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Best Web OpEds    H3'ed 10/8/16

Nashville: New School Superintendent Neuters School Board, Wreaks Havoc on District; by Diane Ravitch

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Susan Lee Schwartz
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City Leaders: Arrogant or Incompetent? | The Price of Liberty

"Nashville didn't want a corporate reformer, but made the mistake of hiring an autocratic, power-hungry, tone-deaf  The Nashville School Board was hurried into picking a new school director and doing it fast. The number of candidates were few, but the choice of Dr. Shawn Joseph is turning into a major embarrassment.  as he is embroiled in a major controversy in his previous district.  Don't accept excuses for his wasteful spending, his ill-advised hires, his importing of the same aides involved in the scandal in Prince George's County. If he won't comply, say goodbye. It's imperative to admit it when you have made a mistake."  Over and over, as these  top-dogs  move from one school district to another,  creating failures elsewhere while the press and GATES push for VAM to evaluate teachers. Musical chairs at the top leave all of us at the bottom!

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At dianeravitch.net
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I began teaching in 1963,; Ba and BS in Education -Brooklyn College. I have the equivalent of 2 additional Master's, mainly in Literacy Studies and Graphic Design. I was the only seventh grade teacher of English from 1990 -1999 at East Side (more...)

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