"A series of 8 short films produced by the Network for Public Education (NPE) premiered Sept 17th. The 1st film features NPE co-founder Diane Ravitch and has as its provocative initial caption, “Why are Betsy DeVos & Bill Gates so afraid of this grandmother?” The NPE films, begin with Ravitch’s powerfully important Cassandra-like warning: how, in the 21st century, the war on education is being prosecuted in the name of a set of myths: that public schools are failing – they are not; that school choice gives families more opportunity – it does not; that teachers unions serve only to protect incompetence – a vile, unsupportable lie; and that competition and free markets can deliver everything, including education, with greater quality and efficiency – a heroically grandiose and inaccurate assertion. Diane Ravitch offers America an opportunity to change direction" from a national shame.