terrifying Favor (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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07/21/2017 |
Randi Weingarten: The Fight Before Us Against DeVos and Privatization; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/21/2017 |
School Choice: Grounded in Racism, Reinvented by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/23/2017 |
Can the President Be Indicted? A Long-Hidden Legal Memo Says Yes (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/23/2017 |
Importance of a Congressional Scorekeeper (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/23/2017 |
How Budget Austerity Puts Public School Parents On Par With Criminals (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/24/2017 |
The Kook, 'the Mooch' and the Loot - Charles M. Blow (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/24/2017 |
Trump Says He Has 'Complete Power' to Pardon (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/25/2017 |
A Comic Strip Mirrors the Ravages of Climate Change - The New York Times (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/25/2017 |
What a Total Solar Eclipse Looks Like From Space (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/28/2017 |
NAACP Seeks to Ban For-Profit Charter Schools and Increase Local Control - Dr. Julian Vasquez Heilig (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/28/2017 |
The Plot Thickens in the Gnarly Story of IQ and Genetics (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/29/2017 |
CNN VIDEO: Why a Teacher in Oklahoma is Begging for Money on the Highway; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/30/2017 |
Loss of Fertile Land Fuels 'Looming Crisis' Across Africa (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/30/2017 |
Carol Burris: analyzes SUNY's Absurd Proposal to Allow Charters to Certify Their Own Teachers; Diane Ravitch blog (View How Many People Read This) 8  |
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07/31/2017 |
Paul Krugman: Who Ate Republicans' Brains? (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/31/2017 |
Satan in a Sunday Hat by Charles M. Blow (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/03/2017 |
ALEC's Attack on Public Education: A Report from the Frontlines, by Chris Taylor. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/04/2017 |
We're on the Brink of an Authoritarian Crisis (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/04/2017 |
Could Trump Fire Mueller? It's Complicated. - (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/05/2017 |
Two Bad Policies Converge in NYC; Diane Ravitch & Leonie Haimison (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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08/06/2017 |
Bobby Sticks It to Trump - The New York Times (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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08/08/2017 |
Trump Is Not the Problem (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/08/2017 |
How America Went Haywire - The Atlantic (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/08/2017 |
Many Politicians Lie. But Trump Has Elevated the Art of Fabrication. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/08/2017 |
More proof that Trump's administration plans to purge voters (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/08/2017 |
Don't Let the White House's Dysfunction Distract You From the Bad Things Trump Is Doing (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/08/2017 |
John Oliver Skewers Trump's Border Patrol Hiring Blitz (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/09/2017 |
Demand That Congress Fight for Net Neutrality (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/10/2017 |
Voyager's 40th Anniversary - Atlantic photo essay (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/11/2017 |
Donald Trump is Not Cause, But Consequence -by Andrew Bacevich (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/12/2017 |
Scott Pruitt Is Carrying Out His E.P.A. Agenda in Secret, Critics Say - The New York Times (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/13/2017 |
Stop Treating 70- and 90-Year-Olds the Same (View How Many People Read This) 8  |
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08/20/2017 |
The Trump administration's most prominent Jews disgrace themselves By Dana Milbank (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/21/2017 |
Why School Sucks (hint: it's not because it's "boring" what real learning looks like and does not resemble. (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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08/24/2017 |
The Founding Fathers' Tool for Removing a Dangerous President by Kristin Miller/Bill Moyers (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/24/2017 |
Documents reveal a secretive foundation's state-level attack plan for spreading right-wing ideology (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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08/24/2017 |
The Most Important Expose You Will Read Today: The Fringe Right Universe of "Charities" (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/25/2017 |
The Amazon-Walmart Showdown That Explains the Modern Economy - The New York Times (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/27/2017 |
'We Are Living Through a Battle for the Soul of This Nation' by Joe Biden (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/29/2017 |
Propaganda, Human Consciousness, And The Future Of Civilization (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/31/2017 |
Johann Neem: The Founding Fathers Wanted Public Schools: We Should Protect Their Vision; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/06/2017 |
The Rollback of Pro-Worker Policies Since Trump Took Office Is Staggering (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/06/2017 |
This Sinclair-Tribune Merger Is a Rotten Deal for America by Michale Winesap (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/22/2017 |
Bernie Sanders Just Gave the Progressive Foreign-Policy Speech We've Been Waiting For (View How Many People Read This) 17  |
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09/22/2017 |
Why Are Betsy DeVos and Bill Gates Afraid of This Grandmother? (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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09/22/2017 |
Donald Trump's Addiction to Violence - by Henry Giroux (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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09/22/2017 |
Cruelty, Incompetence and Lies, by Paul Krugman (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/24/2017 |
Is Trump Ending the American Era? (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/24/2017 |
John Oliver Explains ALEC and Why State Legislators Matter (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/05/2017 |
California Is the Future (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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10/05/2017 |
Your Data is Being Manipulated -- Data & Society: Points (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/05/2017 |
Las Vegas survivors furious as YouTube promotes clips calling shooting a hoax (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/05/2017 |
The Congress Members Receiving the Most N.R.A. Funding (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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10/07/2017 |
Backpack Full Of Cash: The Film About Education and Privatization That You MUST See! by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/07/2017 |
I Was Blocked From Facebook for Criticizing School Privatization (View How Many People Read This) 7  |
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10/08/2017 |
How BASIS Turned Its Charter Schools into a Profitable Venture Industry with Tax Dollars; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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11/10/2017 |
Why have we built a paradise for offshore billionaires? (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/11/2017 |
The Proselytizers and the Privatizers by Katherine Stewart (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/12/2017 |
President Trump, Please Read the Constitution (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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11/13/2017 |
She Warned of 'Peer-to-Peer Misinformation.' Congress Listened. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/13/2017 |
IDC: The New Turncoat Democrats from Rise Uptown Indivisible (View How Many People Read This) |
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11/16/2017 |
Winners and losers under the GOP tax plan; the AFT (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/16/2017 |
No Choice Video series; Bill Moyers & Company (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/20/2017 |
Emily Talmage: Beware The Philanthrocapitalists' Big New Plan; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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11/24/2017 |
The Trump-Russia Story Is Coming Together. Here's How to Make Sense of It; by Bill Moyers. (View How Many People Read This) 16  |
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11/24/2017 |
NYC Times Square lights up with Trump's face and a message to the world: IMPEACH (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/28/2017 |
Why The Republican Tax Plan Is More Failed Trickle-Down Economics by Robert Reich & The Sanders Institute (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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11/29/2017 |
Why Is Gratitude So Difficult, Yet Outrage So Easy? (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/29/2017 |
Facebook faces the tragedy of the commons (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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11/30/2017 |
High Fliers; 2017; How the private Jet Lobby shifts the costs to the rest of us, and threatens our planet (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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12/02/2017 |
Republicans Just Snuck A Huge Taxpayer Giveaway For Betsy DeVos Into Their Tax Bill (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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12/06/2017 |
The False Paradise of School Privatization by Steven Singer (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/06/2017 |
These Eight Women Doctors Are Making Political History And No One Is Talking About It (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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12/07/2017 |
Three ways to remake the American economy for all; by Elizabeth Warren (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/08/2017 |
