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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 7/17/16

Economic Hegemony Loss to China Looming! Powerful Investors Have Trump Call for an About Face

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Jay Janson
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Theater in a US Election

The current media managed US election process seems a playing out in public of indecision within the rich one tenth of one percent, who rule America and most of the world, indecision over whether to switch to less profitable investing in their home base America and Europe, or to continue wildly enriching themselves, heavily investing in the much higher profit rendering low wage economies of the rest of the world, thereby accelerating forward the arrival of the time when those Third World nations led by China will overtake the US and Europe in economic and political power and demand equity.

Billionaire Republican candidate Donald Trump seems to have been designated by a forward thinking powerful mass of investors to present a demand that government force America's wealth controlling deep-pockets to invest in a United States suffering from neglect, rather than continue to promote investing more profitably in the low wage economies of developing nations regardless of the consequences of speeding up development of future contenders for world power.

This group of major investors must be aware that hugely populated China will inevitably replace America as the world's most influential society and have therefore enabled Trump to come near to suggesting that it be better for the US to stop investing in profitable genocidal and illegal use of its Armed Forces, CIA, State Department, media and sanctions. Of course, though Trump might seem to be reproaching ruling investors in genocide with a least some of the truth, Trump dare not awaken sympathy for the innocent millions of victims of US firepower.

However, Trump, with wars promoting media either ridiculing him or making a blatant over the top show of frightened opposition, has been maintainingamong other things that the five trillion dollars spent on wars for regime change in the Middle East should have been spent in the US rebuilding its infrastructure; that NATO is obsolete; that the US should seek friendship with China and Russia; that he likes Xi Jinping and Putin, (America's perennial and sacrosanct mortal enemies!) and would get along fine with them. Trump has called the last two term Republican President, George Bush, a liar for having lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction and has voiced suspicion about the 9/11 attack that happened so easily on Bush's watch. Trump has disputed hailing Senator John McCain, 2008 Republican presidential candidate, a hero for having been shot down in Vietnam, and has condemned and ridiculed eighty percent of media's reporters and commentators as pathetic liars (which comes to the what is in reality that hundred percent, who are willing to preposterously describe America's running crimes against humanity as heroic deeds in defense of American freedom). Trump has asked, "why must the United States lead the world everywhere on the globe and play the role of the world's policeman, now for example in Ukraine? "Trump asks, "why does the United States always pursue regime changes - Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, and now it wants a regime change in Syria, Damascus, when the result is disaster." This wholesale attack on the 'patriotic' war establishment is unheard of.

Wow! Will a US president, spokesperson for Wall Street, someday go further and admit that the wars in Vietnam, Laos, Dominical Republic, Iraq, Libya, Cambodia, et cetera, were not heroic after all, as a start of telling the whole genocidal truth about all the rest of US foreign policy that former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark in his book,The Fire This Time - US War Crimes in the Gulf, calls, "the greatest crime against humanity since WWII."

Is it possible that the ever more wealthier investors in profitable genocide, financial fraud and profitable destruction of Mother Earth will find something even more worth investing in than that world war they have long been planning, preparing for and propagandizing us about? Could there be a self-rehabilitation of the most murderous criminals since those that ran the British empire from which Americans inherited that half of the world the British had plundered earlier? Could the eventuality of a future plethora of humanity adjusting lawsuits during a very plausible Chinese led renaissance of reason, intelligence and law, bring the trillion dollar wars speculating investment banking industry to end investing in the illegal and genocidal use of US NATO UN armed forces?

US power to sanction nations internationally has protected Americans from lawsuits seeking compensation for millions of unlawful deaths and tens of millions of injuries and malformed births, reparations for mega massive destruction of property and indemnity for colossal theft of natural resources. This power to threaten potential suers for indemnity, compensations and reparations with inhumanly cruel and illegal international sanctions will be lost in a multi-polar world.

When world economic power shifts Eastward, and eventually Southward as well, to the economies of the five centuries targeted, conquered, colonized, neocolonized, plundered and exploited nations of Asia, Africa and Latin America, a reconstituted United Nations, no longer under colonial power control, will surely make courts available to adjudicate a superabundance of lawsuits by Asians, Africans and Latin Americans seeking justice and economic restitution. Such devastatingly enormous lawsuits would make all the past investment in the illegal genocidal use of US Armed Forces and CIA to have been disastrously unprofitable in the end.

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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Dissident (more...)

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