So the FTC Takes Aim at 'Fake News' Websites? Is it such a good thing, without consequence? Should we buy what the newly elected 'big brothers' are selling here?
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"The real danger of spreading news of a dubious origin is not that we are subjected to specific falsehoods, but that it becomes such a regular occurrence, that readers no longer believe anything they read anymore. When all the news is tarnished as fake, there’s no one left to trust -- besides an authoritative executive figure who also happens to constantly talk about how much the media lies. That’s how the president-elect of the US can get away with himself sharing fake news — as he did Sunday night, when he tweeted out the baseless lie that there were millions of illegal votes in the election."We shouldn’t let a lazy, underpaid editor at any remotely reputable news or entertainment site get a pass on further devaluing what’s supposed to be the last remaining check on a potentially disastrous president’s unfettered power. This isn’t anyone’s fault but our own."