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Cathy Pagano is a spiritual advisor and Jungian psychotherapist, storyteller, author and teacher.
She is the author of a book on the return of the Goddess, "Wisdom's Daughters: How Women Can Change the World".
Cathy trained at the C. G. Jung Institut-Zurich in dream interpretation, has an M.A. in Counseling Psychology in Feminine Spirituality, and is a certified Life Coach.
As an astrologer and storyteller, she weaves the Cosmic Stories written in the stars. From The Bard's Grove, she writes about emerging archetypal themes in movies and books.
Cathy works with the tools of the imagination - dreams, alchemy, myths, astrology, symbolic language, storytelling, ritual - to awaken the Soul's wisdom.
I believe that Americans are called to a higher consciousness at this point in our history. We are called on to live up to our ideals and create the country our forefathers imagined. Inner consciousness needs to be acted upon for social justice.
Cathy believes that our writers and artists must take up our responsibility to create art that inspires, teaches and heals our humanity.
Cathy writes about political, psychological/spiritual, and cultural issues.
Sunday, April 7, 2024 (3 comments) SHARE The Aries Solar Eclipse: Search for Identity The Whale Rider - How to Claim Your Identity
Since everyone in the US is being hit by eclipse fever, this will let you know what it all means. And if you take the time to watch "Whale Rider" you'll understand on a heart level what this eclipse means. It's time to heal and figure out your personal identity -- as well as your identity as an American.
Monday, March 11, 2024 SHARE America is Having an Identity Crisis: Right on Time.
America is going through an identity crisis. Will we be Christian nationalist fascists or will we choose to be Americans who believe in freedom and equality? This identity crisis is written in the sky as well as within each of us.
Friday, March 17, 2023 SHARE The Cosmic Story: Spring Equinox 2023 & Pluto's entrance into Aquarius
The Wheel of the Year is turning again and we enter the season of Spring/Autumn Equinox -- a moment of balance between Light & Dark. The cosmic energy of March is one of change. As Pluto is in the last degrees of Capricorn, we're seeing a repeat of the banking crisis that occurred when Pluto entered Capricorn, the sign of finance and government, in late 2008.
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 (3 comments) SHARE Saturn in Pisces: Renewing Our Archetypal Terrain
Saturn is the archetype that grounds us into our Root Chakra. Pisces is the mystical ocean of the collective Unconscious. What happens when we ground into that vast oceanic womb? Be prepared for a collective Mushroom trip for the next two and a half years. Work with the images and stories within you and let's see where we all end up!
Friday, September 10, 2021 (9 comments) SHARE Stop the World: We Need a Climate Strike
It's time to stop standing on the sidelines and demand climate action with a world-wide strike during the UN conference on climate change.
It will take all of us around the world who want to preserve our planet to stand up and do something together. We can't depend on our 'leaders' to make those decisions if we aren't pushing them to do it. A strike would do just that.
Friday, March 12, 2021 (1 comments) SHARE The Cosmic Story: Pisces New Moon 2021
This is the last New Moon of the astrological year of 2020. Pisces sends us back to the Source, a place where we have to surrender to the Truths of Life. As with all New Moons, it's time to plant seeds -- what have you learned in this year of isolation? How have you changed? How do you want the world to change? Plant your intentions for the coming year. Make it count!
Thursday, February 11, 2021 (5 comments) SHARE The Cosmic Story: A Magical Aquarius New Moon, February 11, 2021
Today's Aquarius New Moon has a pile up of 6 planets plus the asteroid Pallas in Aquarius. We haven't seen this type of energy since February 1962 when there were 7 planets in Aquarius. And you know how things changed back then! This is a time to envision a better future, one that is grounded and aligned with Mother Earth's creative genius. use the energy well!
Sunday, August 16, 2020 SHARE The Cosmic Story: Leo New Moon 2020
This week's Leo New Moon offers us a respite from the worries and frustration of the Covid virus. Leo says take a break and have some fun. Summer is almost behind us. Be creative!
Sunday, August 2, 2020 (1 comments) SHARE The Cosmic Story: Lammas & Aquarius Full Moon 2020
We're in the midst of summer now and celebrating Lammas, the Celtic festival of 1st harvest. Coupled with this energizing Full Moon, we get to see what we've harvested from this pandemic. Are we willing to take the steps and change our world or are we waiting for someone else to do it? This year is our opportunity to bring down the old regime if we have the courage to do it. Our protestors are on the front lines.
