All through the Arab Spring, who was the recipient of US support? From Egypt to Yemen, to Libya, and across the board it was the Muslim Brotherhood and "Al Qaeda" elements. These elements went on and formed IGIL. The purpose is to light a fire under the Russian Federation and help with its dissolution.
If this is the case, I had better be able to tie the Muslim Brotherhood, Albania, and the Ukrainian Stepan Bandera's OUNb together neatly with the presidency of Bill Clinton.
The Ukrainian- American OUNb sent fighters to Afghanistan to fight alongside Osama Bin Laden. The Ukrainian emigres sent fighters to the Balkans to fight against the Serbs. The Ukrainian OUNb fought in Chechnya against the Russians. According to Jonathan Levy, from the late 1940's onward the OUNb absorbed every fascist group and fascist emigre group under its leadership. This included the Prometheans, which included the Muslim Brotherhood. - Madison, Wilson, and East Central European Federalism -A Dissertation submitted to The Division of Research and Advanced Studies Of the University of Cincinnati 2006 by Jonathan H. Levy
This ties up what you didn't know about Islamic terrorism. It was never the Muslims. It is always the fascists.
If the US can set up an Islamist state or put an existing state under control enough to play ball, they'll get support. The Promethean states need to live up to the dual loyalty system.
" Yet Clinton had Madeline Albright invite the KLA for training sessions to the U.S. As top Clinton administration official James Foley said: "(W)e believe that we have a lot of advice and a lot of help that we can provide to them if they become precisely the kind of political actor we would like to see them become."
The Clinton support of Hitler nationalists went across the Balkans and included the replacement Ustase nationalists in Croatia. The American-Balkan support is something Hillary Clinton can count on .
Now the money isn't coming just from the hyphenated-Americans, it's coming by buckets from the "old countries" themselves.
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