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(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 14, 2024 Government Officials claim that they will continue to do what in fact they continue to not do
Government spokespersons newest handle to make it seem as though they are doing work to solve any particular problem is to say that they are continuing to do something in regards to that problem, Whatever it is that they are doing, they can not disclose for the obvious reason that they are generally full of bullshit and will continue to be totally full of it forever.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, August 13, 2024 Don't give up the ghost
Engage in discerning revolt as best that we can. Don't give up on others and don't give up on ourselves for trying to understand and do right.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 17, 2024 The World is in a fog led by Genocide Joe
Who is going to stop the genocide?
This horrible saga of the destruction of unknown human potential will hasten the break of the rest of the world from the liberal institutions set up by the western powers.
(12 comments) SHARE Sunday, July 9, 2023 The road to hell is filled with Pretensions
It is with ever-increasing attention and diligence that we must listen carefully to what is said by those pretending to be blameless for what goes on in the world.
In this case, US congressional progressives want us to believe that they really care about preventing the US from using cluster bombs. Make no mistake merely allowing them to be used AND transferring them to the Ukraine earns them a seat in Dante's hell.
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 4, 2023 Let us end the U.S. Preoccupation with Perpetual War - No excuses
The author writes: "It's difficult, if not entirely impossible, to have a rational discussion with people who have no grasp of history, are completely misinformed--a polite way of saying 'brainwashed'--are too preoccupied with tribal loyalty to look at facts, and are incapable of objective and balanced analysis."
I cannot state it better.
(22 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 8, 2023 The Dark Occultists are CEO in suits and lab coats - Why can we not see them?
We allowed GMO mosquitos to be released into the environment and are seeking to do so again in California. We continue to allow ourselves to be experimented upon. Conspiracy fact. Now the Mad with their paid for government has decided on an experiment to release "vaccinated" bees into the environment. Our minds are stuck in cement.
(12 comments) SHARE Friday, October 2, 2020 Thugs, thugs, everywhere and no rule of law to care
A momentary look at what the US Marines have been up recently. How they crash planes, create new armaments, threaten openly war plans against other sovereignties, care for their own soldiers and keep the two party paradigm united. Imagine if the congress worked for the US people as well as they work for the MIC.
(10 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 9, 2020 A new trinity: The Dark Lord, The Matrix and The Force as synonyms for the Narrative
From birth to death Deep Power conditions us with its ever changing Narrative, obfuscating its hands in evil perpetration and instilling a strange reluctance for us to acknowledge its misdeeds by looking it directly in the face even when its masks fall as they are doing today. Generation after generation we fail, perhaps hoping that the next will right the scales for justice. I am afraid we have just about run out of time.
(18 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 22, 2020 The Daily White House Factitious Corona Virus Show
It was very illuminating to watch the WH participants' facial expressions and body language during briefings on the Corona Virus on March 17, 2020. This could become a new sport. There is quite a bit of cognitive dissonance leaking out.
(12 comments) SHARE Monday, November 4, 2019 (181) People in Hong Kong do their part to restore order - YouTube
Wow! A disintegrating US Psy Op. Bet the US Deep didn't see that one coming. While the deep State glum a fake grievance about a proposed Hong Kong law holding a criminal accountable on to the backs of a real grievances about capitalist exploitation of labor in Hong Kong, the people decide instead to clean up the vandal debris in order to recover their city from west's running dog lackeys.
(12 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 22, 2019 American General Explains Rebranding the YPG Away From the PKK
Moderate terrorists...actually no. Morphonios of Blackstone Intelligence Report suggests that the blood thirsty terrorists were also involved in selling human body parts.
This is what the US government condones on behalf of the American people.
(30 comments) SHARE Monday, October 21, 2019 Oh Lord, please buy me a Mercedes Benz - Please Hear My Prayer
In the US, we are waiting for DaGOD. You know the story...waiting, waiting, meekly, timidly, hopefully, with beads, amulets, trinkets, idols, prayers and incantations as we are slaughtered for use by those who cannot wait the promise of gene editing or the meek inheriting the earth.
(13 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 13, 2019 Gene Editing Lunatics Gone Wild
The potential nasties seem to be everywhere. Climate, nuclear, buggy human creations such as AI, and GMOs. A cow was genetically modified to be without horns. Not only was it successfully modified to not have horns it was successfully accidentally modified to have genetically modified bacteria AND genetically modified anti bacteria.
Thank you Jesus.
(16 comments) SHARE Monday, September 30, 2019 (111) Press TV's The Debate - Yemen's retaliatory attacks - YouTube
Oh Look... there is Hashemi. She looks barely amused. Where did the western MSM disappear to? Preparing another false-flag chemical attack to save their moderate head-chopping-off terrorists in Idlib?Apparently, no news is bad news is the MSM new motto. In the meanwhile, how far will the "American" people allow the US entity to go to protect the Soddies?
(13 comments) SHARE Monday, September 9, 2019 Major Crimes of the Elites - Where is Hercule When He is Needed?
Only Agatha Christie could write such modern-day crime mysteries as we have been subjected to, replete with twists and turns that in the real world are known as lies and obfuscations and that are presented with the straight face of the MSM propaganda regimes... worthy of Pulitzer prizes and Oscars.