DON'T MISS THIS; How America Is Breaking Public Education; Forbes gets it right! (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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12/12/2017 |
Listen as John Kuhn reminds us that school... - Network for Public Education - NPE (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/12/2017 |
Did You Know: The Freedom Foundation on the Janus Decision, which Will Affect UNIONS! (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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12/28/2017 |
CURMUDGUCATION: Heartland's Plan for Privatization by PeterGreene (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/04/2018 |
An Urgently Needed New Year's Resolution for Those Who Care About Public Education, By Jan Resseger (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/14/2018 |
NPE Releases Charters and Consequences: An Investigative Report - Network For Public Education (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/15/2018 |
History Lesson: The Founders Cared about Education Before the Constitution Was Adopted; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/18/2018 |
David Frum's tweetstorm today regarding Sessions is chilling and shouldn't be ignored. (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/18/2018 |
Should guns be banned in NH schools? (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/27/2018 |
Transforming Public Schools In Just NINE Steps BY John Merrow (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/30/2018 |
Special Report: The profit motive behind virtual schools in Maine - (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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02/08/2018 |
Fake News and Bots Target Author of Democratic Memo (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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02/22/2018 |
The AR-15 Is Different: What I Learned Treating Parkland Victims - The Atlantic (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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02/23/2018 |
Electoral Gunsights -- Mark Fiore's Political Animation (View How Many People Read This) |
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02/23/2018 |
Arm Teachers? Yes! (But not with guns") by Mitchell Robinson (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/23/2018 |
David Frum on the NRA, Gun Lobby, and Gun Control When Gun Owners Become Like Hypocritical Hippies (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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02/26/2018 |
America Is the Gun by Charles M. Blow (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/26/2018 |
Parents Across America: A Detailed Critique of the Dangers of Screen Time for Young Children; article by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/02/2018 |
Must Read: A Horrifying Path to America for Hotel Workers (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/02/2018 |
Hillary Demands Even More Russia Escalations From Trump Administration by Caitlin Johnstone (View How Many People Read This) 7  |
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03/03/2018 |
Why the UK has no guns -- Tobias Stone (View How Many People Read This) 7  |
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03/04/2018 |
This 14-Year-Old Aspired to Kill Scores of Children and Teachers, But" by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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03/04/2018 |
Florida: Senate Approves Bill to Punish Teachers' Union (View How Many People Read This) 5  |
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03/05/2018 |
What Do Foreign Banks Get Out of New Banking Bill?: DealBook Briefing (View How Many People Read This) |
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03/05/2018 |
Arizona: No Cap on Corporate Tax Subsidy for Nonpublic Schools, by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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03/06/2018 |
Randy Rainbow Takes Down Dana Loesch and the NRA: Kids Today! by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/06/2018 |
New Nanobots Kill Cancerous Tumors (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/07/2018 |
IMPORTANT story: A good man, In Battle Over Future of Veterans' Care, Moderation Wins, for Now ! (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/12/2018 |
The DeVosian Dilemma by Peter Greene (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/17/2018 |
Why is accountability always about teachers? BY Mark Dynarski--Senior Fellow - Economic Studies, Center on Ch (View How Many People Read This) 9  |
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03/21/2018 |
Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken," originally published in The Atlantic in 1915,-- in a new animated video. (View How Many People Read This) 12  |
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03/22/2018 |
Center for American Progress: The Highly Negative Effects of Vouchers,by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/23/2018 |
Voices Of School Shooting Survivors (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/23/2018 |
A Report on Online Learning: What Every Parent Should Know FROM THE NPE : Network for Public Education: (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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03/24/2018 |
House OKs bill linking charter, public schools on ballots (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/29/2018 |
Character Should Still Matter by Charles M .Blow (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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03/29/2018 |
Power and Fear: the Return of the Antebellum Crisis by Evan Belosa (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/03/2018 |
We Are One False Flag Event Away From World War 3 -- Caitlin Johnstone (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/06/2018 |
Whataboutism: What About Our Sanity? (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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04/06/2018 |
MassachusettsPoliticsProfs (View How Many People Read This) 5  |
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04/10/2018 |
Sinclair: Worse Than One Viral Video: must see (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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04/25/2018 |
How Senator Crapo's Dodd-Frank Rollback Will Let Banks Bet More Of Your Money (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/29/2018 |
Please Stay, Justice Kennedy. America Needs You (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/30/2018 |
Albert Einstein on Nuclear War and Responsibility - (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/30/2018 |
The Sense of Justice That We're Losing; By David Leonhardt (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/30/2018 |
Don't Take Federal Funding from Military Families' Public Schools to Fund a Private School Voucher Program (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/03/2018 |
Teacher Pay Is So Low in Some U.S. School Districts That They're Recruiting Overseas - (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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05/04/2018 |
Documents show ties between university, conservative donors (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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05/10/2018 |
"Mister, No English" by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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05/11/2018 |
Charter Schools Are An 'Existential Threat' To Public Education (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/14/2018 |
U.S. UNDERCUTS FRAUD INQUIRIES INTO FOR PROFITS-Unwinds Unit Investigating Fraud at For-Profits (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/26/2018 |
In the Trump Era, We Are Losing the Ability to Distinguish Reality from Vacuum by Masha Gessen (View How Many People Read This) 5  |
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06/02/2018 |
Utter Contempt (View How Many People Read This) 13  |
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06/03/2018 |
Peter Greene: Progressives Do Not Endorse Privatization of Public Schoolsby Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/04/2018 |
Destroying Public Schools : A Warning on How It' sDone, from Inglewood, California's experience, by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/13/2018 |
Scott Pruitt is trying to undermine environmental regulation in a creative way. (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/13/2018 |
The New Obamacare Lawsuit Could Undo Far More Than Protections for Pre-existing Conditions (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/15/2018 |
Opinion: G.O.P. to Americans With Health Problems: Drop Dead (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/15/2018 |
Betsy DeVos' smoking gun of ignorance - by Andrew Perry (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/15/2018 |
School districts need right to say 'no' to charters - (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/17/2018 |
The Ornithologist and the Mob; whothe Internet Called a Murderer (View How Many People Read This) |
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06/22/2018 |
Rand Study: Gates Foundation Wasted $575 Million on Teacher Evaluation Initiative by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/27/2018 |
The Age of the Imbecile -- Eudaimonia and Co (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/28/2018 |
Gates Sponsored Teacher Evaluation Reform Discredited (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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06/29/2018 |
The Choice This Decade is (Really) Asking Us to Make (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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07/02/2018 |
If Congress Changes Food Stamp Requirements, Kids Will Go Hungry (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/02/2018 |
Trump's Rage Junkies by Charles M. Blow (View How Many People Read This) 13  |
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07/03/2018 |
Do Americans Know How Weird and Extreme Their Collapse is Getting? (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/03/2018 |
Here Come the Vampires to Suck Away Your Right to Organize; Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/06/2018 |
Is America Still Capable of Democracy? (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/17/2018 |
AFT Documents Massive Underfunding of Public Schools: The End of Public Schools: by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 7  |
