But what NEXT? "If the United States escapes a disaster Nov. 8, it will have done so narrowly. Donald Trump, a dictator-in-waiting with a brat’s temper and a prig’s scowl, has won the support of tens of millions! Everyone knows, not least his supporters, but " they feel the tectonic plates shifting downward,, not only of America’s place in the world, but also of production, employment, livelihoods. Precariousness is the new normal. There is something rotten in the state of the West. Everything is visible, including the immense wealth of the rich. Tossed here and there people revert to nativism, nationalism and ethnocentrism — in a word, to Trumpism.It now behooves America, whatever the outcome next month, to address the anger mixed with fear. His rise is a warning sign. If the warning is not heeded Trump may fail next month but another Trump will arise."