Spin-Cycle # 4 - Karl Rove was just helping out a reporter from printing an inaccuracy.
Before we address the lunacy of this defense, if confronted with this talking point simply say:
Karl Rove committed treason against the United States of America by violating section 421 of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, by revealing the secret identity of a covert operative to a reporter.
Spin-Cycle # 5 - Joseph Wilson is a liar.
Now, even if this smear was true, does that mean it is ok to violate federal law and potentially kill a CIA operative because their spouse is dishonest? No, once again, the answer when confronted with this spin is:
Karl Rove committed treason against the United States of America by violating section 421 of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, by revealing the secret identity of a covert operative to a reporter.
Now that we have dispensed with the absurdity of this excuse, the fact of the matter is that Joseph Wilson appears to be the only one telling the truth in this situation. He said back then that the Niger-Yellowcake allegations were bogus and guess what? He was right. Even if he was not, that does not give Karl Rove the right to betray this country by exposing Wilson's wife, who just happened to be working on the very issue (WMD) that Rove's boss still cannot find.
Spin-Cycle # 6 - Joseph Wilson went to Africa at the behest of his wife.
This is the most pathetic talking point. It has no relevance, so you should respond with:
Karl Rove committed treason against the United States of America by violating section 421 of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, by revealing the secret identity of a covert operative to a reporter.
But, let's debunk this for the last time. Valerie Plame DID NOT have a role in sending her husband to the Niger. This article by the Washington Post details that:
In here you will see that this line of disinformation was propagated by the defunct Talon News, of the male prostitute-Bush friend, Jeff Gannon. In summarizing this bunk the Post says, "CIA officials have challenged the accuracy of the INR document, the official said, because the agency officer identified as talking about Plame's alleged role in arranging Wilson's trip could not have attended the meeting." Rove whores who are clinging to this one, are clearly in desperation mode.
Spin-Cycle # 7 - Joseph Wilson supported John Kerry.
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