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07/18/2018 |
Carol Burris: The Definitive Account of Bill Gates's Disastrous Teacher Evaluation Project;: A Tragedy & Farce (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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07/20/2018 |
DON'T MISS THIS: The Network for Public Education Issues its Position Statement on Charter Schools - BY CAROL BURRIS (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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07/25/2018 |
Don't Just Do the Right Thing, Act Beautifully -- Stretch for Change (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/25/2018 |
Measuring The Quality Of Life Craig Axford (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/28/2018 |
Election interference has been going on for years. The reason? Voter purges (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/31/2018 |
Fear, Factions and Fringes -- Truth In Between - (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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08/01/2018 |
Trump Wanted a Summit With Putin. He Got Way More Than That;" by Brian Bennet (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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08/03/2018 |
Grannies Respond - Abuelas Responden: Grannies on a Mission. (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/08/2018 |
Journalism's Watchdogs Lost Their Teeth -- How Journalism Became a Dirty Word -- Medium (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/08/2018 |
Should Republican Billionaires Pick Democratic Candidates? Attention, Politico Morning Education; by Diane Ravtch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/11/2018 |
Seven More Things Everyone Should Know About 21st Century Economics (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/11/2018 |
What Is the Legacy of Renaissance 2010 School Choice in Chicago?by Jan Ressegar (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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08/13/2018 |
Stephen Miller, Architect of Trump's Cruel Immigration Policies, is Beneficiary of "Chain Immigration" (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/15/2018 |
How to Block and Report Spam Calls and Text Messages (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/15/2018 |
School Choice Is the Enemy of Justice; By Erin Aubry Kaplan (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/03/2018 |
The Supreme Court Confirmation Charade (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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09/04/2018 |
Get Sick, Go Bankrupt and Die: The lies about Heath care (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/06/2018 |
I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/06/2018 |
Why Haven't We Learned Anything From the 1930s? (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/07/2018 |
"There Oughta Be a Law: " the President's words (View How Many People Read This) 5  |
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09/09/2018 |
Letter to The Atlantic Magazine, re: David' Frum's option on the NY Times "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside" (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/12/2018 |
(Why) Americans Are Too Busy Reacting to Authoritarianism to Act Against It (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/13/2018 |
Do Americans Understand What's Really at Stake in the Midterms? (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/15/2018 |
Ten Years After the Crash, We've Learned Nothing (View How Many People Read This) |
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09/20/2018 |
Conflicts of Interest, Common Core, Gates Foundation, and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute; Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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10/13/2018 |
What the Primaries Say About the Future of Democrats: By Elaine Kamarck (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/18/2018 |
Republicans Are Coming for Your Social Security and Medicare And they're openly bragging about it. (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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10/20/2018 |
Education is Everyone's Business; by Arthur Camins (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/20/2018 |
Republicans Find a Facebook Workaround: Their Own Apps (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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11/04/2018 |
Right-Wing Groups Are Recruiting Students to Target Teachers (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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11/16/2018 |
More on the Public Purpose of Our Public Schools and the Role of Public Governance (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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11/25/2018 |
Hospitals Are Trying To Do What Politicians Haven't: Stop Gun Violence (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/18/2018 |
What We Now Know About Russian Disinformation (View How Many People Read This) 11  |
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12/18/2018 |
A Progress Report from the Network for Public Education; by Diane Ravitch, former ass't Secy' of Education (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/23/2018 |
New Orleans: The Last Public School Closes, Despite Objections of Parents and Students and Alumni; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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12/28/2018 |
Fortune: America Is Losing Teachers at a Record Rate; by former asst Secretry of Education, Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 5  |
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12/28/2018 |
What Can a President Do During a State of Emergency? - The Atlantic (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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12/29/2018 |
Leave no dark corner :China is building a digital dictatorship to exert control over its 1.4 billion citizens. (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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01/01/2019 |
The demographic time bomb that could hit America. By Catherine Rampell (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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01/03/2019 |
Don't Underestimate Elizabeth Warren and Her Populist Message; By John Cassidy (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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01/16/2019 |
There Is No 'Israeli-Palestinian Conflict': To understand why, you have to zoom out. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/17/2019 |
Impeach Trump Now - by Yoni Appelbaum.,ideas editor and a historian of American institutions (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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01/23/2019 |
The Daily 202: 10 sobering quotes from the new National Intelligence Strategy - by Joanie Greve (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/28/2019 |
US nuclear weapons: first low-yield warheads roll off the production line; Julian Borger in Washington (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/02/2019 |
This General Doesn't Mention Trump, but His Tweets Speak Volumes; a conversation about what leadership actually entails (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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02/14/2019 |
The Heart of a School is Its Teachers:Treat Them with Love and Respect; by Diane Ravitch former Ass't Secy'&Wesley Nul (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/25/2019 |
Let's Make 2019 "The Year of the Public School." - Network For Public Education (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/14/2019 |
Trump: "Tough people" in military, police, and a biker group would be "very bad" at "a certain point" with the left. (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/16/2019 |
Why Conspiracy Videos Go Viral on YouTube; by Alexis C. Madrigal (View How Many People Read This) 5  |
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03/17/2019 |
Dictators have reemerged as the greatest threat to the liberal democratic world : By Robert Kagan (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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03/19/2019 |
Funding AOC's Green New Deal by Lloyd Lofthouse; a former U.S. Marine and Vietnam combat veteran with a BA in journalism (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/29/2019 |
How a couple worked charter school regulations to make millions - Los Angeles Times (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/29/2019 |
The media's shameful attempt to help Trump bury the Mueller report (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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03/30/2019 |
New Jersey Expose, Part 2: Millions of Taxpayer Dollars Spent on a Floundering Charter School (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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03/31/2019 |
Sally Yates: William Barr should release the full Mueller report ASAP; by Sally Yates: Former Deputy Attorney General (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/02/2019 |
Trump's Brand Of Authoritarianism Should Be Raising More Alarms (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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04/02/2019 |
Garn Press Publishes a Collection of My Most Important Essays: "The Wisdom and Wit of Diane Ravitch." (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/02/2019 |
New Jersey Expose, Part 4: Cashing in on Real Estate Deals in the Charter Market; Ravitch Blog (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/12/2019 |
Larry Lee: The Rape of Washington County, Alabama; Diane rAVITCH (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/13/2019 |
Mother of Dragons or the Night King: who will win the Game of Thrones? (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/24/2019 |
Is the Mueller Report a Failure? - Eudaimonia and Co (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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04/26/2019 |
Texas retracts claim of mass voter fraud touted (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/27/2019 |
Cartoon: Not helping, Mueller report edition (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/27/2019 |
Mitch McConnell Is Gearing Up for an All-Out War on Socialism in 2020; by Jay Willis (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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04/28/2019 |
