Uranus' gift to us is illumination and liberation by whatever means necessary. Sudden dramatic events, sudden losses, sudden surprises may give us a freedom we didn't have before. This power is unpredictable. What if the Internet went down? Would we freak out or would we be surprised by how strong our internal psychic innernet actually is? Or would we be liberated from our attachment to technology and find community within our literal community? Uranus will always act for the greater good so when your life is disrupted, look for the opening in the situation and speak your Truth. And experiment! Uranus loves to experiment with life and find new possibilities.
Uranus is modeled on two ancient Greek figures. The first is the night sky god Ouranos, the cosmic partner of Gaia, Mother Earth. He is also the embodiment of the archetypal realm. His are the cosmic laws of life, which constantly experiment with the raw materials of the universe to see what new form they can create. Some experiments go wrong and never grow. Others evolve into higher forms.
Some astrologers believe that Uranus is modeled on the Greek titan, Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity so we could create culture and community. Prometheus, whose name means forethought, also gave us the fire of consciousness and was humanity's Great Awakener. He defied the gods by doing this--the original rebel with a cause--and paid a price for being both trickster and culture hero. Zeus had him bound to a rock where an eagle came every day to eat his liver, which grew back at night. The liver is the seat of emotions--especially anger. Perhaps the great god Zeus/Jupiter understood that higher consciousness can only be attained by understanding and integrating (eagle) our emotions--especially our anger (liver).
So call on the winds of change. Step into the archetypal role your soul has prepared for you. Spread your wings and lift off! (Cosmic Law 101: Change happens!)
Mars symbolizes the archetypal energy of desire, of will, of action. Mars, like the god Eros, arouses us to find our passion, our courage and our sense of adventure. When we don't honor and work with our Martian energies, they turn into anger, aggression, violence and war. Perhaps we need to ask those who want to go to war, 'what is it you really desire'? If you go to war to be secure, Uranus' innovative awareness can help Mars find a way for you to be secure without war. Mars energy will help you take action. It's up to you to know the right actions to take.
As the ruler of Aries, the sign of the Spring Equinox, Mars is the fire and desire of creation. When we dance with fire, we evoke our heroism and courage, our integrity and our strength. The fires of creation burn within all of us, but it takes courage to harness our passions. Mars is our physical energy, our ability to grapple with a situation until we discover how to get our needs met. Mars wants us to trust our instincts, just like fairy tale heroes who help and are helped by various animals they befriend on their adventures. Mars' actions are instinctual and concrete--our common sense at work. Determination and stamina, desire and protection--these are the qualities that Mars helps us develop.
When Mars is retrograde, this energy comes from within us; it's self-generated and grounded in our true desires. Mars in Libra wants us to make love not war, to seek peaceful resolutions to old antagonisms, to create art instead of violence. By standing up and protecting the rights of others, we protect our own rights. By courageously taking a stand for what we believe in, we can channel our inner Mars away from anger and into strength of purpose. (Cosmic Law 101: We are all in this together.)
Jupiter is the King of the Gods, symbolizing the spiritual force that upholds society, the guiding principles of a culture. Jupiter embodies the power of questioning and quests, the need to expand our understanding of life and death, the exploration of the possible. Jupiter's expansive nature comes just as much from curiosity as it does from cosmic principles. This power wants to see the possibilities of life, the bigger picture that surrounds our mundane life. Jupiter is the Teacher, the Guru, the Bard--the Sage who embodies the traditions that define our human experience. He guides us to new consciousness, new values and new possibilities. (Cosmic Law 101: We are all here on Earth to be Visionary Activists.)
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