Garrison Keillor penned a plea to the GOP rein in Trump: "How cynical are we willing to be and for how long? How long will Senate Republicans wait until a few of them stand up to the man? "Everyone knows that the man is oblivious, trapped in his own terrible needs. Republican, Democrat, libertarian, socialist, white supremacist or sebaceous cyst — everyone knows it. It is up to Republicans to save the country from this man. They elected him, and it is their duty to tie a rope around his ankle. They formed a solid bloc against Obama and held their ranks, and now, for revenge, they will go after health insurance subsidies for people of limited means, which is one of the cruelest things they can possibly do. “Nobody is going to be dying on the streets,” Trump said. No, they’re going to die at home in their bedrooms. American self-respect is what is at stake here, ladies and gentlemen."