Don't miss this! a rollicking musical number on Saturday Night Live. The sketch – which aired even before Conway's instant-classic "alternative facts" claim on Meet the Press Sunday – featured her being interviewed by CNN, where she spun Jake Tapper's questions beyond recognition. When the host asked simply, "Why are you doing this?," the interview turned into a Chicago-style song-and-dance where Conway revealed her real motive: Fame."Who says that lying's not an art? And when they Google just a 'K,' my name will come up before Kanye," "Conway" sang. "And when the world goes up in flames, at least for now they know my name: Kellyanne Conway" she sang in conclusion."Hey, you know what's weird? This time last year I supported Ted Cruz. I said Donald Trump acted unpresidential. It's on tape. But hey, that's showbiz."