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Vaccines, Worse Than Opioids - Section #13, CDC, National Security, Doctor Kickbacks, Non-Profits, etc.

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Lynn Landes
Message Lynn Landes

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If you think the Opioid Epidemic is bad, the carnage caused by Vaccines is horrific. And the proof is in the vaccine manufacturers' own "Package Inserts", usually found in Section #13, which states,

"(fill in the blank vaccine) has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility", or words to that effect.

This is huge. The manufacturers' package inserts are stating that vaccines have not been evaluated or assessed for their ability to cause cancer, mutate DNA, or damage fertility, and therefore could cause any of these adverse health effects. You can find approved vaccines and their package inserts on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website at: https://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/ucm093833.htm

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is at the center of the global vaccination campaign. Yet CDC support for vaccines cannot be based on science. Using reverse logic, it only makes sense that the CDC does not require standard safety assessments, since the CDC does not require standard testing protocol for vaccines to begin with, including any long term or double blind "placebo" studies. Nor does the CDC require studies of unvaccinated populations versus vaccinated populations. For all practical purposes, the CDC depends on the honor system for the vaccine industry.

Worse still, the CDC knowingly permits a toxic cocktail of ingredients in vaccines, including: aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, human DNA, live viruses, etc.. The list of those vaccine ingredients can be found on the CDC's website at https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf.

Alarmingly, 50% of all American children will be autistic by 2025 -- in 8 short years-- at the current rate of increase in autism, according to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, an MIT statistician.

In what amounts to willful criminal misconduct by the CDC to hide the connection between autism and vaccines, its own lead scientist & whistleblower on vaccines, Dr. William Thompson, has testified that CDC personnel deliberately destroyed documents and misled the public. Yet, to our knowledge, there has been no official federal or Congressional investigation into this scandal.

As Autoimmune conditions skyrocket (including Autism, Alzheimer's, Diabetes 1 & 2, Cancer, Infertility, and Chronic Diseases in general), those conditions track the increased use of vaccines. In 2015, the first medical research textbook linking vaccines to autoimmunity was published, Vaccines and Autoimmunity. "Mutagenic potential" or DNA mutation can cause autoimmune disorders & disease, yet vaccine makers in the U.S. are not required to evaluate for it.

Under these circumstances, how can vaccines be prescribed by doctors, let alone mandated by governments, the military, school boards, employers, and others? How could standard tests and assessments for cancer, DNA mutation, or fertility be bypassed and vaccines approved? And why hasn't the mainstream news media taken notice and made it headline news?

The National Security implications for our nation are catastrophic. Vaccines make the perfect Trojan Horse for both domestic and foreign miscreants. Most Americans take these toxic vaccines, including every member of our military. And many vaccines are made in foreign countries, including China, a communist dictatorship that could soon become the world's biggest supplier of vaccines.

But, instead of exercising extreme caution with vaccines, U.S. federal, state, and local governments, the military, employers, and school boards are actually mandating vaccines, while our medical professionals are handing them out like candy. Why? For our medical professionals, who have been trained to blindly follow whatever the CDC dictates, it's also a case of follow-the-money. There's a really sick reason why some doctors are firing their patients if they don't get their children vaccinated. According to Wellness and Equality, doctors are on-the-take, big time:

"Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2. If your doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, that bonus jumps to $80,000. But here's the catch: Under Blue Cross Blue Shield's rules, pediatricians lose the whole bonus unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated, and that includes the flu vaccine. So it's not just $400 on your child's head--it could be the whole bonus. To your doctor, your decision to vaccinate your child might be worth $40,000, or much more, depending on the size of his or her practice."

It's a clear conflict-of-interest. And as such, one would expect an appropriate response from government authorities. But, no deal. The federal government is up to its eyeballs in its own conflicts-of-interest. The U.S. Treasury currently profits 75 cents per shot from vaccines, estimated to amount to approximately $50 billion, according to Catherine J. Frompovich. However, very little of that money ($3 billion) has been distributed to the victims of vaccines. Meanwhile, the revolving door for industry dollars and jobs continues to swing open-and-often between the CDC and the vaccine industry, as reported in How Conflicts of Interest Have Corrupted the CDC, by Dr. Joseph Mercola, MD.

So, why haven't some legal eagles sued the pants off of the vaccine industry? As with Opioids, our complicit U.S. Congress ran to the rescue of the industry and tied the hands of the legal community. In 1986, the U.S. Congress gave the vaccine industry "blanket immunity" from prosecution. Cynically, Congress also created a federal Vaccine Court, where victims of "vaccine injury and death" find themselves up against U.S. government attorneys. Even at that disadvantage, over $3 billion dollars has been paid out to victims from a trust fund, in what amounts to hush money. But that is just the tip of the iceberg of vaccine victims, since only about 1% of injuries are ever reported.

Where is the mainstream news media amidst all of this controversy and carnage? One callous cause for our muted news media is greed, best summed up in the following excerpt of an interview of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:

"The media is complicit in the cataclysm. At least part of the reason is financial. America is one of only two nations in the world that allows pharmaceutical ads on television. Drug companies are the largest advertisers on TV and radio. They spend $3-$5.4 billion annually to saturate the airwaves with 80 advertisements every hour. Anyone who watches network news quickly understands that it has devolved into a vehicle for selling pharmaceuticals. That lucre seems to have neutralized the news divisions at CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS. Fox News alone is uncorrupted, but only because its shameless purpose, from its inception, has been to promote the ascendancy of corporate power. Fox's former CEO, Roger Ailes, was sympathetic with the cause but he told me that he would have to fire any of his hosts who allowed me on his network to discuss mercury in vaccines or autism if I cost them an advertiser. He said, "Bobby, if I let you on to talk about vaccines, Rupert would be on the phone with me in ten minutes." https://worldmercuryproject.org/who-we-are/mercury-vaccines-cdcs-worst-nightmare/

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Lynn Landes is a Philadelphia-based writer, researcher, and activist in the fields of politics, health, and the environment. Her articles and opinions have been published in several books, films, and online publications.

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