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Kentucky Gov. Will Restore Voting Rights for More Than 100,000 Returning Citizens

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Steve Schneider

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear signed an executive order restoring voting rights for more than 100,000 returning citizens who complete their sentences. 

The Southern Poverty Law Center promptly hailed the decision, but called on the newly elected governor to work with the state legislature to make the action permanent. 

“Kentuckians should not be denied the right to vote because of a felony conviction," the group said in a press release. "Gov. Andy Beshear was right in signing the executive order today, but he should work with the Kentucky Legislature to make this order permanent. The right to vote should not depend on who happens to live in the governor’s mansion on any given day."    

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Steve Schneider lives in South Florida. He writes articles for Op Ed News and Democracy Chronicles.

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