Ravitch says: "We are re-creating a dual school system. This is not Reform. It is a massive scam. Charters want autonomy with no accountability. That’s a bad deal for students, teachers, and taxpayers. It does not produce better education. It robs public schools of resources." Carol Burris reviews some of the notable charter scams and corruption in the past year. She notes that the NAACP passed a resolution demanding a moratorium on new charters until charters cleaned up their actions and policies. Instead of doing some self-examination & trying to right what was wrong, the charter apologists attacked the NAACP. Back in the 1990s, I believed that charters would cost less money (no bureaucracy), but now they demand the same funding as public schools. The slogan of the day was that charters would get autonomy in exchange for accountability. Now we know, 25 years later, it was a scam!"