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Ukraine | Why Bandera Have the Largest Geo-Political Voice in EU

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George Eliason
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In 1945, at the founding of the United Nations, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was given founding member status. Eventually through the work of the ABN, UNC, and many other Bandera (include all captive nation countries under ABN), the UNC stepped into this position unofficially. Eventually all factions of the Ukrainian Diaspora would coalesce around the UNC and the government in exile of Ukraine. By the 1980's the Ukrainian National Republic government in exile became the only representation of a free Ukraine for Europe, the West, and its allies.

1950's Soviet Union

The Soviet Union that the world heard about during the Cold War until its collapse was the propaganda the Bandera developed about Stalinism.In January 1950, the Soviet Union offered a general amnesty to all Bandera fighters. During the 1950's the Soviets pushed out the last of the Bandera guerilla fighters and after Stalin the Soviets went through a period of de-Stalinization. This normalization made possible Bandera's resurgence in Ukraine.

Normalization (or Sovietification) meant taking all the different republics in the Soviet Union and homogenizing them in order create one nation. Part of that effort was to whitewash the Ukrainian Nazis from the history books, both to assimilate and protect primarily the Galician population that was left, from retribution for the genocide Bandera committed in west, central, and eastern Ukraine.

Because Nazism wasn't taught in school beyond the fact that it is evil, what Ukrainian ultra nationalism is was forgotten. Most survivors of the atrocities just did not talk about it. THus, in the 1990's, ultra nationalism could emerge and remain unrecognized in plain sight, growing into the organizational force behind the Orange Revolution and the Coup in 2014. All the pro-coup forces present in 2014 including Tryzub/ Pravy Sektor were active in 1991.

1950's Anti-Bolshevik Europe

In the late 1940's and into the 50's cold war fever spread across Europe. Governments began their move to the right and eventually far right, culminating in the UK with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Communist sympathizers in government were ferreted out. Anti- Communist groups such as the ABN became the go to networks for intelligence and sabotage efforts. During the 50's, Stetsko's ABN absorbed or destroyed every other group or network not previously aligned with it, and became the sole provider of intelligence to all of Europe's intel agencies and governments regarding the Soviet threat. These were the only Eastern European government structures that Europe ever dealt with for over 50 years.

During this time, European defense and foreign policy revolved around what their Bandera partners reported. When you consider everything that occurred during the Cold War, that is considerable. From the late 1940's until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, MI5 (British Intelligence) dealt exclusively with Bandera groups. Europe was introduced to all the various governments in exile and especially the Ukrainian. These are the only Eastern European partners Europe ever knew. During this period it became the policy of Western European countries to help free the captive Soviet bloc nations, support the governments in exile' claims to legitimacy and protect their rights.

The Hapsburgs and Bandera 1960's and 70's

The Hapsburg monarchy helped guide the leadership in their former possessions. The Freedom Council was formed by Otto von Hapsburg and Yaroslav Stetsko at a conference in Munich on June 30-July 2 1967, as a coordinating body for organizations fighting communism in Europe.

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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