The plan to bring forth a new soviet man right here in America has become a chilling reality. George Lucas has even called attention to it in his latest installment of Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is set in the 1950's, Indy has been kidnapped by Russians. Mid film his captor, Col. Dr. Irina Spalko, straps Jones to a chair and in a hush voice surrounded by ambient music she softly tells us what we have become, and where we are headed, and if you listen close you'll hear how its been done.
"Imagine, to peer across the world and know the enemies secrets, to place our thoughts into the minds of your leaders, make your teachers teach the true version of history, your soldiers attack on our command. We'll be everywhere at once more powerful than a whisper invading your dreams thinking your thoughts for you while you sleep. We will change you Dr. Jones, all of you, from the inside; we will turn you, into us and the best part-- you wont even know its happening "
Our dreams have been invaded and a frightening reality has been developed. Our leaders and teachers, none of them are as they seem, they have been turned from the inside, and we have been lead along for many generations. We are in the midst of a merger of the Russian and American models, a step closer to forming the perfect system of control. We are being crushed by the third wave of change. It is not coming, it is here.
"The First Wave of change— the agricultural revolution—took thousands of years to play itself out. The Second Wave—the rise of industrial civilization—took a mere three hundred years. Today history is even more accelerative, and it is likely that the Third Wave will sweep across history and complete itself in a few decades. We, who happen to share the planet at this explosive moment, will therefore feel the full impact of the Third Wave in our own lifetimes."
---Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave-1980
The first wave to hit us reveals just how long and far we have been lead, right into our current position, and with each wave of change that crashes our bonds grow tighter.
The agricultural revolution interrupted hunting and gathering and quickly replaced it with the domestication of plants and animals; within only a few thousand years the knowledge spread to all parts of the world. How and why the information was uncovered and implemented at such an expedited pace can be debated in theory, but there are few known facts as to what actually triggered the revolution.
The wanderers became farmers, as hunting grounds became farm land, and by the 17th century the second wave began to roll out, change was slow at first, man became farmer and owner, and with it came barter, money and bondage.
Since then we have been even more hurried through time, the industrial revolution was realized in hundreds of years, as opposed to thousands. The crushing changes of the second wave were directly aimed at our families, although several families managed to fare quite well through the assault. Toffler wrote that just like the first wave, "historians cannot pin down the "cause" of the industrial revolution" (The Third Wave p. 358), however we can see those that were involved in shaping the minds of men throughout it.
Industry drove people from the farm, and as families began moving closer to factories, children would no longer work as they did on the farms, an acceptable solution was mass education and it was ushered in. Toffler points out in The Third Wave, that school was to train children to become good factory workers, punctual, obedient people who can complete mundane tasks repetitively for eight hours a day, which is true, but that describes only half the purpose, mass education was, and still is, much worse than that. our thoughts into the minds of your leaders, make your teachers teach the true version of history
In 1954 the Reece Committee investigated the inner workings of tax exempt foundations, such as those run by the Carnegie, Rockefeller and Ford families. The investigation was brought forth in part because of growing suspicion that these organizations were un-American. It was ultimately revealed that these tax exempt foundations were working in tandem, using foundation money to meddle with our minds.They needed to change our way of thinking, and using the power and influence of their organizations, they promote the idea of global government. One important way to capture and control us (the enemy) was uncovered, get us young and vulnerable, and teach us to love our servitude.
...we'll be everywhere at once more powerful than a whisper invading your dreams thinking your thoughts for you while you sleep
America was being slowly lead down a path of collectivism, in fact one report uncovered by the Reece committee summarized the third wave we were sleep-walking into, it was from the American Historical Foundation (est. in 1889) and states, "the day of the individual in the United States of America had come to an end, and that the future would be characterized, inevitably, by some form of collectivism..."
...we will change you...all of you, from the inside, we will turn you into us and the best part-- you wont even know its happening
The harsh changes of the third wave are aimed at the individual and the Reece Committee was not the only proof of the war on for our minds. Former KGB propagandist, Yuri Bezmenov, revealed soviet secrets of psych warfare that were not only introduced to children by their teachers, but also spread through Hollywood by various artists (directors, writers, actors, poets, musicians, painters,) and pushed ahead by government leaders, and the press. They are all working against the individual, knowingly and unknowingly, in an attempt change our perception of reality. America has been attacked from the inside, through soviet ideological warfare.
Yuri has given some insight as to how effortless brainwashing an entire society can be. First the people must be demoralized, and that can take about fifteen years to indoctrinate a single generation, and when they are grown they will lead the next generation, parroting the doctrine. Once the majority has been reprogrammed they will react properly to the planned destabilization, and accept the Stalin or Lenin type leaders that will rise. Then a generated crisis will be used to make people more agreeable, and finally, normalization, (which may never end) making the brainwashed society find normalcy in a way of life that no one of sound mind would ever willingly accept.
We have been lead through these waves of change for many generations, and have ourselves endured life long doses of brainwash. Many have been changed and the plans to turn us into a collective are nearing completion, a brave new world awaits us. It is up to those who have refused to be demoralized and have managed to hold on to their conscience to bring the truth forward. Fight the globalist plan to destroy the individual, stop the birth of the collective or prepare to suffer total enslavement.
Eternal Resistance to Tyranny!