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Trump administration will ask Supreme Court to allow it to end DACA

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Sheila Samples
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Trump: DACA bill will include border wall provisions
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The Justice Department on Tuesday said it would take the “rare step” of asking the Supreme Court to overturn a judge’s ruling and clear the way for the Trump administration to dismantle a program that provides work permits to undocumented immigrants who have lived in the United States since childhood. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who filed one of the federal lawsuits that led to the temporary injunction, said he was confident the courts will uphold the order. “The unlawful action by the Trump Administration to terminate DACA impacts the lives and livelihood of hundreds of thousands [of] Dreamers, their colleagues, our universities, our businesses and our economy,” Becerra said.
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Sheila Samples is an Oklahoma writer and a former civilian US Army Public Information Officer. She is a Managing Editor for OpEd News, and a regular contributor for a variety of Internet sites.

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