'Socialism' Isn't The Scare Word It Once Was, by Geoff Nunberg (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/28/2019 |
The Empty Promise of Suicide Prevention by By Amy Barnhorst (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/02/2019 |
Bob Mueller's Extraordinary Letter to Bill Barr (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/02/2019 |
James Comey: How Trump Co-opts Leaders Like Bill Barr (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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05/03/2019 |
An Unexpected Current That's Remaking American Politics - (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/03/2019 |
Bill Barr's Perverse Theory of Justice:In America, no one is above the law - except the president and his cohorts (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/05/2019 |
What William Barr misses about presidential accountability (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/06/2019 |
Eyewitnesses to Charter School Corruption and Disruption: Different Perceptions. One Reality. (View How Many People Read This) |
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05/06/2019 |
How to Read the Right Way: A Complete Guide (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/07/2019 |
The Problem With Supplements (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/07/2019 |
STATEMENT BY FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTORS - DOJ Alumni Statement - (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/07/2019 |
Trump Is Confused About Social Media. He's Not Alone. The First Amendment doesn't say you can tweet whatever you want. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/08/2019 |
Heading for constitutional convulsions - By Jennifer Rubin (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/08/2019 |
Rebecca Traister's 'Good and Mad' Misses the Mark by Luara Kipnis (View How Many People Read This) |
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05/09/2019 |
This Is Not Corruption As Usual. This Is Authoritarianism;by Rand Engle (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/10/2019 |
How Trump Could Lose the Election and Remain President A step-by-step guide what might happen if he refuses toconcede (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/10/2019 |
Yes, American Democracy (Really) is Dying - Eudaimonia and Co (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/16/2019 |
Democrats are badly blowing it against Trump. A brutal new TV ad shows how. - The Washington Post (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/17/2019 |
House Passes Legislation Aiming to Shore Up Health Law and Lower Drug Costs (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/18/2019 |
User Experience by the Numbers: Hurting the Ones We Love (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/19/2019 |
Pearson's Plans for 2025: Make Sure You Are Seated When You Read This; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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05/19/2019 |
Driven To Despair: How Reckless Loans Devastated a Generation of Taxi Drivers - (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/20/2019 |
These six corporations are financing the war on women in six states (View How Many People Read This) |
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05/20/2019 |
No holds Barred: Trump and his troops push for imperial presidency (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/20/2019 |
As Thousands of Taxi Drivers Were Trapped in Loans, Top Officials Counted the Money (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/22/2019 |
Why Do We Let Political Parties Act Like Monopolies? (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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05/24/2019 |
Did YOU hear about this? SpaceX and the Coming Satellite Swarm (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/24/2019 |
"There's Only One Way to Stop Predatory Lending;" New Rules End Protections (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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05/24/2019 |
Let's Not Forget the Establishment Clause - (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/25/2019 |
Trump Officially Authorizes An Investigation Into The Investigators (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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05/26/2019 |
Bill Phillis: Our Great American Public Schools Will Prevail; Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/26/2019 |
Trump's Targeting of Intelligence Agencies Gains a Harder Edge (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/27/2019 |
DO'T MISS THIS VIDEO: The Atomic Soldiers: U.S. Veterans, Used as Guinea Pigs, Break the Silence (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/27/2019 |
The Untold History of Charter Schools : by Rachel Cohenin the Democracy Journal (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/27/2019 |
Journalism Is Under Unprecedented Assault (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/29/2019 |
XPRIZE: $10 Million Prize for Teaching Without Teachers! by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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06/01/2019 |
Pennsylvania: Charter Lobby Pushes to Remove All Quality Controls and Allow Unlimited Expansion ;Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/07/2019 |
Mar-a-Lago Comes for British Health (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/07/2019 |
Revive Our Best Civil Rights Tool (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/07/2019 |
Australian Police Raids Target News Media Over Leaked Documents - (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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06/08/2019 |
4 Disturbing Details You May Have Missed in the Mueller Report (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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06/08/2019 |
White House blocked intelligence agency's written testimony saying climate change could be 'possibly catastrophic' (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/08/2019 |
Trump Destroys American Greatness From Within, By Timothy Egan (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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06/11/2019 |
A Billionaire Declares: Better Public Schools Won't Fix America; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/13/2019 |
The World Grows More Dangerous by the Day: Parting thoughts from a French diplomat as he leaves America (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/13/2019 |
Mitch McConnell is Making the 2020 Election Open Season for Hackers by Susan Halpern (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/14/2019 |
In the Public Interest: The Real Cost of Charters=Budget Cuts for Public Schools; Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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06/16/2019 |
Hired Guns, Scholars and the California School Policy Task Force; by Tom Ultican (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/18/2019 |
Trump's Abuse of Executive Privilege Is More Than a Present Danger (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/19/2019 |
The Tide Is Turning! We Need Your Help!: Diane Ravitch & the NPE (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/19/2019 |
Bosses pocket Trump tax windfall as workers see job promises vanish (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/20/2019 |
E.P.A. Finalizes Its Plan to Replace Obama-Era Climate Rules: (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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06/20/2019 |
Trump and Iran May Be on a Collision Course, and It Could Get Scarier ; By Nicholas Kristof (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/21/2019 |
Attacking Iran Is Congress's Call: maximum pressure and minimal diplomacy is bringing us closer to war (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/22/2019 |
Trump's Slouching Toward War With Iran Is a Disgrace ; By Roger Cohen (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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06/23/2019 |
How Online Charter Operators Scammed More Than $50 Million from Taxpayers and Schools in California; by Valerie Strauss (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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06/24/2019 |
A Message From the Billionaire's Club: Tax Us (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/25/2019 |
Self-Inflicted Medical Misery by Paul Krugman (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/26/2019 |
We Need Expert Advice on Candidates but the politcal parties made it far too hard. by Larry M Bartesl (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/26/2019 |
The Law©? No one owns the law, and no one should be able to copyright it. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/26/2019 |
Trump Takes On China and Persia at Once. What's to Worry About? He's imposed pain. Now, if he only had defined plans. (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/27/2019 |
Iran's Gambit: Force the World to Rein In Trump (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/27/2019 |
What is gerrymandering and why is it problematic? - a simple visual aid. (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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06/27/2019 |
Trump is quietly leading us closer to nuclear disaster by Steven Andreasen, director for defense policy and arms control (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/27/2019 |
Why I Was Wrong About Elizabeth Warren By Nicholas Kristof (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/27/2019 |
This Isn't About Iran. It's About China. By Robert D. Kaplan; managing director for global Macro at Eurasia Group (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/28/2019 |
NeNeoliberal Privatizer David Osborne offers disinformation designed to fool the gullible; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/30/2019 |
Here's What It's Like To See Yourself In A Deepfake Porn Video (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/01/2019 |
The RIGHT To Close and to Mourn by Julia Bueno (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/14/2019 |
How Social Media Can Fight Deepfakes (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/14/2019 |
The Battle for Health Care appears likely to reach the Supreme Court in the heat of the 2020 Presidential race. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/15/2019 |
Trump's Tweets Prove That He Is a Raging Racist; It is undeniably true that America's president opposes diversity. (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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07/15/2019 |
