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Ukraine | Why Bandera Have the Largest Geo-Political Voice in EU

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George Eliason
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Ukraine and the Eastern Bloc- Developing the Ultra

From 1917 to 1921 Ukraine existed as three independent states; Western Ukraine, Ukraine, and the Donetsk--Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic (disbanded 1918 and integrated with Soviet Ukraine).

During this time, no Ukrainian government lasted more than a year before being overthrown by increasingly ultra nationalists; however, the Southeastern region was never a part of ultra national Ukraine.

The government of West Ukraine (Galicia) and Ukraine formed a loose mainly symbolic union based on ultra nationalism.Each had its own national government, army, and laws. Simon Petliura, one of the original leaders of the Hapsburg countries to sign onto Prometheanism. But even as the recognized dictator of Ukraine he was forced to move the government into exile.The only acceptable form of government to a Ukrainian is the Galician (West Ukraine) model of extreme ultra-nationalism. Petliura is revered as a hero in Western Ukraine and a butcher everywhere else for his pogroms, torture, and murder.

As the Soviet Union grew stronger, Poland set up what it and eventually the West would consider the only legitimate governments of the Promethean countries.

Promethean Countries whose leaders emigated

  1. The Ukrainian People's Republic, to Poland, France and Czechoslovakia;
  2. Georgia, to France;
  3. Azerbaijan, to Turkey and France;
  4. Kuban and Don, to Czechoslovakia;
  5. The Northern Caucasus' Mountain National Center, to Turkey;
  6. The Armenian National Center, to France;
  7. The Tatar National Centers (Crimea, Idel-Ural, Turkestan), to Turkey, France and Poland

Eventually, with the addition of a few more anti-bolshevik countries (in exile) they would be looked upon as a mini- UN by the west. The common denominators were that all are extremely ultra nationalist and all have a common hatred for Russia.

Prometheanism is still very active today, focusing on destroying the perceived Russian imperialism.

** Note: With this development, unless otherwise specified, Bandera is used as a generic term which, like its synonym Nazi, should be used as a group description for all "in exile" governments under direct Bandera leadership. All of the above listed have been.

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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