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General News    H3'ed 7/6/19

Otto Warmbier's family make claim for North Korean ship 'Wise Honest' seized by US

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Stephen Fox
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Warmbier's file claim for North Korea Cargo Ship The U.S. seized the ship from North Korea back in December. Learn more about this story at newsy.com/91892/ Find more videos like this at ...
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The parents of Otto Warmbier, an Ohio man who died after being imprisoned in North Korea, filed a legal claim Wednesday seeking the rights to a North Korean cargo ship seized by U.S. authorities.

Cynthia and Frederick Warmbier argued in the five-page filing in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York that it could stake a claim to the ship and use it to help pay for a $500 million judgment they have against North Korea for their son's death.

The U.S. had seized the ship, the "Wise Honest," in May 2019 in connection with a scheme to violate international sanctions against North Korea. Between November 2016 and April 2018, according to court documents, the ship was used by the Korea Songi Shipping Company to export coal to foreign purchasers – a direct violation of international sanctions prohibiting North Korea from exporting coal.

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