1.) Total revolutionary change of our government, to be run by an "equality party", a government that is not influenced by capitalism, socialism or communism, but governs for the benefit of the country as a whole, rather than on behalf of some at the expense of others, and2.) A government under which there is a new system of Economic distribution that does not depend upon capitalism but is what I would call a true equal opportunity system.3.) A combined system that leaves the running of government to the experts and the running of the economy to workers.
a.) that we give as much support as we can to third party candidates who share our ideas at the state legislative level, as well as to our local officials who would give those state representatives inspiration and political support.
b.) Concurrently we must advocate for an Article V. Constitutional Convention supported by, hopefully, those parties we have supported at the State level and
c.) participate actively to assure any such convention will be dominated by delegates who share our ideas and goals, and people seeking real change;
d.) become active in promoting a Constitutional Convention that will result in adequate re-write of our constitution to promote a new form of government that will be run by an equalityParty, or at least something akin to an equality party, and which cannot be captured by capitalism, socialism or communism.(More on that subject in another article.)
e.) Finally, another long process, bring about means by which our economy begins on a path to domination by worker-owned businesses. (Also subject to another article.)
Public Citizen gives us a link, where we find the article Citizens United is Just the Tip of the Iceberg by Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap who Serves on the Executive Committee Move to Amend. She is Field Organizing Coordinator for the campaign. She says here "At the crux of the [electoral] crisis are two core legal doctrines. One is "corporate personhood," a court-created precedent that illegitimately gives corporations rights that were intended for human beings. The other is "money equals free speech.An amendment to the US Constitution is the only lasting solution to this problem. The only amendment worth fighting for MUST address both doctrines. As a quick refresher, here is are some examples of why we must abolish ALL corporate constitutional rights:" Her conclusion is that a LASTING (emphasis mine) amendment to the Constitution is imperative and that "the Move To Amend coalition suggests that we should not limit our vision and actions."
From all that I have read, these actions by Move to Amend may include the efforts which co-exist beside, and is a friend of, Public Citizen and Wolf-PAC and other such rebellious organizations including those actions calling for an Article V, Constitutional Convention. Certainly there would be many enemies of an Article V Constitutional Convention because many politicians and regular citizens presently have a big stake in our system as it exists today, and these people are afraid such a Convention could lead to the loss of some of the benefits they now have. Many do not realize they, too, will slowly lose whatever they have left unless we get major changes.
It will take a lot of unselfish people to be willing to potentially sacrifice what they have for the benefit of our country. Thom Hartmann who also provides a link to Move to Amend in his transcript of his show, has talked extensively about the sacrifices made by the Founders of our Constitution. In summary he ends by saying they were unselfish for the most part, risking it all for the benefit of the nation, and that we need more people like that today. He states also that
"These were people who didn't send others' kids off to war but fought it themselves - these were people who didn't give kickbacks to the bankers and robber barons but fought to restrain the power of banksters and business - these were people who didn't get richer and richer the longer they stayed in office but who usually retired from public office broke.
"These were people who risked it all - and in some cases - gave it all up - for the best interests of this nation.
"We need that same mentality from our lawmakers today.
To put our government back into the hands of the people, go to Move to Amend dot org\. That's The Big
My position is that the path to "lasting amendment to the Constitution" is by an Article V Constitutional Convention, and I am supporting that effort with Wolf-PAC. Some people have argued with me that neither Thom Hartmann nor Move to Amend have endorsed an Article V Constitutional Amendment, yet it appears they are certainly prepared to consider it based on all they have written. What you want and/or how you get it are always debatable. But the best pros and cons about the value of an Article V Constitutional Convention, which I, myself, advocate, come from experts on Constitutional Law to be discussed in a later article.