With the tragedy of Newtown affecting so many
Americans, not just the victims and their families, I think the time is right
for a united campaign by moderates and liberals as well as conservatives with a
conscience to push back hard against the bullying extreme right. The influence
that the N.R.A. has gained over the years is unconscionable. It is time for
both politicians AND the media to stand up and be counted. I am very critical
of many in the mainstream media who pussyfoot around the right wing. I suspect
that many in the cable news industry are more concerned about their jobs and
ratings than they are about the well-being of the USA. MSNBC is a notable
We seem to forget that WE are responsible for
sending politicians to DC, no one else. I hear people bemoaning the fact there
will be a vacant seat in Massachusetts that is likely to be filled with Scott
Brown. If people are so concerned, get behind the Democrat who will be in the
race rather than crying in your beer, for God Sakes. And work your butts off. I
am talking citizens from across the USA; there are ways to get involved in
Massachusetts. Also, lend strong support to Elizabeth Warren, a great
progressive, who is coming into the senate. I am more of a moderate than a true
progressive, but i am enormously inspired by the guts displayed by Warren, as
well as her cogent message.
It is definitely time to stand up and be counted.
It is clear that the USA is threatened by those whom I feel lack conscience on
the right, Grover Norquist, Rush Limbaugh, Lindsay Graham, to name just a few.
Also, rather than merely bemoaning the influence of
big money on elections, prove that big money does not buy elections, through
your hard work for candidates who DO possess a conscience. This lesson was
actually learned in the presidential election, but it will have to be learned
over and over again before the rich give up trying to use their money,
primarily, to sell their chosen candidates. Of course, we need campaign finance
reform and another challenge of the Supreme Court's Citizen United decision.
I also urge liberals and moderates to stop
backbiting Obama instead of getting behind him. This does not mean you should
not voice your opposition to some of his stands, but he is head and shoulders
superior to anyone on the right today who tries to demonize him and bring him
down. My own view is that Obama will be seen as one of our greatest presidents.
I, personally, intend to fight as hard as I can to
support liberal and moderate policies and to oppose the far right.