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A Wartime Cheeto

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David Cox
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Step out the front door like a ghost
Into the fog where no one notices the
Contrast of white on white. Counting Crows

A canvas of white linen, a polar bear in a white towel eating vanilla ice cream in a white bowl in a snowstorm. In the middle is Joe Biden, but he's invisible in the contrast of white on white. Tasteless, odorless and not Donald Trump. The third attribute being the most important, but the pattern is set. America has voted and the message they sent is, Not Donald Trump. That's all they want is, Not Donald Trump. Joe Biden is qualified for this position by virtue of being anyone besides, Donald Trump.

He's from the corporate wing of the Democratic Party, same as Hillary Clinton. No surprises, no changes, but Not Donald Trump. Working people will get no relief and the problems which plague us today, income Inequality and healthcare will continue to plague us" Make no promises and you don't owe them nothing! The other day Joe Biden advocated for a $12 an hour minimum wage"where does he live? People won't get out of bed and piss for $12 an hour. Bernie's $15 was four years ago.

"Necessitous Men are not Free Men"- FDR

Shuttered schools provide feeding stations for children too poor to be fed at home. And the problem is"? Tens of millions without healthcare because? Millions sleeping in cars or couch surfing because they can't afford rent. We used to have little kids pick slag out of coal until we made it illegal to use little kids. The minimum wage should be indexed to inflation and taken out of the hands of corporate politicians.

Recent events have made it clear, the refined art of wage suppression. But guess what? Let that economy get itself in trouble and hey you! Sit right there while we write you a rather large check! The last time we got a government check the Iraq war was attached to it. They ain't going to give away free money without a hook in it. Especially Donald Trump! Do you want to know how bad it is"they're giving away free money. They've screwed the pooch and they know it. The artificially low minimum wage forces economic insecurity when times are good. When times turn bad a serious situation becomes a critical crisis.

More at: https://carbonbaselife.car.blog/2020/03/19/a-wartime-cheeto/

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I who am I? Born at the pinnacle of American prosperity to parents raised during the last great depression. I was the youngest child of the youngest children born almost between the generations and that in fact clouds and obscures who it is that (more...)

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