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General News    H3'ed 3/23/17

Merkley Blasts Trump, Conway, Bannon, Spicer in Fiery Half-Hour Senate Speech

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Susan Lee Schwartz
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"The most important three words in our constitution are the first three words: “We The People”. With those words, our founding fathers laid out the vision, the principle, the foundation for our new nation's government. It would be, 'a government of the people, by the people and for the people'. It would not  be a government by and for the privileged and the elite. It would not be a government by and for the powerful. And it certainly would not be an authoritarian government.I believe it is more important than ever for us to recommit ourselves to that vision, a vision of a nation that measures its successes, not at the board room table but at the kitchen tables of hardworking Americans across this land. The vision of a nation that derives its power and authority from the people. In order to do that, Mr. President, we must resist President Trump's dangerous tilt towards authoritarianism.

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I began teaching in 1963,; Ba and BS in Education -Brooklyn College. I have the equivalent of 2 additional Master's, mainly in Literacy Studies and Graphic Design. I was the only seventh grade teacher of English from 1990 -1999 at East Side (more...)

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