The Jeffrey Epstein Case Implicates Us All - by Sady Doyle (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/17/2019 |
What the Superhuman Controversy Reveals About the Shifting Ethics of Software (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/17/2019 |
'Trump's Going to Get Re-elected, Isn't He?' - by Thomas Friedman (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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07/18/2019 |
Am I an American? by Ibram X. Kendi Dir.of the Antiracist Research & Policy Center at American University (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/04/2019 |
Why We Need to See the Grisly Reality of Gun Carnage:Graphic images galvanized the civil-rights movement and opposition (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/05/2019 |
We Have a White Nationalist Terrorist Problem (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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08/07/2019 |
The Extremely Inefficient-And Only-Way to Trace Guns in the U.S. "Guns Found Here;" The Atlantic (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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08/10/2019 |
What Is Democracy? Bargaining for the Common Good;by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/15/2019 |
The Walton Family Makes $4 Million Every Hour" The Escalating Wealth divide affects public schools: by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/19/2019 |
Colorado: Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid. by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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08/21/2019 |
Federal Reserve Nips Bank Rules; Critics Warn of Back sliding. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/03/2019 |
The Great Tax Break Heist :First of all, the opportunity-zone debacle isn't The many, many fiascos of policy by tax cut. (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/04/2019 |
Guide To How The Impeachment Process Works (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/06/2019 |
Ohio Set To Remove More Than 200,000 People From Its Voter Rolls (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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09/08/2019 |
Marine heatwave hits Pacific, raising fears of a new hot 'blob' (View How Many People Read This) |
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09/08/2019 |
District of Columbia: How Taxpayers Fund an Army of Charter School Lobbyists (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/13/2019 |
The Office of Missing Children: A Story of Family Separation - Video Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/15/2019 |
The Network for Public Education's Carol Burris and Leonie Haimson On the Air! by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/16/2019 |
Are Charter Schools Public Schools?;by Shawgi Tell at Diane Ravitch blog. (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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09/16/2019 |
President Trump Wages War on Government and Expertise, and Our Institutions Surrender; by Masha Gessen (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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09/25/2019 |
George Conway and Neal K. Katyal: Trump has done plenty to warrant impeachment. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/26/2019 |
Rudy Giuliani - World's Worst Best Friend He's loud, he's confused and he's got a great plan for Ukraine. (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/26/2019 |
Full Document: Trump's Call With the Ukrainian President (View How Many People Read This) |
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10/01/2019 |
The Floodgates Open on Trump by David Remnick (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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10/01/2019 |
The War on Public Education in North Carolina; Rob Schofield, Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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10/02/2019 |
How 'Time for Kids' Covers Impeachment - The Atlantic (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/08/2019 |
Mexico IS the Wall! by George Ramos (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/09/2019 |
Trump and Tehran Shake Up the Middle East; Iran's airstrike on Saudi oil sites exposed vulnerabilities around the region (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/10/2019 |
Planned Demolition of Public Ed in Providence: School Crisis Scam Repeats Pension "Reform" Heist Script (View How Many People Read This) |
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10/11/2019 |
Why Trump Can't Tweet His Way Out of This - POLITICO Magazine (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/11/2019 |
Trump's Bizarro World Reading of the Constitution - POLITICO Magazine (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/12/2019 |
The Minister of Justice Meets the Minister of Propaganda:Why William Barr's meeting with Rupert Murdoch is so dangerous. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/12/2019 |
Right-Wing Authoritarians Are Waging A Hybrid War On Democracy (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/14/2019 |
Doctored scene shown at Trump's resort shows Trump attacking CNN, Politico, Hillary Clinton and John McCain (View How Many People Read This) |
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10/15/2019 |
British Couple Arrested, traumatised' after arrest at US border ,sent to Detention Center separated from 3 mo old baby (View How Many People Read This) |
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10/16/2019 |
NYC's Plan To Put Private Money Into Public Schools: Helping Out Or Selling Out? (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/16/2019 |
It's Not Trump vs. the Dems. It's Trump vs. the Country's True Defenders. (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/17/2019 |
When Bernie Sanders Stood Up to Teach for America; Rachel Cohen & Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/20/2019 |
How Low Will Trump Go? The president is unabashed, unapologetic and out of control. (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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10/21/2019 |
We Are All at the Mercy of the Narcissist in Chief , By Jennifer Senior (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/21/2019 |
No, We Won't Just 'Get Over It', by Charles M.Blow (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/26/2019 |
100 years of protests in 150 countries: Re: the working class and democracy (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/28/2019 |
Darrell M. West Explains the History of the Electoral College and Why It Should Be Abolished (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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10/31/2019 |
A Democracy-Killing Duo: Democracy ended by predatory capitalism is in front of our eyes. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/04/2019 |
'It's like nothing we have come across before': UK intelligence shaken: Bill Barr Went Looking for Dirt in London (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/04/2019 |
Hamilton pushed for impeachment powers. Trump is what he had in mind-- a way to get rid of the demagogic ones (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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11/05/2019 |
More than 11,000 scientists from around the world declare a 'climate emergency' Study outlines six major steps (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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11/05/2019 |
There Are Not Two Sides To The Trump-Ukraine Story; There is only one way to report on the House impeachment inquiry (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/06/2019 |
British Writer Pens The Best Description Of Trump I've Read; by Michael Stevenson (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/06/2019 |
Unequal Justice: Impeachment, Bill Barr, and the Reichstag Fire (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/07/2019 |
Shame on Houston's Texas Education Agency for Attacking Local Democratic Control of Public Schools! by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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11/07/2019 |
Don't Let Trump Make You Numb to What's Unacceptable (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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11/07/2019 |
Beware! Privatization Vandals Target 7 Cities for Destruction and Takeover (View How Many People Read This) 16  |
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11/08/2019 |
Stop Her Now! Betsy DeVos Wants to Double the Number of Charter Schools in New Hampshire' by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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11/11/2019 |
Corporations That Pay No Federal Taxes starve our schools and other vital public services.; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/12/2019 |
The Greatest Scam in History: How the Energy Companies Took Us; by Naomi Oreskes (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/12/2019 |
Trump administration is fighting a war against science; by John Richard Schrock (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/12/2019 |
E.P.A. to Limit Science Used to Write Public Health Rules (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/13/2019 |
Adam Schiff Emphasizes the Constitutional Stakes (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/14/2019 |
"Here today, gone tomorrow: Charters Schools Open and Close Like Day Lilies (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/15/2019 |
Trump's Angry Yovanovitch tweet could make his life even worse. (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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11/16/2019 |
Dont Miss:" Yavanovich Reminded Us: This Is Not Normal" by Diane Ravitch/Susan Glasser (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/16/2019 |
The Massacre That Spawned the Alt-Right;Alt-Right Forty years ago, a gang of Klansmen and Nazis murdered five communists (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/16/2019 |
Pennsylvania Legislature Should Reject the Vulture Voucher Bill!; Stephen Singer, Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/17/2019 |
How America Ends; Can Moderate Republicans Save America? A brilliant historical analysis of our democracy. The Atlantic (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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11/23/2019 |
In Trump's Washington, the rogue actors are the real players - and the experts are increasingly irrelevant ! (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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11/23/2019 |
