All probable Republican presidential nominees are neoliberals. They will always act to serve the interests of the wealthy corporate elites. Politically speaking, that is the SOLE reason that they exist. For the Democrats, the only two plausible candidates are Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Clinton has a lifetime track record of being a shill for the elite corporatists. If elected, Clinton can be anticipated, with precisely ONE HUNDRED PERCENT certainty, to use her Presidency to serve those interests to the exclusion of all else. Therefore, where it counts for elites, which is utter, craven subservience to elite interests, she is a Republican.
Sanders alone is different. He has consistently espoused both political and economic democracy. Sanders has been absolutely consistent throughout his adult life in espousing these principles of democracy and equality. He is on record as supporting full equality for gays FORTY YEARS AGO! (10) Clinton was not for marriage equality until AFTER the majority of Americans were. Clinton is a follower. Sanders is a LEADER.
At this moment, oligarchy is being locked into place in America and across much of the planet. So called "free trade" agreements such as TPP, TAAP and TTIP will serve to lock into place neoliberal serfdom across the US and much of the planet. The Investor-State Dispute Resolution provision of these agreements will, effectively nullify governmental authority to do anything which business finds to be a constraint upon their present and future (i.e., imaginary) profits. (11)
All of these agreements are likely to be in place by January 2017 when the next President takes office. If that president is a neoliberal, modern feudalism, binding us all to an economic system which is rapidly making the planet unlivable will be locked in. At that point, we can expect only misery and likely eventual unpleasant death amid an ever worsening economy, in the context of rapid environmental disruption. Actual revolution, to take down the American government and all those who control it, will then be the ONLY remaining option.
That is, unless the next President is Bernie Sanders. Sanders CAN win the Democratic nomination. (12) A people-powered, people-funded mass campaign, taking full advantage of all caucus states and the varying rules of each state's primaries or caucuses, can be used to great effect--just ask Obama--that is how he defeated Clinton in 2008.
Here without further ado is the core idea: Sanders' 2016 campaign must BE the revolution. WE must provide the financial and campaign support required. Sanders needs our enthusiastic support. We need him--he is that rarest of American politicians--a principled LEADER. We must realize that, actual revolution excepted, it's now do-or-die time. The 2016 Democratic primaries and caucuses ARE the revolution. WE as well as Bernie Sanders, are the revolution. The future of the nation, indeed of the planet, is at stake. Time has run out. ACT! NOW!
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