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The Last Circle: Welcome to the Spookloop

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Donn Marten
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The murder case has been reopened and closed multiple times in the past 27 years. Sheriff's investigators have asked friends and former partners of District Attorney Investigator David McGowan whether he was working the case in 2005. An investigation concluded that McGowan murdered his family of five before shooting himself on May 10th, 2005. Surviving family members tell News Channel 3 they believe the investigation was rushed and incomplete.

Detective Powers and Rachel Begley were working on seeking jsutice for the murders when they met with Cheri Seymour who assisted them in gleaning important information on the case. She strongly encouraged Powers to get copies of the Paul Morasca Homicide Investigation File of which no electronic copies existed and access was restricted. The file, Case No. 82-1052505 was being stored with the San Francisco Police Department records and contained long missing files on the Alvarez murders which he has now backed up lest it be conveniently misplaced. An arrest warrant for Hughes was issued and he was apprehended in Septermber 2009 as he was boarding a plane in Miami for return to Honduras.

Hughes, a former head of security at the Cabazon reservation has admitted to being a hired gun for both the mafia and the CIA. Hughes incidentally was the guy who Financial Times reporter Anson Ng was allegedly chasing down when he himself was murdered in Guatemala in July of 1991. His organization, very originally named Jimmy Hughes Ministries is a testament to the adage of religion being the last refuge of scoundrels and provides cover by serving as a front for black ops such as the 2009 Honduran coup d'etat against president Manuel Zelaya who had to be deposed for being an ally of Venezuala's Hugo Chavez. Chavez is a man the U.S. power structure despises (and  has already moved against and failed) and whose ability to stand up to the United States plutocracy. His recalcitrance cannot be allowed to spread regionally lest the rivers of blood that have been loosed by dictators, their thugs and their CIA facilitators, most trained at the torture institute The School of the Americas stop flowing so that lust for money and power can be slaked. In The Last Circle it is noted that Hughes, sponsored by the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (FGBMFI) provided support for the overthrow. Hughes never ceased being a thug for hire, he just changed venues. 

Hughes has stated in a 1985 television interview that the Alvarez murders were "an authorized, government backed covert action" and was caught on video by Rachel Begley and Fred Alvarez's son Mikel during his Febuary 2008 appearance at an FGBMFI dinner event in Fresno stating that:

"I was trained in the military. I killed people all of the world, right or wrong, because the government ordered me to. Your dad and I were friends. He touched somebody"they gave an order and that's what happened to him. It's a lot bigger than the murder of this guy or the murder of that guy. It's big ". You're talking political people. "

Hughes also made veiled threats such as the chilling comment to Begley that "you've got to be crazy...you're knocking on some very dangerous doors..just think about your children..they need a mother" to Begley. Once arrested and extradited to California to stand trial Hughes was due to finally face the judgement of the law but then in another one of the travesties that plague the rotten to the core judicial system of this corrupt empire the case against Hughes were dismissed, and with a deft twisting of the knife, the charges were dropped on the very anniversary of the murders. Jimmy Hughes walked, perhaps he knew fully well where too many bodies were buried, that and he continues to serve the dark forces of The Octopus. As of this writing, Rachel Begley is not giving up, she has justifiably filed a formal complaint against Deputy Attorney General Mike Murphy, just another one of the charlatans masquerading as servants of the law in this terminally damaged republic.


Who Watches the Watchers?

The dismissal of the case against Jimmy Hughes is just another example of the vast corruption that has slowly eaten away at the once strong underpinnings of the American system of justice. Today, there is no consistent enforcement of the law; there exists a system that has been throughout the years rigged in order to allow those who have the financial means or the political connections to circumvent justice. In the post-9/11 era in which our once vibrant democracy has turned into something perversely un-American that has now very appropriately been named the HOMELAND, our true birthright, the civil liberties as set forth in the Bill of Rights have been eroded and are on the verge of extinction. All due to systemic corruption and the actions of The Octopus and those who serve it.

We have seen the gradual erosion of such long-standing legal principles such as Habeas Corpus which was disposed, under the guise (of course) of fighting 'terrorism'. Posse Comitatus has been struck from the books with the establishment of NORTHCOM and the surveillance colossus that grew out of PROMIS is rendering obsolete the right to privacy and the presumption of being innocent until proven guilty. Our airports have turned into something out of post-Stalin Russia with the TSA 'pat-downs' and naked body scanners and just this week, word comes that Janet Napolitano, top apartchik of the Department of Homeland Security will be appearing on TV screens in the nation's Wal-Marts with the "If You See Something, Say Something" inducement to report 'suspicious' behavior. The noose is tightening and as has been predicted by many of us, the entire gross facade of the War On Terror was only a ruse. Every oppressive tactic, every torture chamber and secret prison was being prepared for the real enemy: patriotic Americans demanding the truth and wanting to take their country back from the criminals who stole it. The entire system has now been transformed in order to protect the interests of criminals, looters and the progeny of The Octopus. You will see no serious investigation of the heads of Wall Street banks, their profits largely derived through fraud, money laundering and other ill gotten gains from cash cows such as drug trafficking. Nor will you see any war criminals, war profiteers or the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who cover up for them, rig the laws and engage in acts of subterfuge for money be prosecuted. This is the country in which we now live.

As Cheri Seymour writes:

"Every government official I talked to, every journalist, told me that nothing can be done to dismantle The Octopus, there is no one in office in this great nation that has the power to prosecute the Octopus criminals because the tentalces have become an integral, and accepted culture within our society, and indeed within our economy."

So the responsibility in stopping this all lies with us, me and you dear reader. I opened this essay with the quote from Anthony Sutton that appeared in The Last Circle : Be patient, spread the word among friends, do your little bit. The system will self-destruct because it is funded on corruption and untruth. This much is essential, for the only way to regain our freedom, dignity and liberty and to ensure that those who are guilty of a myriad of crimes are held accountable is to be tenacious in researching - and reporting on their crimes. The only two things that The Octopus, now fully assimilated into the system understands is power and money, the only thing that it fears is the truth.


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Donn Marten is a free lance writer and consultant who resides in West Central Florida.

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