Never Is Now Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate: Sacha Baron Cohen's Keynote Address at 'ADL' 2019 (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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11/24/2019 |
What Happens When a President and Congress Go to War? by Emilly Bazelon (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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12/10/2019 |
NAEP=The National Assessment of Educational Paralysis; John Merrow (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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12/10/2019 |
Federal government wasted millions of dollars on charter schools that never opened; Valerie Strauss (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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12/11/2019 |
Impeach Trump. Save America. by Thomas Friedman (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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12/11/2019 |
The Perverse Servility of Bill Barr; By Frank Bruni (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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12/11/2019 |
What Impeachment Is Revealing About the Republican Party (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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12/28/2019 |
How Trump Is Warping the Military's Place in the Constitutional Order (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/29/2019 |
A program protecting us from deadly pandemic is about to expire (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/30/2019 |
Bill Barr Thinks America Is Going to Hell: he's on a mission to use the "authority" of the executive branch to stop it! (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/03/2020 |
It's an Old and Insidious Hatred. And New Yorkers Can't Stand for It. (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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01/07/2020 |
Should the U.S. Expect an Iranian Cyberattack? By Sue Halpern (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/08/2020 |
Words Matter: Trust is at stake, and so is our survival. (View How Many People Read This) 7  |
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01/08/2020 |
What Corporate Democrats Really Mean When They Use Terms Like 'Purity Test' :The Centrist's Dictionary:- LA Progressive (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/09/2020 |
American Students Are Not Getting Smarter, and Test-Based "Reforms" Are to Blame. Daniel Koretz at DianeRRavitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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01/09/2020 |
Jan Resseger: The Empowering and Hopeful Message of "SLAYING GOLIATH"; Diane Ravitch blog (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/10/2020 |
How To Avoid Swallowing War Propaganda ; cutting through lies and euphemisms to see things as they really are (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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01/19/2020 |
Don't Miss: "Slaying Goliath: The Life And Death Of The Terrible Education Reform Movement" by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/30/2020 |
Reviewing a Review: Bob Shepherd Reviews Annie Murphy Paul's Review of SLAYING GOLIATH in the "New York Times" (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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01/30/2020 |
Diane Ravitch on Disruption's Educational Carnage; by Bill Raden, Capital & Main (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/03/2020 |
Trump's Impeachment and the Degrading of Presidential Accountability; By Amy Davidson Sorkin (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/03/2020 |
Joni Ernst Warns GOP Could Weaponize Impeachment 'Immediately' If Democrat Wins White House;Common Dreams (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/03/2020 |
The Exhaustion Caucus:The election cycle is stressful, voters must remain enthusiastic &determined; by Charles M Blow. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/03/2020 |
The Simple Reason Trump Does What He Does: Because he can; by David Leonhardt (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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02/03/2020 |
A Dishonorable Senate abdicated their duty by refusing to seek the truth. (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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02/04/2020 |
Donald Trump's jokes about defying election results could create chaos. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/04/2020 |
2020 Iowa caucuses app Shadow debacle: end computerized elections. (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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02/05/2020 |
Mitt Romney's Full Speech On Voting To Convict And Remove Donald Trump (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/05/2020 |
Trump: The President Without Character; Schiff's final speech (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/05/2020 |
In the Public Interest: The Best Choice is a Public School; Diane Ravitch, Jermey Mohler (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/06/2020 |
The Wrenching Truth About Mitt Romney's Impeachment-Trial Vote Is That It Doesn't Matter (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/06/2020 |
"Slaying Goliath: The Education Reform Movement Has Failed America"; "by Diane Ravitch. (View How Many People Read This) 5  |
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02/07/2020 |
This vulgar man has squandered our decency, by Dana Milbank (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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02/19/2020 |
Michael Bloomberg's education 'reforms' would be a disaster for public schools; by Dr Heather Gautney & Eric Blanc (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/19/2020 |
School choice detrimental to public schools;By Jon Erpenbach and Sondy Pope Wisconsin State Legislature (View How Many People Read This) |
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02/19/2020 |
The Planned Demolition of Public Education in America;by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/10/2020 |
Donald Trump is the Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on America: tweet from Preet Bharara: former U.S. Attorney (View How Many People Read This) 7  |
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03/12/2020 |
The U.S. Isn't Ready for What's About to Happen; By Juliette Kayyem in The Atlantic (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/12/2020 |
7 Things Mentally Strong People Avoid Doing - Change Your Mind Change Your Life; by George J. Ziogas (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/20/2020 |
The Trump Administration Is Corrupting the U.S. Government; by George Packer in The Atlantic (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/26/2020 |
The Fog of Pandemic: All the Coronavirus Statistics Are Flawed- by Derek Thompson, The Atlantic (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/26/2020 |
The President Is Trapped :utterly unsuited to deal with this crisis; Peter Wehner (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/29/2020 |
'Succession' Producer Frank Rich on Reining In Trump's Coronavirus Press Conferences (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/29/2020 |
Billionaire Philanthropists Accelerate Propaganda Attacks on Public Schools During Pandemic (View How Many People Read This) |
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03/29/2020 |
A history of the Trump War on Media: the obsession not even coronavirus could stop; Manuel Roig-Franzia & Sarah Ellison (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/07/2020 |
COVID-19 Pandemic Has Only Just Begun - Robert Roy Britt - Medium (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/11/2020 |
Will Trump Be Held Accountable for the Blood on his Hands? (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/11/2020 |
Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren't Allowed to Know About: they could make their first appearance in this crisis (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/12/2020 |
Online Learning Should Return to a Supporting Role -by David Deming (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/13/2020 |
How private equity is using the pandemic to extort taxpayers; by Judd Legum (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/16/2020 |
Trump has 'dangerously undermined truth' with attacks on news media: report - The Washington Post (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/16/2020 |
Captain Trump hits the rocks - by Dana Milbank (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/27/2020 |
Coronavirus and the Price of Trump's Delusions: By Michelle Goldberg (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/29/2020 |
Trump Self-Destructs:Injections of Bleach? Beams of Light? by Frank Bruni (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/30/2020 |
What experts say works for combating coronavirus misinformation - Axios (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/04/2020 |
The White House is focused on per capita coronavirus death tolls. Here's where we rank. (View How Many People Read This) |
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05/04/2020 |
'Dangerous and Irresponsible': 40 Rights Groups Demand McConnell Stop Ramming Through Lifetime Judges During Covid-19 Cr (View How Many People Read This) |
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05/05/2020 |
Trump Is Unraveling - by Peter Wehner (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/05/2020 |
Reopening the Economy Will Send Us to Hell:Straight from home to work to ICU to morgue. (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/12/2020 |
Unsanitized: The K Street Bailout Would Apply to Practically Every Trade Group - by David Dayen,The American Prospect (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/14/2020 |
'No Excuse': Senate Slammed for Reauthorizing Government Spy Powers Without Crucial Privacy Protections (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/14/2020 |
"A Grievous Wound to the Rule of law:the president's lawyers tell the justices that he is beyond the reach of Congress a (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/17/2020 |
A truly exceptional weather event is happening right now in the Southern Hemisphere; by Martin Jucker (View How Many People Read This) |
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05/20/2020 |
Must Read: The Las Vegas Sun:This is What a Budding Dictatorship Looks Like Will You Take a Stand?; Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/27/2020 |