Sunday, July 19, 2020 (1 comments) SHARE The Cosmic Story: 2nd Cancer New Moon, July 20, 2020 The Divine Mother Gives Birth to a New Age
When you have 2 New Moons in the same astrological sign, it switches the lunar rhythm. As we travel through the deconstruction of society because of the pandemic, we get to re-imagine and then re-define who we want to be. Cancer is the sign of the Mother, and we all need to reclaim the positive mothering that allows us to love ourselves with all our imperfections. to be who we want to be -- not what our society wants us to be
Friday, July 3, 2020 (1 comments) SHARE The Cosmic Story: 4th of July Lunar Eclipse -- preparing for the next American Revolution
We're having a partial lunar eclipse on America's birthday -- July 4th. It's time to release the old societal structures that no longer work. If we look at the powerful Pluto cycle as a time keeper, we're in the same energy as the few years before the American Revolution. We are ready to have a new American revolution -- a peaceful one this time.
Monday, April 6, 2020 (4 comments) SHARE What Happened to Our Moral Character
I've been looking at our society and wondering where our moral values has gone. And I'm not asking from a Judeo-Christian perspective of morality.
Where are the stories and examples that can teach us and our children to grow up and be responsible?
Thursday, April 2, 2020 (1 comments) SHARE What the World Needs Now is Wisdom
Each day as I look at what's happening around the world due to the coronavirus,I see that the thing we need most is the thing that is lacking. The medical profession has great courage and fortitude, and some leaders are making smart decisions.
What I'm not seeing a whole lot of Wisdom.
As we all retreat to our rooms to self-isolate, instead of wasting all day watching Netflix, why not use this time to look at your life.
Monday, March 16, 2020 SHARE The Cosmic Story: Spring Equinox 2020 & a symbolic interpretation of the Pandemic
This year's Spring Equinox chart, which speaks to the whole year,is a roadmap to how to handle this pandemic.
I've written a symbolic interpretation of the spread of COVID-19 and the astrological signature of the moment.
We can reboot our society if we have the courage to stand up for a new way of life.
Let's look to the revolutionaries of 1776 to be inspired to get out from corporate control and get on with living life.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020 (1 comments) SHARE The Cosmic Story: January 2020: And So It Begins!
This weekend begins a year-long shift in consciousness. The old patriarchal paradigm is truly on its way out and a new vision of the future is becoming clearer. While Trump and company try to pull us back into the past, the cosmic energies are leading the way to the future. There's going to be a restructuring of our society - whether we like it or not. Let's make it work for us -- not corporations or the moneyed elite.
Saturday, September 21, 2019 SHARE The Cosmic Story: The Wheel of the Year: Mabon -- Autumn Equinox 2019
The Wheel of the Year keeps turning. We've arrived at the balance point of light and dark, both the Fall Equinox in the North and the Spring Equinox in the South. This Equinox chart sets the stamp on this season. It indicates tension and the need to look deeply at what we really believe. And then to act on it.
Are we up to it? I hope so.
Friday, September 13, 2019 SHARE The Cosmic Story: Pisces/Virgo Full Moon, Friday the 13th
Tonight's Friday the 13th Full Moon in Pisces is mystical, magical and practical. It's time to stop talking and start imagining how we want to live in a new way.
Go dance on the beach or lawn as the Full Moon rises, and see what information comes to you.
Thursday, August 1, 2019 (3 comments) SHARE The Cosmic Story: The Wheel of the Year: Lammas 2019
With Mercury going direct just as the Leo New Moon perfected, it's time to move ahead with our plans to secure our future needs. This means doing things differently than we're used to. It's not about saving up but about creating something that sustains us. Dump patriarchal thinking -- it's a dead end. Time to use our creative imagination to change things.
Monday, July 1, 2019 (46 comments) SHARE Why Democrats Need to learn the Art of Slogans.
The media is poking fun of Marianne Williamson's response to the debate's last question. But a lot of what she said during the debate was right on. We need to take a bigger view of things. We need to state the story so people are excited about the future. It's the heroes journey for all of us. So how can the democratic contenders beat out Trumps' 'make America great again' slogan?