Using thinly veiled religious arguments to quash our civil rights, millions of dollars were bilked from Mormon, Catholic, and Southern Baptist congregations and millions of voters were duped into voting for a shell game of biblical proportions.
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Key witnesses bailed, intimidated by the--could it be the truth contained in our civil rights argument?--that the heteros are doing "harm" to the institution of marriage with their "irresponsible procreation"? ( )
As procreation has been one of the chief reasons to maintain discrimination against gays and lesbians, the failure of Mr. Cooper, the attorney arguing in support of gay/lesbian discrimination, to make a convincing case leaves nothing but prejudice and old-fashioned hatred as the prime impetuous against gays and lesbians in the USA. No state has passed laws making procreation a requirement to obtain a marriage license or to remain married, yet such a specious argument was made to preclude our gay and lesbian citizens from the full inclusion in our American social fabric.
Perhaps, just maybe, the homo-hating hetero monopoly that rules on what's right and wrong, permissible and objectionable, has been broken, regardless of how the Supreme Court eventually rules when Perry v. Schwarzenegger makes it to DC.
Maureen Dowd of NYT on the Prop 8 closing!
Cooper failed to reflect the fervor of the anti-gay-marriage proponents who frothed in 2008, direly warning that marital parity would cause moral damage, hurting children, helping the devil and destroying civilization.
He tepidly offered an apocalyptic warning: "Without the marital relationship, Your Honor, society would come to an end." He blamed "irresponsible procreation" -- even though heterosexuals are the more likely perpetrators.