Give Me Liberty and Give Me Death - by Umair Haque, Eudaimonia and Co (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/14/2020 |
Deregulation's Deadly Consequences: Report Details How Trump's Assault on Government Exacerbated Pandemic (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/18/2020 |
'Congress Must Reject This Dangerous Proposal': Draft of McConnell Corporate Immunity Plan Sparks Alarm (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/20/2020 |
Congressional Republicans Join Trump's Scheme to Raid Social Security: Social Security Works (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/20/2020 |
'Things could get very ugly': Experts fear post-election crisis if Trump disputes the results (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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07/21/2020 |
Pentagon Confronts the Pandemic - LA Progressive (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/21/2020 |
New York: Billionaires Get Richer During Pandemic; Diane Ravitch; Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/22/2020 |
Trump Is Wallowing in Self-Pity -by Peter Wehner, Senior fellow: The Ethics and Public Policy Center (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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09/05/2020 |
'The Corruption Is Bottomless': Documents Reveal Chair of Postal Service Board Is Director of McConnell-Allied Super PAC (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/07/2020 |
This Labor Day, Social Security's Future Hangs in the Balance (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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09/13/2020 |
Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Trump Does Indeed Plan To Destroy Social Security; by Nancy J. Altman (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/13/2020 |
Warning 'Patently False' Information 'Will Sow Confusion,' Federal Judge Blocks Postal Service From Sending Mailers to C (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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09/22/2020 |
How International Agreements Work. (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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10/09/2020 |
'Shameless Stunt': Trump Reportedly Attempting to Raid Medicare Trust Fund to Pay for Drug Discount Cards With His Name (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/10/2020 |
As Trump refuses to say he'll accept election results, Republicans press to make voting harder: By Dan Balz (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/10/2020 |
Let's Make a Deal: Trump and Congress need to rise to the moment. (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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12/07/2020 |
More than Half the Funds in CARES PPP Went to 5% of Recipients, by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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12/27/2020 |
Dana Milbank: Senator Ron Johnson Is Undermining Our Democracy;by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/30/2020 |
Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds ;By Elizabeth Kolbert (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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12/30/2020 |
The Overlooked Hallmark of the Trump Administration: Trump's Defining Trait: Indifference; by Masha Gessen (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/05/2021 |
What We Get Wrong About America's Crisis of Democracy; By Adam Gopnik (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/08/2021 |
Jan. 6 Was 9 Weeks - And 4 Years - in the Making (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/18/2021 |
Off the rails: Conspiracy theorists commandeer Trump's legal operation - Axios (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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01/29/2021 |
NEPC Talks Education: Discussing A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door: The Dismantling of Public Education and the Future of S (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/07/2021 |
The Secret Bipartisan Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (View How Many People Read This) 5  |
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02/16/2021 |
Big Data on Learning Loss Is Not the Point: Teachers Know How to Use Formative Assessments to Guide Their Work with Each (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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02/16/2021 |
Another Biz-Friendly Edu-octopus; CURMUDGUCATION: by Peter Grrene (View How Many People Read This) |
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02/22/2021 |
Why Does the Pandemic Seem to Be Hitting Some Countries Harder Than Others? by By Siddhartha Mukherjee (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/23/2021 |
Money Intended for Education Should Stay in Education - Raise Your Hand Texas #FundTxEdRecovery. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/23/2021 |
Learn About Litigating Against Vouchers; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/27/2021 |
Making Windmills the New Scapegoat - LA Progressive (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/27/2021 |
E-mail Is Making Us Miserable; we've accidentally deployed an inhumane way to collaborate; By Cal Newport (View How Many People Read This) 8  |
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03/01/2021 |
Bill Gates Invites You to Learn About "The State of Education"by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/07/2021 |
A 'Green New Dud'? Progressives Warn House Climate Bill 'Fails to Grasp the Fundamental Truth' of Planetary Crisis (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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03/19/2021 |
Pension Plans in Decline Saved (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/20/2021 |
Beware: Here Is How to Wreck Your State's Public Schools; by Jan Ressseger (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/22/2021 |
How the Filibuster Killed Accountability in Congress - Jacob S. Hacker, Political scientist at Yale (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/24/2021 |
How Do Plague Stories End? By Jill Lepore (View How Many People Read This) |
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03/24/2021 |
The Most Sustained Effort to Silence Voters Since Jim Crow (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/29/2021 |
Florida: League of Women Voters Exposes Voucher Boondoggle As Big Business (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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04/06/2021 |
The Power of "Screen Time"; by By Rebecca D. Silverman, Kristin Keane; "The AmericanAmerican Federation of Teachers (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/08/2021 |
Despite Pandemic Shutdowns, CO2 Now at Levels Unseen in 3.6 Million Years (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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04/12/2021 |
Media Coalition Declares That Journalism Should Reflect 'Climate Emergency Is Here' (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/06/2021 |
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Signs a Voter Suppression Bill, and Fox News Has the Only Camera - Mother Jones (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/09/2021 |
How the election-fraud myth was spread (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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05/13/2021 |
EPA Data Kept Secret Under Trump Shows Climate Crisis Becoming 'More Evident, Stronger, and Extreme' (View How Many People Read This) 6  |
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05/13/2021 |
Leaked Video: Dark Money Group Brags About Writing GOP Voter Suppression Bills Across the Country - Mother Jones (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/14/2021 |
Jamie Dimon: A Model Parasite (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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05/18/2021 |
The Politics of the Lab-Leak Theory ; by David From (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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06/10/2021 |
The war for attention: How to be a skillful communicator ; by Jim VandeHei (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/10/2021 |
Half of the pandemic's unemployment money may have been stolen - Axios (View How Many People Read This) |
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06/10/2021 |
Everything is too complicated: our annual list of confusing tech questions - The Verge (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/11/2021 |
It's Not Just Income Taxes. Billionaires Don't Pay Inheritance Taxes Either (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/23/2021 |
The Really Big Fight on Voting Rights Is Just Around the Corner (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/25/2021 |
R.I. House approves bill that would automatically enroll students in charter lotteries (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/25/2021 |
John Thompson on The Perfect Storm of Destructive School Reform. Diane Ravitch blog (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/26/2021 |
Should Selective Public Schools Like His Exist? Questions about the specialized high school admissions process (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/02/2021 |
CURMUDGUCATION: CRT Warriors Are Coming For Individual Teachers, by Peter Greene (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/07/2021 |
Randi Weingarten: The Right's War on Education Is Reaching Dystopian Levels. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/07/2021 |
"The Plague Year :The mistakes and the struggles behind America's coronavirus tragedy. by Lawrence Wright (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/07/2021 |
The Deep Sea Is Filled with Treasure, but It Comes at a Price (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/19/2021 |
Knows What Jan. 6 Was Really About; By Donald Ayer, Danielle Brian and Norman Eisen (View How Many People Read This) |
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07/19/2021 |
'Nobody Believed Me': How Rape Cases Get Dropped; By Jan Ransom (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/19/2021 |
Rob Portman says IRS enforcement off the table for funding $1.2T infrastructure package - POLITICO (View How Many People Read This) |
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07/19/2021 |
Today's Edition Robert Hubbell Newsletter: The power of public sentiment. (View How Many People Read This) |
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07/20/2021 |
