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Minnie Mouse Groped

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Jason Paz
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Politico, much like the Main Stream Media, views politics as a sport. Sarah Palin's assertion that the Obama Administration would run health care 'Death Panels' is demonstrably false, yet Politico reports on the statement it in terms of its political effectiveness.

Extending the corporate media's journalistic culture to the web may be an effective business model, but it goes against the spirit of the alternative media. It is our job to call B.S, not promote it for ratings."

From The Daily Banter

Snowboarder's Secret Codes Tell Which Stocks are Going Up

He ignored everything he read and heard. Most of it is BS any way.

Instead he looked for the "hidden codes" that tell him with almost 100% accuracy which stocks are going up... and NOTHING ELSE. You see, this snowboarder might be a daredevil on the slopes, but when it comes to risking his money, he wants the odds firmly in his favor.

Now he wants to share the secret of these "hidden codes" with you. So you can grab a piece of the money-making action for yourself. (He's so rich now he doesn't mind giving away his secrets.)

From Street Authority Financial

The Wall Street community bundled different assets such as mortgages, credit card accounts and assorted debts into separate packages. They bribed the rating agencies to give the collections the highest evaluation [AAA]. When the housing market bubble burst, these assets became worthless. Since the government 'regulators' are ignorant of how to break open the toxic asset packages, the US now guarantees to make up for any losses.

Undoubtedly, the corrupt financial wizards will spend less time in the pokey than our groper. You see; everybody understands groping. Few people comprehend massive fraud.

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Born a month before Pearl Harbor, I attended world events from an early age. My first words included Mussolini, Patton, Sahara and Patton. At age three I was a regular listener to Lowell Thomas. My mom was an industrial nurse a member of the (more...)
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