Karl Rove committed treason against the United States of America by violating section 421 of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, by revealing the secret identity of a covert operative to a reporter.
Spin-Cycle # 8 - Karl Rove did not technically commit a crime.
Is that what this has come to from the party that was so upset with the parsing of words committed by Clinton, that they impeached him for it? Do ethics matter anymore? Do the lives of our covert operatives and their networks matter any more? Does protecting us from WMD matter? Did it ever? Either way, I think it is safe to say that if this was a democrat president, he would already have been impeached so peddle the minimization to someone who does not remember the 1990's. For the record:
Spin-Cycle # 9 - The administration cannot discuss this due to the ongoing investigation.
Bush and Rove have hunkered down and have repeated the mantra that they will not talk about this because the investigation is ongoing. Nonsense. While they hunker down, they have sent out their emissaries of disinformation to do their dirty work for them. They do not have to speak ill of Joseph Wilson, a patriot, because they have their entire media machine to do it for them. On the circuit already have been Ken Mehlman, Newt Gingrich, Anne Coulter, and a host of thousands to tell us why Rove is the victim and how evil the democrats are. These disinformation operatives get their marching orders directly from the White House and the RNC. For an exclusive look at how they disseminate the lies, check this link out:
That is right. Secret memos are put out to the talking heads favorable to the White House to spin the story the way they want. Never mind that their talking points are rife with lies and more disinformation, that is the game Rove and Bush want. They want to ride it out until the next celebrity trial, Supreme Court nomination, or false flag terror attack can distract us again. Either way, they clearly had no trouble talking about this story during the investigation, BEFORE evidence arose implicating Rove. Scott McClellan repeatedly denied Rove's involvement on multiple occasions but now he has suddenly developed a respect for the prosecutor? Sure Uncle Scott, tell us the one about how 911 and Saddam were connected, that one never gets old.
Spin-Cycle # 10 - This is nothing but a partisan democrat attack.
Wow. So the party that is in complete control of everything, the media, the courts, the legislature and the executive, is being unfairly picked on by the democrats. Suddenly, the rule of law that was so priceless when they impeached Clinton for a lie about oral sex holds no weight when it pertains to their guy and how treason was committed against this country. There is nothing partisan about the truth America. This has been the cry of the right any time anyone has the temerity to bring up anything that might be vaguely critical of the administration. Bush puts forth a plan to cripple social security and they cry that any criticism of it is a partisan attack. Bush tramples the bill of rights at publicly funded appearances and they cry that any criticism is a partisan attack. A series of memos prove that Bush lied to Congress to go to war, and they cry partisanship. This from the party that impeached a sitting president on a straight party line, because of a personal indiscretion. Ok, sure. Hey Uncle George, tell us the one about how you were going to bring ethics back to Washington, that one never gets old.
Tell it walking though, because we have had just about enough of this administration and the constant dissembling. The corporate media will not let up though. It has been exposed now that they put out talking points to smear Joseph Wilson, who has served his country admirably and was hailed by George H. W. Bush as "truly inspiring" and "courageous" after sheltering more than a hundred Americans at the US embassy in Baghdad, and mocking Saddam Hussein's threats to execute anyone who refused to hand over foreigners. Now he is smeared daily by people who do not know him and simply are following the marching orders of Bush and Rove, while they maintain they do not want to comment on it because the investigation is ongoing, right.
The fact is that this should not be a surprise. In 1992 Karl Rove was dismissed from the re-election campaign of George H. W. Bush because he was caught leaking information intended to smear a political opponent to a national columnist. That national columnist was Robert Novak. No matter how much things change, they stay the same. These tactics have been used for some time now and very effectively by the disinformation machine. It is time to keep our focus and not fall for the smoke and mirrors. They want us talking about whether Wilson lied or that his wife recommended him for the Niger trip so that we do not connect the dots that are out there:
No matter how fiercely they try to spin they cannot escape that Karl Rove committed treason against the United States of America by violating section 421 of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, by revealing the secret identity of a covert operative to a reporter. That operative was working on the very issue that Bush knew was not in Iraq, WMD. These dots all connect back to the Downing Street Memos which prove impeachable offenses which must be prosecuted of we are ever to take our country back from the forces that care not about the people.
They will distract and dissemble. They will smear anyone who dares to stand against the machine. They will go before the people and claim to take the high road while putting out memos to their minions to do their dirty work for them. Not only do they have no ethics, they have no shame. It is time to wield the truth against such forces and stop the vicious spin cycle. I still believe America's power resides in the people, even if our alleged elected officials do not.
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