Loneliness Is Breaking America; by Michelle Goldberg (View How Many People Read This) |
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07/23/2021 |
The Deceptive Language of School Choice; Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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07/26/2021 |
Operation Fox Hunt: How China Exports Repression Using a Network of Spies Hidden in Plain Sight - ProPublica (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/31/2021 |
Maurice Cunningham: Phony Parent Groups Lead Attacks on Critical Race Theory; Diane Ravitch blog (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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08/02/2021 |
The Big Money Behind the Big Lie; by Jane Mayer (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/07/2021 |
What if Humans Just Can't Get Along Anymore? By Farhad Manjoo (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/07/2021 |
Climate change almost completely destabilizes Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, study finds - The Washington (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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08/08/2021 |
The Pandemic Exodus: Kindergarten Enrollment Drops (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/13/2021 |
How climate change worsens extreme weather in your area, in one map - Vox (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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08/17/2021 |
Seven Cognitive Distortions Poisoning COVID Debates; by Vinay Prasad, MD, MPH (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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09/11/2021 |
Pentagon retakes control of IP addresses it had shifted in final minutes of Trump's presidency (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/22/2021 |
Pandemic Shipping Delays: Why Deliveries Are So Slow - The Atlantic (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/22/2021 |
Mnuchin's Private Equity Fund Raises $2.5 Billion - Attracted investment from Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/23/2021 |
July/August 2020: Why Do Republican Leaders Continue to Enable Trump? -By Anne Applebaum (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/24/2021 |
Tucker Carlson Pushes Racist 'Great Replacement' Theory Yet Again,;ADL Renews Call for Fox to Fire Him (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/30/2021 |
"Not a no, not a yes." - by Robert B. Hubbell (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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11/24/2021 |
What's One of the Most Dangerous Toys for Kids? The Internet. (View How Many People Read This) 3  |
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11/27/2021 |
Governor Abbott, Stop Smearing School Librarians! Sara Stevenson: at Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/06/2021 |
Violence and Threats in Schools: Who's Responsible? by Nancy Flanagan, (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/06/2021 |
CURMUDGUCATION: GOP House Proposed Parents Bill of Rights.by Peter Greene (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/09/2021 |
Why the Media Needs a True Reckoning about Serving the Public Good by Thom Hartman (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/10/2021 |
The problem(s) with Bloomberg's $750 million investment in charter schools; and history of overhauling schools (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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12/10/2021 |
Twitter Spaces has become a tool for extremists and racists. Employees warned that might happen. (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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12/11/2021 |
Phil Waldron, backer of Jan. 6 PowerPoint, says he met with Mark Meadows, briefed lawmakers (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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01/14/2022 |
The Coming Coup: How Republicans Are Laying the Groundwork to Steal Future Elections -Ari Berman, Mother Jones (View How Many People Read This) |
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02/05/2022 |
The Inside Story of the Banning of "Maus." It's Dumber Than You Think.by David Corn (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/05/2022 |
Oklahoma: "Backpack" Aims to Defund Public Schools; Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) |
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02/05/2022 |
Alabama Republican Hopes to Eliminate Public Schools, by Peter Greene: (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/07/2022 |
What the January 6th Papers Reveal; by Jack Cassidy (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/17/2022 |
Study Exposes Climate Claims (View How Many People Read This) 4  |
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02/21/2022 |
Why Trump Can't Be Ignored & Must Be Held Accountable; by Thom Hartmann (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/18/2022 |
Statement by Russian Anti-War Committee; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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03/24/2022 |
John Oliver on "Whataboutism", by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 5  |
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04/04/2022 |
Berkshire & Schneider: Democrats Need a New Message About Education by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/04/2022 |
Leonie Haimson: Stop Congress from Passing Massive Data Collection on Every College Student (View How Many People Read This) |
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04/05/2022 |
The Real Purpose of Florida's "Don't Say Gay" Bill: by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/14/2022 |
Public Schooling in America: Measuring Each State's Commitment to Democratically Governed Schools - Network For Public E (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/22/2022 |
It's Not News That McConnell and McCarthy Are Craven Patsies for Trump, but the Danger Has Grown (View How Many People Read This) |
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04/24/2022 |
The Slime Machine Targeting Dozens of Biden Nominees, by Jane Mayer (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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04/25/2022 |
The City Fund Uses Oligarch Money to Privatize Public Schools; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/29/2022 |
Beware the Gay Penguins! The Sensitive Ferdinand! The Heterosexual Ducklings; !by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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05/19/2022 |
America's Gun Plague: hatred alone is not an American phenomenon-easy access to deadly weapons is. -By David Frum (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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06/27/2022 |
The Pro-Life Movement's Work Is Just Beginning; : time for deciding about what comes after; David French (View How Many People Read This) |
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06/27/2022 |
Joe Biden Could Save America: Fight for us, Mr. President. Is that too much to ask?; by Bill McKibben (View How Many People Read This) |
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06/27/2022 |
Arizona: Republican Candidates Ridicule the 1/6 Commission;by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/04/2022 |
The Koch Libertarian Project vs. America; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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07/04/2022 |
New Insights Into Trump's State of Mind on Jan. 6 Chip Away at Doubts; by Peter Baker (View How Many People Read This) 9  |
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07/06/2022 |
Fetterman Calls for Assault Weapons Ban After July 4th Parade Massacre; BY Jake Johnson (View How Many People Read This) |
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07/09/2022 |
Samuel Abrams: The Curious Omission in the Supreme Court's Maine Ruling; by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/09/2022 |
Hear about the victims, not the gunman: First funerals held for Highland Park July 4 parade shooting victims - (View How Many People Read This) |
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07/25/2022 |
American Rasputin: Steve Bannon Is a Lit Bomb in the Mouth of Democracy - By Jennifer Senior; The Atlantic (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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07/25/2022 |
'Authoritarianism 101': Trump Plot to Purge Civil Servants If Reelected Draws Alarm (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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09/12/2022 |
Lithium Monopoly in the Making? Beijing Expands in the Lithium Triangle (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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09/12/2022 |
The radical legal theory that could upend the 2024 election (View How Many People Read This) 2  |
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09/22/2022 |
Please Watch Ken Burns' "The U.S. and the Holocaust;" by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) |
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09/27/2022 |
Privatization has set the stage for rising far-right populism; by Jerem yMohler;ITIP (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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10/30/2022 |
Political Violence; by Dan Rather and Eliot KIrschner (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/13/2023 |
Florida: The Hostile Takeover of New College; a must read by Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/25/2023 |
Is FOX News Entertainment or Journalism? by George F. Will: at Diane Ravitch blog (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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02/27/2023 |
DeSantis Launches Attack on Studies of Gender, Race and Whatever Else He Dislikes: Mercedes Schneider; Diane Ravitch (View How Many People Read This) |
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03/19/2023 |
Mercedes Schneider: How to Create a Bureaucratic Nightmare;diane Ravitch blog (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/19/2023 |
Steve Nuzum: The Gaslighting of Teachers Continues - Network For Public Education (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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03/21/2023 |
The Network for Public Education Objects to the Hostile Takeover of the Houston School District (View How Many People Read This) 1  |
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04/01/2023 |
The real story behind takeover of Houston public schools - by Valerie Strauss (View How Many People Read This) 1  |