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Michael P Byron is the author of The Path Through Infinity's Rainbow: Your Guide to Personal Survival and Spiritual Transformation in a World Gone Mad. This book is a manual for taking effective action to deal with the crises of our age including global climate change, peak oil, and political failure to deal with these and other problems.
His previous book is Infinity's Rainbow: The Politics of Energy, Climate and Globalization.
Byron-has a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, Irvine.--He teaches all aspects of Political Science and Political Economy in local colleges in the San Diego area.- He was the Democratic Party's candidate for United States Congress in California's 49th Congressional District in 2004. In 2002,-he- ran as a write-in candidate upon discovering that the Republican incumbent, Darrell Issa, had no major-party challenger.
Mike lives in Oceanside, CA with his wife, Ramona Byron. Both are Navy veterans.
(193 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 21, 2018 Endgame for a Traitor
When all Constitutional means of redress are blocked, then treason committed by a sitting US President, must be dealt with by other means.
(23 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 14, 2018 American Fascism Dead Ahead!
Assessment of Donald Trump's agenda. Every move he makes is calculated to advance his American fascist agenda.
(13 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 7, 2016 How Sanders Wins!
Description of a strategy for Bernie sanders to win the Democratic nomination at this summer's Democratic Convention.
(46 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 1, 2016 The Necessity of Not Voting Clinton.
Explanation of why NOT voting for Hillary Clinton in the general election, should she be the nominee, is essential.
(31 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 21, 2016 Bernie or Extinction.
Reflection of the absolute importance of voting for Bernie Sanders, and correspondingly, NOT voting for any corporate candidate for US President, EVER.
(22 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 13, 2016 Clinton NEVER!
Rebuttal of Bill Mahr's assertion that Bernie supporters MUST vote for Clinton, should she become the Democratic nominee.
(26 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 28, 2015 Nature Does Not Bargain
Forget war, forget politics, and forget the latest celebrity scandal. For, by far, the most important issue facing humanity at this time is accelerating climate change. Without dramatic action now, we are doomed. In fact it may already be too late. (1) Being an optimist, I hope not. However, failing to take effective action now, ensures that very soon, it will irrevocably be too late for humanity.
(19 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Sanders Campaign As Revolt Against Clinton's Neoliberalism
The rapid rise of Bernie Sanders in the polls reflects a deeper issue: American voters are decisively rejecting neoliberalism. I discuss the implication of this.
(10 comments) SHARE Friday, July 17, 2015 Politics as We've Known It Is Over!
Politics as usual, like business as usual is over. The existential threat posed by climate change in the context of neo-liberal capitalism mandates this conclusion.
(83 comments) SHARE Monday, June 29, 2015 The "Real Deal" Revolution.
Bernie Sanders' 2016 Presidential campaign is the vehicle for long overdue revolution in America. This article develops this idea.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 19, 2015 Now or Never.
Global civilization is now between the proverbial rock and hard place. Either we are doomed to collapse, or we are doomed to dire, likely unsurvivable, climate change. Both are near term emergencies. Both are due to usage of hydrocarbon fuels. The "bright side" is that there might still be a ever narrowing window of opportunity fro revolutionary change.
(40 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Recipe for an American Spring
Proposal for an American mass movement focused upon restoring democracy.
(21 comments) SHARE Monday, August 18, 2014 Game Over for Humanity?
Human survival requires a deep and fundamental change of worldview. Nothing else will or can suffice.
(21 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 23, 2014 Revolution Begins With You!
Given the vast existential problems of our civilization, we usually feel overwhelmed and powerless. While understandable, this is not necessary. There ARE actions we can undertake at our personal individual level which offer the prospect of revolutionary change at the societal level...