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A rising tide of anger and frustration spreads across America, generating positive actions

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Michael Payne
Message Michael Payne

When we have a government and leaders that are clearly not up to the task of solving this nation's many problems, then it's time for others to step forward, provide that leadership, and initiate positive actions to make things happen. So let's take look at some of the positive actions being taken by states, local governments and the American people.

Right now what could be a more important issue than healthcare? This pathetic attempt to replace Obamacare looks like some variation on a three ring circus, with a bunch of clowns performing in the center ring. It's more than a bit disheartening to see the gross incompetence of those who are supposed to be developing a new healthcare program.

What the Republicans have come up, in the words of Sen. Bernie Sanders and many other observers, is a total disaster and cruelty in the extreme. The Congressional Budget Office has issued a report indicating that 22 million Americans enrolled in Obamacare will lose medical coverage by 2026, 15 million in the next year; and that will result in a transfer of some $600 billion in tax cuts to the richest Americans.

Why in the world come up with such a piece of trash? All the Republicans had to do was to take the Obamacare program and fix the areas that are not functioning in an effective manner; that are driving up premiums and deductibles and causing insurance companies to opt out? That was entirely achievable and it would have solved the problem. But Republicans had only one objective and that was to kill Obamacare.

Republicans were not able to approve this legislation before they went on their summer recess. And as they return to their states and districts guess who's going to be waiting for them? Huge numbers of really angry people who want real answers and not a lot of empty rhetoric. These politicians are going to feel the fury of those who believe that they are being betrayed.

In these groups of angry Americans there are going to be many Trump supporters who are a part of the working class that helped greatly in getting Trump elected. These supporters believed everything he told them during the campaign.

He repeatedly promised that in his healthcare plan no American would lose medical coverage; he promised that "We're going to have insurance for everybody;" he said that he would "save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security without cuts."

Well, I guess we should say he lied or deceived or issued a "fake statement" because the CBO report just issued indicates the opposite; that many millions of those under Obamacare will lose coverage.

The promises he made on pre-existing conditions are nowhere to be found in the plans submitted by the House and Senate. These plans would also be devastating for the women of America, especially those on Medicaid. Planned Parenthood, an essential program that helps women in many different ways, would be defunded, at least in the first year.

Talk about positive action, I think we are going to see just that when more and more Trump supporters are going to wake up to the fact that this clever manipulator really "did a number on them", that he simply used them as a political tool to get elected; and that he has no intention of following through on his fake promises. There is a good chance that they will pay him back in spades for this betrayal.

Here's another example of positive action also relative to healthcare. The states of California and New York are intent on developing state-managed single-payer healthcare systems for all their citizens. Vermont has been attempting to do this in the last few years and New Jersey is giving it serious thought. This is a good sign for the future and maybe the very best solution for this healthcare issue; stop waiting for the U.S. government to do something when it is not up to the task.

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