Why The Clinton Government Has A Love Affair With Islamist Terrorists
During WWII, Adolf Hitler's Germany started a love affair with Islam. Why, you ask? Starting just before the turn of the century Prometheanism got its start in Central and Eastern Europe. Prometheanism is the adoption of nationalism as a prophylactic against the influence of Imperial Russia and later the Soviet Union. It was felt that ultra-national populations would reject this influence.
One of the regional groups was the Oriental or Middle Eastern Prometheans. Adolf Hitler's interest came from the idea that Islam was monolithic. If he could gain respected Islamic scholars, Hitler could win over the Islamic world to nationalism. If he could make that happen, his armies would quadruple in size overnight, based on a few fatwas (Islamic court rulings). Other than the success he had in the Balkans, for the most part, he failed. The US saw this and it simmered on the back burner of foreign policy for almost 40 years.
" Weaponizing Islam has often been a temptation for the United States, just as it was for Germany. In its battle against Moscow, Washington recruited Islamic leaders after WWII, most famously Said Ramadan, a major figure [Founder] in the Muslim Brotherhood. The United States even smiled on Saudi Arabia's funding of radical Islamist organizations, hoping that religion would serve as a bulwark against Soviet Communism." THE NAZI ROMANCE WITH ISLAM HAS SOME LESSONS FOR THE UNITED STATES -- David Mikics
From the folds of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda was born. Ayman al-Zawahiri is a former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt where it was founded. In 2009, the Muslim Brotherhood was studied to see what kind of partner they could be to the western world. What they found in Africa was that the "Brotherhood" wasn't a Muslim organization. In fact, it operated under so many auspices that they often didn't recognize each other. This is important because the Brotherhood is primarily a Promethean nationalist political organization. - The Muslim Brotherhood in the Wider Horn of Africa Stig Jarle Hansen and Atle Mes????y 2009
In an article titled "Terror, Islam and Democracy," Ladan and Roya Boroumand state that " Most young Islamist cadres today are the direct intellectual and spiritual heirs of the Qutbist wing of the Muslim Brotherhood." And further, "When the authoritarian regime of President Gamel Abdel Nasser suppressed the Muslim Brothers in 1954 (it would eventually get around to hanging Qutb in 1966), many went into exile in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Morocco. From there, they spread their revolutionary Islamist ideas -- including the organizational and ideological tools borrowed from European totalitarianism."
In a conference on Post-war fascism, John Reilly notes that today's Islamist terrorists are fascists, not Muslims. They have an easier time quoting fascist philosophy than they have quoting tenets of their supposed religion. - After the Third Age Eschatological Elements of Postwar International Fascism , presented by Professor John Reilly at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Center for Millennial Studies, Boston University, November 2 to 4, 2002
The Muslim Brotherhood is and has always been an ultra-nationalist and fascist organization. Almost every terrorist organization that calls itself Islamic is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood from Al Qaeda to IGIL. The United States policy for supporting them has never changed. It has always been about setting up another wall and another proxy in the fight against the Soviet Union and now Russia.
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