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US Behind Baghdad Airport Assassination of Iranian Quds Commander

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shad williams
Message shad williams
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Commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, was killed by the rocket fire near the Baghdad International Airport, Al Arabiya and Sky News broadcasters reported on Friday.

The hot war has begun.  It will be a retaliation by Iran against both the US and Israeli .

It is understandable why the fat jowl face - fat ar*e Pompeo did not travel to the Ukraine. Notice how none of the recent war criminals of past elites government administrations are not travelling internationally?

The elites mouths are watering.  More military ordinance, more hardware, more destruction...mo money for them, more debt and borrowing by their government from their piggy bank the federal reserve for US...Oh and more death, but who cares about death?

I suppose this is tolerable though.  We're accepting more slime every day.

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One cannot get away from the clutches of the Man.

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