The NY State Allies for Public Education, representing more than 50 grassroots NYS groups, denounced Governor Cuomo's commission to review and revise the Common Core standards and tests. The donor-driven commission includes no parent who opted out, no early childhood educator, but many who served on Cuomo's last, FAILED commission. It will AGAIN be led by the same businessman, Richard Parsons, despite the public’s outcry for an educator-led process. “Governor Cuomo is not trying to fix the problems but trying to salvage his reputation and his poll ratings -- make it ‘look like’ he is fixing these problems.If the governor really wanted to fix this mess, he would have called back the legislature for a special session to undo the laws that got us here in the first place. It is time to get back our real learning in our kids' classrooms and to local control by elected school boards. "